City of Elizabeth Looks at Redevelopment

Notice Content

TAKE NOTICE THAT, at its Thursday, July 07, 2016, a regular meeting, The Planning Board of the City of Elizabeth took the following actions: Approved the following application: P-07-16, 651 Kapkowski Road, JG Elizabeth II, LLC, The Mills @ Jersey Gardens Mall, and; TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, the following Redevelopment Plans, and other items were approved, and recommended to City Council for action: presented by Victor e. vinegar, pp, pe, City Planner: 1. Condemnation Redevelopment Study for 56-78 Murray Street Parcel; 2. Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Study of 1029-1061 Newark Avenue Study Area; 4. An Ordinance #_TBD_, to amend & Supersede, Section 17.52.100, of the Land Development Control Ordinance, Chapter 17, “Fees for Professional Services, re: Deposits with Municipality-Escrow, & Interest”, and; TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, the following application was tabled to September 1, 2016, notice required/no fee: P-10-15, 852-854 & 856-858 Jersey Avenue, 852 Jersey Holdings, LLC; 3. A Condemnation Redevelopment Study of the East Broad Street Redevelopment Area. GORDON HAAS, BOARD CHAIRMAN 7/25/2016 $60.45

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