Borough of Highands, Monmouth County, Planning Board to hear mixed-use 49 unit townhouse application.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, NAVESINK CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC, has applied to the Planning Board of the Borough of Highlands for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval as well as Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision Approval and associated Bulk Variance relief for the construction of 49 residential townhouses together with a restaurant, Marina office and shop with associated parking, utilities and boat loading ramps.
The property located at the intersection of Willow Street & Locust Street, just north of Shore Drive, also known as Block 101, Lots 17.02, 27, 27.01, 30 and 30.02; and Block 102, Lots 8 and 9 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Highlands; as well as a Portion of Lot 1 (1.02) of Block 7 in the Borough of Atlantic Highlands. The property is located in the MXD Zone of the Borough of Highlands and this is a permitted use.
The Applicant also seeks the following Variances:
1. Minimum Setback where 0.93 is provided and 15-foot minimum is required for proposed Lot 27.03;
2. Maximum Impervious Coverage of 89.33 % is proposed where a maximum of 80% is permitted for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03;
3. Six (6) dwelling units per structure are provided where a maximum of five (5) dwelling units are permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
4. Maximum of six (6) connected townhouse units with 0 foot variation in setback is provided where a maximum of two (2) connected townhomes without a variation in setback is permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
5. Minimum of 59.25 foot spacing between front-to-front window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 75 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
6. Minimum of 15-foot spacing between end-to-end window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 30 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
7. Minimum of 9.38 feet spacing from building face to residential roadway is provided where 20 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
8. 112 parking spaces are provided for the residential site and 100 spaces are provided for the restaurant and marina site, where 117 spaces and 162 spaces are required, respectively for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03.

The Applicant also seeks the following Design Waivers:
1. Curbing is not provided on both sides of all new streets and along the tract frontage of existing streets as required in Ordinance Section 21-65.4;
2. Parking spaces or access aisles are less than the required setback of 20 feet adjacent to residential uses per Ordinance Section 21-65.14;
3. The minimum townhouse dwelling unit width is 18 feet, which is less than the required minimum width of 24 feet per Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.15;
4. Parallel parking spaces are provided in the residential portion of the project when Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.12.a stat4es that there shall be no parallel or diagonal parking.

The Applicant also seeks any and all other variances and/or design waivers which may be necessary to accommodate the application as filed or as revised by the Planning Board. A copy of the Application has been filed in the office of the Borough of Highlands Planning Board, which is located at 42 Shore Drive, Highlands, New Jersey and may be inspected during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at Highlands Elementary School, 360 Navesink Avenue, Highlands, New Jersey, at which time you may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present any objection which you may have to granting this Application.
Dated: October 30, 2013
125 State Highway 35
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Attorney for Applicant
($108.00) 891499

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