Property for Sale

Trenton Cancels RFP For Bell Telephone Building

Public Notice:

CANCELLATION  NOTICE TO BIDDERS  RFP2014-23  The City of Trenton is Cancelling the Request for Proposal scheduled to be received on JUNE 25, 2014 AT 11:00AM in City Hall Annex, Division of Purchasing, 1st floor, 319 East State Street, Trenton, New Jersey, 08608 for:  THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE FORMER BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING LOCATED AT 216 EAST STATE STREET (BLOCK 607, LOT 14)  Clarifications, amendments, additions, deletions, revisions and or modifications are being made to the Request for Proposal. The Request for Proposal shall be re-advertised at a later date.  The link to request a copy of the proposal is http://www.  It is the responsibility of prospective respondent’s to visit the City of Trenton’s website at for any addenda issued prior to the request for proposal opening at  Respondents shall comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975 C127. (N.J.S.A. 17:27et seq.)  City of Trenton Isabel C. Garcia Purchasing Agent RFP2014-23 609-989-3135 6/20/2014 $19.72  

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