Perth Amboy Introduces Ordinance to encourage Mixed-Use Environment

Public Notice:

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID ORDINANCE WILL BE FURTHER CONSIDERED FOR FINAL PASSAGE BY SAID MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THAT BODY, TO BE HELD AT PERTH AMBOY CITY HALL, 260 HIGH STREET, PERTH AMBOY, NJ ON NOVEMBER 13, 2013 AT 7:00 PM AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD CONCERNING SAME. ELAINE M. JASKO, RMC/MMC CITY CLERK Amended Focus 2000 The City of Perth Amboy’s Redevelopment Plan Volume 4 – Redevelopment Plan Area 3 – Amended Sections to be amended in Volume 4 – Redevelopment Plan Area 3 are as follows: 9.6 Special Use Zone 3-D The purpose of the Special Use Zone 3-D is to promote a mixture of commercial and residential land uses within a newly created mixed-use environment that will serve the community needs and create new business and employment opportunities. Pedestrian movement is encouraged within the development. Walkways shall be provided interconnecting the various mixed-use elements. 9.6.1. Permitted Principal Uses a. Commercial The commercial portion of the tract will be located along Convery Boulevard and the southerly portion of the tract for a total of not less than 11 acres. 1. Retail establishments 2. Business, professional offices, banks and fiduciary institutions 3. Nursing Home 4. Assisted Living Facilty 5. Medical laboratory facilities 6. Service establishments dealing directly with consumers b. Residential The residential portion of the tract will be located on Chamberlain Avenue frontage and restricted to no more than 4 acres (Phase 1 Area) of the total tract. . Pedestrian movement is encouraged between the permitted and accessory uses on the entire tract. A portion of the residential development shall be devoted to open space/recreational use. 1. Townhouses 2. Multifamily Housing 3. Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing 4. Age Restricted Housing 5. Private/public passive or recreational facilities, such as sitting areas, walking paths, swimming pools, tennis courts, ice-skating rinks, basketball courts and recreational uses may be lighted provided that such lighting shall be directed away from all adjacent lots. 9.6.2 Permitted Accessory Uses a. Private garage space for the storage of motor vehicles. b. Health clubs, recreation or gathering facilities incidental to permitted residential uses. c. Property management facilities, tool sheds, greenhouses and similar uses or structures incidental to permitted residential uses. d. Fences, wall, gates, hedges, etc., subject to municipal codes and requirements. e. Temporary sales or construction trailer(s): 1. The trailer(s) shall be located on the same lot as the principal permitted use and shall meet all setback requirements for principal buildings in the zone. 2. The trailer(s) shall be shown on a plot plan for the principal permitted use. 3. Trailer(s) shall be permitted to remain only for the period of construction, renting or sale of the permitted use. f. All accessory uses as permitted in the 3-C Special Use Zone, subject to all restrictions specified herein. 9.6.3 Conditional Uses Uses requiring a conditional use permit, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of the Perth Amboy Land Development Ordinances (Chapter 430) a. Home occupations b. Structures for public utilities and municipal services as necessary to provide adequate service and protection to the surrounding area, subject to the provisions of this chapter. 9.6.4 Application Procedure Prior to any application being filed with the Planning Board for a redevelopment area, all proposed redevelopment plans and specifications shall be filed with the Perth Amboy Redevelopment Agency for review and approval and compliance with the Redevelopment Plan. Upon review and approval by PARA, applications for redevelopment approvals shall be filed in accordance with Section 430-27 of the City of Perth Amboy Zoning and Land Development. Included in the application shall be an electronic version of the proposed plan, in ACAD or Arcinfo-GIS format. Minimum information to be provided in the site plan approval application is as detailed in the City of Perth Amboy Zoning and Land Development ordinances. Additional information may be required as detailed in the redeveloper agreement or this document. 9.6.5 Bulk Standards Bulk standards are set forth below. a. Minimum Tract Size 1. The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres. The tract may consist of contiguous lots totaling 10 acres in size with frontage on an approved right of way. b. Minimum Lot Dimensions (Entire Tract) 1. Frontage 500 feet 2. Width 500 feet 3. Depth 500 feet c. Permitted Intensities of Development 1. The maximum residential density of twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. (Phase 1 area) 2. Maximum combined building coverage for residential and non-residential uses of thirty percent (30%) shall be permitted. 3. Maximum impervious coverage for residential uses of sixty percent (60%) shall be permitted. 4. Maximum impervious coverage for non-residential uses of eighty percent (80%) shall be permitted. d. Minimum Setbacks All perimeter setbacks shall be measured from the property line of the overall tract to be developed. All setbacks shall meet with the standards details in the Bulk Standards table, unless specifically set forth below. 1. Non-residential Uses: a) Minimum front yard 35 feet b) Minimum side yard 25 feet c) Minimum rear yard 45 feet 2. Residential Uses: a) Minimum buffer between any residential building and the overall tract boundary line shall be 20 feet. b) Building setbacks from internal roadways, parking areas and driveways shall be sufficient to allow for landscaping, open space, light, air, walkways, etc. c) Minimum separation between buildings side to side shall be 30 feet. d) Minimum separation between buildings rear to rear shall be 50 feet. (without separation by roadway or driveway) e. Maximum Building Height 1. Non-residential Uses: a) Principal building 4 stories of occupied space / 50 feet b) Accessory building 1 story / 15 feet 2. Residential Uses: a) Principal building, townhouse, apartment and multi-family 3 stories / 40 feet b) Multi-family Senior Housing 4 stories / 50 feet c) Accessory building 1 story / 25 feet g. Building Projections and Extensions Projections and extensions to buildings including structural canopies, balconies and bay windows may extend into the setbacks so long as such projections and extensions are not supported by footings and foundations and do not extend beyond any property lines or into public rights-of-way. 9.6.6 Parking Requirements a. Off-street Parking Parking spaces, with appropriate access thereto, shall be provided on the same lot it is intended to serve, in accordance with the provisions of the Residential Site Improvement Standards subject to the following minimum standards: 1. Retail/Office Parking: 1 off-street parking space per 300 sq. ft. gross floor area 2. Townhouse Dwellings: 2 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit 3. Apartment Dwellings: 1.5 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit 4. Lofts and Flats: 2 off-street parking space per dwelling unit 5. Senior Apartments: 0.75 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit b. Off-street Loading Off-street loading berths for all retail and office establishments having a gross floor area in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet; one (1) loading berth for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area. All off-street loading areas shall be located at the rear of any use and shielded from public view. 9.6.7 Use Distribution The following distribution of permitted uses shall be required in relation to gross acreage of the proposed project: 1. Non-residential – not less than 70 percent of the total tract area 2. Residential – not more than 30 percent of the total tract area 9.6.8 Signage a. General Requirements 1. All signage (street, directional and facility) details will be provided in the proposed site plans for City review and approval. 2. Street signs shall be placed at all intersections, well lit and clearly legible. 3. All retail/commercial signs shall be flush mounted and project no more than 15 inches. 4. Awnings and canopies of a type and style consistent with the architecture and style of the buildings shall be permitted. Awnings and canopies containing a logo and/or the building’s address number shall not be considered a sign. 5. No sign shall be flashing or animated. 6. Roof signs are prohibited. 7. Billboards and signboards are prohibited. 8. No sign shall be painted directly on buildings. 9. Window signs shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the window surface on which the display appears and shall be prohibited above the second floor. 10. Commercial banners, flags and pennants shall be permitted subject to review and approval of PARA and the Planning Board. Such banners, flags and pennants should be designed to reflect a consistent theme and placed to enhance the architecture and design of the surrounding buildings, streetscape and open space. 11. During construction, one (1) sign for each project phase, for the construction financing lender and for the entire development indicating the name of the project or development, general contractor, subcontractor, financing institution and public agency officials (where applicable) is permitted. Each sign area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall be attached (where there is an existing structure) or freestanding (where there is new construction). 12. All signs are subject to site plan review. b. Use Signage The following additional signage restrictions shall apply to specific uses. 1. Residential Two (2) signs per building may be allowed, not to exceed forty (40) square feet, in addition to any required public safety or address signage. 9.6.9 Design Criteria and Standards for Redevelopment Unless specifically addressed in this Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Area shall be governed by Chapter 430, Article XII et seq. Design Standards and Improvement Specification of the City of Perth Amboy Zoning and Land Development Ordinance. Redevelopment shall not be permitted in the district unless the following requirements are met. a. General Conditions 1. Such development is to be developed in phases according to a comprehensive plan for Phase 1 and Phase 2 2. There shall be continuity of design throughout the redevelopment area. This continuity can be achieved through consideration of elements of fa?ade composition (such as fencing, cornice or soffit line, floor to floor elevation, etc.) through the use of related materials, by maintaining roof pitch, by continuing a line of street trees, decorative lamp posts and so forth. 3. The designated developer shall demonstrate that the redevelopment and each stage thereof will not cause any substantially adverse environmental impacts beyond those already identified by PARA. 4. The designated developer shall demonstrate that the incremental requirements for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and the utilities for the area will be adequate for the completed new development plan. 5. A public sanitary sewerage and public water supply system shall serve all buildings or uses. 6. Distribution lines for all utility systems shall be placed underground. All easements shall comply with City requirements. Any removal or rerouting of currently existing utility lines within the redevelopment district shall be the sole responsibility of the Redeveloper. 7. The designated developer shall demonstrate that the means for vehicular and/or mass transit access to the development will be adequate and complete for the redevelopment plan of the area and each stage of construction. 8. The designated developer must provide pedestrian access to the redevelopment area that will be adequate for the full development plan and each stage thereof, will encourage pedestrianism and use of mass transportation and will provide for the integration of the development with other portions of the City of Perth Amboy. 9. All undeveloped properties shall be suitably landscaped. 10. All work shall meet the latest Federal Fair Housing Act and ADA guidelines for materials and installation. b. Appearance of Buildings 1. Townhouses shall be designed in architectural styles with front stoops with iron railings, varied facades, heavy gauge asphalt shingled peaked roofs, eave cornices and double-pane insulated glazing systems. 2. Low-rise and mid-rise structures shall have a base with a cornice line. The building facades shall be articulated with setbacks, scale enhancements and constructed of durable materials. The area above the base shall express a style or design uniqueness. 3. All new buildings fronting on public streets shall be oriented to the front and relate to public streets and plazas, functionally and visually. 4. All buildings shall be compatibly designed, whether constructed in stages or at one time. All building walls facing any street or residential district line shall consider scale and architectural features of adjacent buildings and be suitably finished to aesthetic purposes. 5. Primary entrances to buildings are to be clearly marked. 6. Blank facades facing the street line shall not be permitted. 7. Front, side and rear elevations of buildings shall be finished in low-maintenance or maintenance-free material. 8. New rooftop elements such as, but not limited to, HVAC equipment, elevator housing, exhaust pipes and other mechanical equipment are to be fully screened from view. 9. Fire escapes are to be internal. 10. All elevators shall provide adequate width and length within the elevator car and shall provide adequate elevator door width for emergency services use as required by the Uniform Construction Code. 11. Architectural accent and safety lighting on structures shall be encouraged. 12. Fencing, where visible from the street, shall be a decorative fencing. Heights of the decorative system shall depend on the design of the structure or use behind the fencing system. At no time shall street fencing extend higher than four (4) feet. 13. Fence colors shall be dark green or black. At no time shall white fencing be used. 14. Fencing at rear yards shall be decorative wood or metal fencing. Metal fencing shall be as outlined above. Wood fencing shall be “board-on-board” or other decorative type fencing. Stockade type fencing shall not be used. c. Parking Facility Design Requirements 1. Minimum off-street parking requirements shall be in compliance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards and the attached Bulk Standards table. 2. Parking spaces shall measure nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet deep, unless otherwise modified by the standards herein. 3. Small car parking spaces measuring eight (8) feet wide by sixteen (16) feet deep will be permitted provided the total number does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total parking provided. 4. All aisles shall be twenty-four (24) feet wide. 5. Surface parking areas facing public streets shall be screened and landscaped by evergreen vegetation or by other landscaping approved by PARA or the Planning Board. Evergreen plantings must be a minimum of four (4) feet in height. Spacing of vegetation will be determined at the time of site plan application based on species. 6. Surface parking lots shall be landscaped through the use of protected planting islands or peninsulas. Interior parking islands shall be landscaped with a minimum of one (1) deciduous tree (3″ caliper) planted for every seven (7) parking spaces or according to other landscaping standards approved by PARA or the Planning Board. 7. Planting islands or peninsulas located within surface parking lots are to be curbed using granite block curbing. 8. Vehicular access to parking facilities shall be located and designed to minimize conflicts with pedestrian circulation and to facilitate emergency vehicle access. 9. Parking facility lighting is to be sufficient to provide for adequate security (not less than 0.5 horizontal foot-candle average lighting level at the surface). d. Streetscape Design 1. Brick pavers shall be installed in crosswalks (cartways) to define pedestrian crosswalks. 2. Continuous Portland concrete cement sidewalks are to be equipped with depressed curbs at all intersections to provide barrier-free accessibility. 3. Sidewalks area to be constructed of materials in accordance with the City of Perth Amboy design criteria, including concrete with brick inlay. 4. Sidewalks are to be a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide in retail/commercial areas and five (5) feet wide in residential areas. 5. A decorative brick paved edge approximately two (2) feet wide shall be installed between the curb and sidewalks along all street right-of-ways. 6. Continuous sidewalks are to be constructed throughout the redevelopment area. 7. Concrete curbing, where provided, shall be nine (9) inches by twenty (20) inches and shall meet the current requirements set forth by the City of Perth Amboy as well as the NJDOT guidelines for materials and installation. 8. Decorative stone curbing shall be granite block set into a concrete bed. 9. Street lighting is to be low-wattage, incandescent or LED lamps providing not less than one-half (0.5) horizontal foot-candle average lighting level at the surface. 10. Streetlights are to be fully enclosed/shielded. 11. Streetlights are to be a decorative type pole mounted lighting fixtures consistent with the architectural style of the proposed project. “Cobra” type light fixtures shall be discouraged except where required to provide appropriate foot candles at pedestrian walkways. 12. Streetlights are to be provided at a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet intervals. 13. Pollution-resistant street shade trees are to be planted along the sides of public streets, at regular intervals, twenty-five (25) feet on center. Trees shall be ten (10) feet from directional signs, twenty-five (25) feet from stop or yield signs, twenty-five (25) feet from street lights and twenty-five (25) feet from the curbline of an intersection. 14. Street trees shall have cast iron tree grates or have brick or granite block pavers at the perimeter where the architecture requires special treatment. e. Roadway Construction 1. Public streets within the redevelopment district are to be paved with crosswalks at each intersection. 2. All roadways are to be designed to promote controlled traffic patterns and speeds. 3. Roadway construction materials are to be in compliance with the City of Perth Amboy Design Standards. 4. Right of Way dedications shall be provided as required by the City of Perth Amboy and NJDOT. f. Stormwater Management 1. Site development shall require a stormwater management system designed and installed prior to the development of the site. 2. The Stormwater Management design shall seek to use methods to reduce the rate of post-development runoff below the runoff rate under existing conditions. 3. The system shall be sized for the stormwater and natural drainage water that originates not only in the area being developed but for any offsite drainage currently flowing through the redevelopment project area. 4. Additional requirements of stormwater management area as detailed in Section 430-79 and 430-80 of the Zoning and Land Development for the City of Perth Amboy. g. Prohibited Uses 1. Any use not permitted within any Special Use Zone. h. Traffic and Circulation 1. A detailed traffic study analyzing the development’s impact on the existing roadway system shall be filed with the development application. ATTEST: JOEL PABON, SR. Council President ELAINE M. JASKO City Clerk
APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK J. BLUNDA Director of Law ($320.58) 885636  

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