Voorhees Planning Board to Conduct Hearing on 22 Lot Residential Subdivision


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of December, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. (preceded by a caucus at 7:00 P.M.), a hearing will be conducted by the Voorhees Township Planning Board in the Municipal Building at 2400 Voorhees Town Center, Voorhees, New Jersey at which time any party may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney, and present any relevant testimony or otherwise participate in the hearing on the Application filed by Planland, LLC. This Application seeks relief from a condition of approval associated with the Planning Board’s grant of a Major Subdivision to establish twenty-one (21) residential building lots and one open space lot on that property situate at and known as Block 206, Lot 12 of the Official Tax Maps of Voorhees Township. More specifically, the condition sought to be waived or modified requires a payment to the Township for the removal of trees necessitated by the proposed construction activities and improvements proposed in this development.

The Application and supporting documents are on file in the Office of the Planning Board, 2400 Voorhees Town Center, Voorhees, New Jersey and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Please take further notice that the Planning Board may in its discretion adjourn, postpone or continue this said hearing from time to time and it is suggested that diligent inquiry of the Planning Office should be made concerning adjournments, postponements or continuations of the hearing.
Barry N. Lozuke, Esq. Attorney for Applicant Planland, LLC 131 Delaware Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 Tel: (856) 848-3454 (1641291) ($35.64)

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