Bloomfield Planning Board to Hear Age-Restricted Housin

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPEAR BEFORE  THE BLOOMFIELD PLANNING BOARD  An application requesting development approval has been filed by Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC, for 390 Franklin Street, Block 311, Lot 13. The applicant seeks the following relief:  Final Major Site Plan approval, waiver of Site Plan requirements and variance relief, including a variance to exceed the maximum front yard setback; to allow for less than the parking spaces required; to pierce the Sky Exposure Plane and to obtain the bonus height to allow for a building of five stories.  Applicant will also seek any other relief the Board deems appropriate.  The indicated approval is requested to permit the applicant to construct 82 Senior/Age Restricted Affordable Housing Units.   The Bloomfield Planning Board has scheduled a public hearing on the application to be held on January 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey.   This application may be reviewed in the Board Secretary’s office in Township Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, New Jersey during the ten (10) days prior to the meeting. This notice is required by law and is being published at the direction of the Planning Board.  Dated: December 30, 2013  Heritage Village at Bloomfield, LLC  /s/ Diane Dabulas, Esq. By Diane Dabulas Rogut McCarthy LLC  Counsel for Applicant 1/3/2014 $80.04  
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