East Main Street LLC

Will Bound Brook be bound to the Revo Redevelopment Application for 105 Residential Units?

Notice Content

NOTICE OF HEARING BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK PLANNING BOARD TAKE NOTICE, that on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., a public hearing will be held before the Borough of Bound Brook Planning Board at the Bound Brook Municipal Building located at 230 Hamilton Street, Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 to consider the application of REVO Bound Brook, LLC for Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval and such variances, deviations, waivers or relief that may be required upon an analysis of the plans and testimony at the PUBLIC HEARING for properties located at 504-507 East Main Street, designated as Block 13.03, Lots 1 and 12.01 and Block 13, Lot 10.01 on the Tax Map of the Borough of Bound Brook, New Jersey and situated in Zone B/R (Business/Residential District) and Redevelopment Zone Sub-Area 1.4. The Applicant is proposing to demolish all existing buildings and construct a new, six-story, mixed use building containing one hundred and five (105) apartment units and 5,740 sq. ft. of retail space along with associated parking areas and signage. Currently, Block 13.03, Lot 12.01 and Block 13, Lot 10.01 are owned by the Borough of Bound Brook while Block 13.03, Lot 1 is owned by 507 East Main, LLC. The properties are part of a Redevelopment Plan encompassing the existing Bound Brook Hotel in addition to additional parcels in the vicinity. The application and supporting documents are on file with the Secretary of the Borough of Bound Brook Planning Board and may be inspected at the Borough of Bound Brook Municipal Building, Planning Department, located at 230 Hamilton Street, Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9:00 a .m. to 4:00 p.m. Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the regulations of the Municipal Land Use Law and rules of the Board. Hehl & Hehl, PC Attorneys for the Applicant 12/23/2016 $93.00

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