Geriactrics Hospital

Belleville Planning Board Passes Resolution on Amendment One

Public Notice:

BELLEVILLE TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AMENDMENT NO. 1  REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE FORMER ESSEX COUNTY  GERIATRIC HOSPITAL   WHEREAS, the Township Council adopted a resolution on October 15, 2013 whether an amendment to the June 22, 1993 Redevelopment Plan involving part of Block 2501, Lot 1 is necessary for the effective redevelopment of the former Essex County Geriatric Hospital within the redevelopment area pursuant to the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law; and WHEREAS, after a duly noticed public hearing on March 13, 2014, the Planning Board adopted Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan for the. Former Essex County Geriatric Hospital dated January 2014 which encompassed Block 2501, Lots 1. 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 2 and 3; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined the Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the Township Master Plan and recommends that the Township Council adopt this amended Redevelopment Plan; BE IT RESOLVED, the Township Planning Board adopts Amendment No. 1 Redevelopment Plan for the former Essex County Geriatric Hospital. Lois Trabucco Planning Board Recording Secretary   Belleville Times 3655776 Fee: $14.10 March 20, 2014
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