Jersey City

Jersey City Board of Adjustment to Hear Application for Brunwick and First, LLC

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF HEARING    Please be advised that an Application for: Brunswick and First, LLC, Applicant/Owner 102-1 10 Brunswick Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302   Major Site Plan approval, Variance for non-permitted use, Variance for Side and Rear Yard; Variance for Building Height; Variance for building and coverage as well as any other variance(s) the Board may deem as required, has been filed with the:  Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment for property located at: 102-110 Brunswick Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302  B1ock(s) 11005 Lot(s) 34   The purpose of this application is to:  Approve the construction of a four story, ten (10) unit building for mixed commercial and residential use.  Any person interested in this application will have the opportunity to address the Board at the meeting of Zoning Board on February 20, 2014 at 6:30pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  Plans are available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00am and 4:00pm at the City Planning Division, Zoning Board of Adjustment, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  By: Brunswick and First, LLC, Applicant/Owner  February 7, 2014   02/10/14 $132.57  

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Jersey City Planning Board to Hear Mixed Use at 251 Newark Avenue

Public Notice:

   CITY OF JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY PLANNING BOARD 251 NEWARK AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY Block 1110, Lot 5.  PUBLIC NOTICE   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of January, 2014 the Planning Board (“Board”) of the City of Jersey City adopted a resolution of approval granting to Cheesecake Lofts, LLC (“Applicant”) preliminary and final major site plan approval to develop a multi story structure consisting of 20 residential units, 1 commercial unit and parking. The project is located at 251Newark Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, also known as Block 1110, Lot 5. The project is in the Village Redevelopment Zone. The matter was approved at the meeting of the Board held on December 3, 2013.  The application and aforementioned resolution of approval are available for public inspection at the Division of City Planning, City of Jersey City, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey during normal business hours.  Dated: February 5, 2014 James J. Burke, Esq. James J. Burke & Associates 235 Hudson Street Ground Floor, Commercial Unit Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 201-610-0800 Attorney for the Applicant   02/12/14 $85.00  
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Jersey City “Powerhouse” Redevelopment Area may add 281 Units

Public Notice:

 PUBLIC NOTICE    This notice is being provided pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12 to advise that an application has been filed by 160 First Street Urban Renewal, LLC with the Jersey City Planning Board for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval with deviations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c) (maximum building height) for approval of the phased development of two (2) fourteen (14) story residential buildings consisting of a total of approximately 281 residential units with approximately 104 parking spaces (Phase I is proposed to have up to 159 residential units and 64 parking spaces; and Phase II is proposed to have up to 122 residential units and 40 parking spaces); and ground floor commercial/retail/gallery space in connection with the property identified as 160-168 First Street, 169-173 Second Street, and 376-378 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey, which is also identified on the Jersey City Tax Maps as Block 11502, Lots 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, & 14 (formerly known as Block 173, Lots J, 127, 126.A, B, C, E, & F). The property is located in the Transition Zone of the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan.   Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval with amendments was previously obtained for the Property, which permitted the construction of approximately 212 residential units with approximately 43 parking spaces, and ground floor commercial/retail/gallery space. The purpose of the application is to separate the development project into two separate development phases, and develop the properties with two buildings with an increase in the number of residential units from 212 to 281 and increase the number of parking spaces from 43 to 104.  The Applicant is seeking the following deviations, waivers and/or exceptions from the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan and the Jersey City Land Development Ordinance in connection with this application:  1. The Applicant is seeking relief from the maximum building height.  2. The Applicant is seeking any other deviations, exceptions and/or waivers that the Planning Board shall deem necessary in connection with this application.   Any person interested in this application will have the opportunity to address the Planning Board at the meeting of February 25, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  Plans are available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m. at the City Planning Division, 30 Montgomery St., 14th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  By:Charles J. Harrington, III, Esq.  Attorney for the Applicant  201-521-1000  02/14/14 $85.00  

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