Applicant to Request 21 Lot Subdivision in Lakewood

Notice Content

TOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD Public Notice YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED as required by law and in compliance with Chapter 305-E of the Township of Lakewood Unified Development Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) that the Planning Board of the Township of Lakewood, Ocean County, New Jersey, will hold a public hearing July 5, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey to consider the application of Arm Realty and Construction, LLC (the “Applicant”) for the following approvals: 1. The subject property is located in Block 433, all lots, Block 434, all lots, Block 435, Lots 6,7 and 1.01, Block 436, Lots 1-3 in the Township of Lakewood in the R-12 Single Family Residential Zone (“The Property”). 2. Applicant seeks the following: A. Major Subdivision Approval to subdivide the Property into twenty-one (21) single family lots. B. In the R-12 Zone, the minimum required lot width is ninety (90) feet. Applicant proposes lot widths of 82 feet on proposed lot 1.02, and 60 feet for several of the lots and hence requests variances for same. C. In the R-12 Zone, the minimum required front yard setback is thirty (30) feet. Applicant proposes front yard setbacks of twenty (20) feet on three proposed new lots and hence requests variances for same. D. Applicant further seeks such other variances and/or design waivers that the Board may require as may be disclosed on the plans. Plans and other related documents to be considered at the hearing are on file in the Office of the Lakewood Township Planning Board at 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey and are available for inspection during regular business hours. DATED: June 22, 2016 ______________________________ MIRIAM B. WEINSTEIN, Attorney for Applicant ($55.50)

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