Main Street Barnegat to See Mixed Use


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Enterprise Development Corp. has made application to the Barnegat Township Planning Board for preliminary and final major site plan approval to permit the construction of a mixed use development consisting of five buildings containing two restaurants, grocery store, eleven retail stores and thirty second floor apartment units at the property located at 97 and 107 South Main Street, Barnegat, NJ, also known as Block 195, Lots 5 and 6.01 on the official tax map of the Township of Barnegat.
Applicant will seek a bulk variance to permit a front yard set back of 83′ from South Main Street (30′ required); front yard set back of 66.8′ from Old Main Shore Road (30′ required). Applicant will seek any other variances that may be required by the Barnegat Township Planning Board at the time the application is heard at public hearing.
A public hearing has been ordered for Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Court Room, 900 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ, at which time all interested parties may appear personally or by agent or attorney and present testimony pertinent to this application.
Documents are available for inspection at the office of the Board Secretary, 900 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ, during regular business hours, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
Kelly & Visotcky, LLC
Richard P. Visotcky, Esquire
Attorney for Applicant
($37.80) 065353

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