Monthly Archives: July 2016

New Subdivison in Sea Bright For Mr. Wang

Notice Content

BOROUGH OF SEA BRIGHT Please be advised that on May 24, 2016 the Borough of Sea Bight’s Unified Planning/ Board memorialized a resolution Qiang Wang, for property known as Block 30, Lots 56, 59,60, 61 & 62 Sea Bright, New Jersey for major subdivision approval of block 30 lots 56, 59, 60, 61 & 62 to create six new fully conforming lots. This application and resolution are on file in the office of the Unified Planning Board Secretary, Borough of Sea Bright, 1167 Ocean Avenue, Sea Bright, NJ, and is available for inspection during normal business hours. Kathy Morris, Secretary Borough of Sea Bright Unified Planning Board ($19.50)

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