
Lakewood Planning Board to Hear Shopping Center Redevelopment Application for just Under 200,000 sf

Notice Content

TOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD PLANNING BOARD OCEAN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Township of Lakewood (the “Township”) will, on January 3, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 3rd Street, Lakewood Township, Ocean County, New Jersey, 08701, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing (the “Hearing”) to consider an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval, minor subdivision approval, “bulk” or “c” variance relief, design waiver relief, and such other relief and approval as may be determined by the Board or its consultants to be necessary (the “Application”) made by Lakewood Shopping Village, LLC (the “Applicant”) and Cedarbridge Development, LLC (“Cedarbridge”) to permit the development of an approximately 196,820 sq. ft. shopping center consisting of thirteen (13) retail buildings along with associated site improvements including internal driveways, means of ingress and egress, parking, curbing, landscaping, lighting, signage, stormwater management facilities, and the like (the “Project”) at that certain real property within the Township located at the corner of Pine Street and the Avenue of the States and formally identified on the Township’s tax map as Lot 1 in Block 961.02 (the “Lot 1”). Lot 1 consists of approximately 86.84 acres and is located in the Township’s DA-1 Cedarbridge Gioropment Area Zoning District (the “Redevelopment Area”). Lot 1 has been determined by the Township to be an “area in need of redevelopment” and the Township has adopted a redevelopment plan that governs development on Lot 1 (the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Plan, adopted pursuant to Ordinance 1990-143, January 25, 1990, as subsequently amended) (the “Redevelopment Plan”), all in accordance with the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. § 40A:12A-1, et. seq. (“LRHL”). Cedarbridge is currently the designated redeveloper of the Redevelopment Area. Lot 1 consists of vacant and underutilized land. The Applicant and Cedarbridge jointly propose to subdivide a 48.44 acre portion of Lot 1, to create a proposed new lot (the “Project Lot”) on which the Project is proposed to be developed. The Applicant then proposes that the Project will be developed in two phases. The first phase is proposed to consist of the construction of seven retail buildings (with associated site improvements) and the second phase is proposed to consist of the construction of six additional retail buildings (with additional associated site improvements). At full build-out, the Project is also proposed to include a playground area. The Project has been designed to conform to the requirements of the Lakewood Township Unified Development Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) and the Redevelopment Plan, however, the Applicant will seek “bulk” or “c” variance relief in accordance with the LRHL and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. § 40:55D-1, et. seq. (“MLUL”) to permit a front yard parking setback of 6 ft. whereas the Redevelopment Plan requires a front yard parking setback of 20 ft. The Applicant will also seek any other variances, waivers, exceptions, approvals, or other relief determined by the Board or its consultants to be necessary, without further public notice. A copy of the Application and supporting documentation is on file in the office of the Board Secretary at the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 3rd Street, Lakewood Township, Ocean County, New Jersey, 08701 and is available for public inspection during regular business days and hours. This Notice is given pursuant to the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the Hearing at the time and place herein stated and be heard on this Application. LAKEWOOD SHOPPING VILLAGE, LLC By: Michael A. Bruno, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, PC 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Attorney for the Applicant ($108.75)

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Bordentown Waterfront Village Application to be Heard

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 8, 2015, at 7:30 PM , the Township of Bordentown Planning Board (“Board”) will hold a public hearing at the Township of Bordentown Municipal Building, located at 1 Municipal Drive, Bordentown Township, New Jersey 08505 or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn to thereafter, to reconsider an application by BORDENTOWN WATERFRONT COMMUNITY, LLC (“Applicant”) for preliminary and final subdivision approval and amended preliminary and final site plan approval for proposed development at property located on the southbound side of Burlington-Bordentown Road (County Route 662, just north of its intersection of U.S. Route 130) and designated as Block 140, Lots 5.01, 5.02, 10-16, 18 and 19, Block 140.01, Lots 1-3, and Block 141, Lot 4 on the Township of Bordentown Tax Map (“Property”). The Property consists of approximately 98.11 acres, and is located in the Waterfront Village Redevelopment Zone, and contained a prior industrial use. The Board previously granted approvals for the Bordentown Waterfront Community project for construction of multi-family buildings, senior housing and retail/commercial space in accordance with the redevelopment plan for the Waterfront Village Redevelopment Zone.

The Applicant is seeking preliminary and final subdivision approval to consolidate a portion of existing Block 140.01, Lot 2 into Block 140.01, Lot 1, and to subdivide Block 140.01, Lot 1 into two new proposed lots, Lots 1.01 and 1.02.

The Applicant is seeking amendment of preliminary site plan approval previously issued for the entire Property for phased development of the Property consisting of Phase I and Phase II. Final site plan approval was previously issued by the Board for the Phase I portion of the development consisting of 159 residential apartments in 3 buildings known as the East Village Apartments which are currently under construction, 1 senior housing building consisting of 62 units, and 3 retail buildings consisting of 21,650 sq. ft of retail space. The Applicant is seeking amendment of the Phase I final site plan approval, to establish final site plan approval for proposed Phase IA development on Block 140.01, Lots 1-3 consisting of approximately 4.61 acres of the Property to construct: a convenience store and gas station in one (1) building consisting of 5,496 sq. ft. on Proposed Lot 1.01, Block 140.01; two (2) retail buildings consisting of 7,712 sq. ft. on Proposed Lot 1.02; and one (1) mixed use residential building containing 28 residential units and 5,686 sq. ft of retail space. Phase IA is proposed to consist of a total of 4 buildings, 28 residential units and 18,894 sq. ft of retail space and 154 associated parking spaces.

The Applicant will seek the following variance relief from the Township of Bordentown Land Use Ordinance (“Ordinance”) and the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A . 40:55D-1 et seq ;

1. Side Yard Setback : Relief from the requirement for a 15 foot side yard setback on proposed Lot 2, Block 140.01, whereas 9 feet is proposed.

2. Building to Curb Set Back : Relief from the requirement that the proposed mixed use building on Proposed Lot 2 be set back from the curb by 15 feet, whereas an 11-foot setback is proposed for the mixed used residential building and a 4-foot setback is proposed for the convenience store on Proposed Lot 1.01.

3. Signage : Relief from the Redevelopment Ordinance provision limiting signage to 1 wall mounted sign and 80 sq. ft., whereas a total of 7 signs, 5 of which are proposed as wall mounted signs and two of which are proposed as freestanding signs, are proposed. The proposed total square footage of the 2 proposed freestanding signs is 147.5 sq. ft. and the total square footage of the 5 proposed wall mounted signs is 212.3 sq. ft.

The Applicant will also seek such other variances/waivers, permits and/or exceptions as the Board may deem necessary for this application without further notice.

A copy of the application and supporting documentation are on file in the Board Secretary’s Office located at 1 Municipal Drive, Bordentown Township, New Jersey 08505 and are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours.

This Notice is given pursuant to N.J.S.A . 40:55D-1 et seq . Any interested person may appear in person, through his/her attorney, or through his/her designated agent at the public hearing at the time and place herein designated and be heard on this application. BORDENTOWN WATERFRONT

By: Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701-6777 Attorney for Applicant

Adv. Fee: $103.04
BCT: Dec. 28, 2014
Aff. Chg: $20.00

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Bordentown Township Planning Board to Hear Revised Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 21, 2014, at 7:30 PM, the Township of Bordentown Planning Board (‘Board’) will hold a public hearing at the Township of Bordentown Municipal Building, located at 1 Municipal Drive, Bordentown Township, New Jersey 08505 or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn to thereafter, to reconsider an application by BORDENTOWN WATERFRONT COMMUNITY, LLC (‘Applicant’) for preliminary and final subdivision approval and amended preliminary and final site plan approval for proposed development at property located on the southbound side of Burlington-Bordentown Road (County Route 662, just north of its intersection of U.S. Route 130) and designated as Block 140, Lots 5.01, 5.02, 10-16, 18 and 19, Block 140.01, Lots 1-3, and Block 141, Lot 4 on the Township of Bordentown Tax Map (‘Property’). The Property consists of approximately 98.11 acres, and is located in the Waterfront Village Redevelopment Zone, and contained a prior industrial use. The Board previously granted approvals for the Bordentown Waterfront Community project for construction of multi-family buildings, senior housing and retail/commercial space in accordance with the redevelopment plan for the Waterfront Village Redevelopment Zone.
The Applicant is seeking preliminary and final subdivision approval to consolidate a portion of existing Block 140.01, Lot 2 into Block 140.01, Lot 1, and to subdivide Block 140.01, Lot 1 into two new proposed lots, Lots 1.01 and 1.02. The Applicant is seeking amendment of preliminary site plan approval previously issued for the entire Property for phased development of the Property consisting of Phase I and Phase II. Final site plan approval was previously issued by the Board for the Phase I portion of the development consisting of 159 residential apartments in 3 buildings known as the East Village Apartments which are currently under construction, 1 senior housing building consisting of 62 units, and 3 retail buildings consisting of 21,650 sq. ft of retail space. The Applicant is seeking amendment of the Phase I final site plan approval, to establish final site plan approval for proposed Phase IA development on Block 140.01, Lots 1-3 consisting of approximately 4.34 acres of the Property to construct: a convenience store and gas station in one (1) building consisting of 5,446 sq. ft. on Proposed Lot 1.01, Block 140.01; two (2) retail buildings consisting of 8,032 sq. ft. on Proposed Lot 1.02; and one (1) mixed use residential building containing 28 residential units and 5,800 sq. ft of retail space. Phase IA is proposed to consist of a total of 4 buildings, 28 residential units and 19,328 sq. ft of retail space and 155 associated parking spaces.
The Applicant will seek the following variance relief from the Township of Bordentown Land Use Ordinance (‘Ordinance’) and the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq;
1. Side Yard Setback: Relief from the requirement for a 15 foot side yard setback on proposed Lot 2, Block 140.01, whereas 9 feet is proposed.
2. Maximum Residential Density : Relief from the requirement that limits maximum residential density to 10 units per acre, whereas 19 units per acre are proposed.
3. Building to Curb Set Back : Relief from the requirement that the proposed mixed use building on Proposed Lot 1.02 be set back from the curb by 15 feet, whereas an 11-foot setback is proposed for the mixed used residential building and a 4-foot setback is proposed for the convenience store
4. Signage: Relief from the Ordinance provision limiting signage to 1 wall mounted sign and 80 sq. ft., whereas a total of 5 signs, 3 of which are proposed as wall mounted signs and two of which are proposed as free standing signs, are proposed. The proposed square footage of the 2 proposed free standing signs is 199.8 sq. ft. and the square footage of the 3 proposed wall mounted sings is 200.6 sq. ft.
The Applicant will also seek such other variances/waivers, permits and/or exceptions as the Board may deem necessary for this application without further notice.
A copy of the application and supporting documentation are on file in the Board Secretary’s Office located at 1 Municipal Drive, Bordentown Township, New Jersey 08505 and are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours.
This Notice is given pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. Any interested person may appear in person, through his/her attorney, or through his/her designated agent at the public hearing at the time and place herein designated and be heard on this application.
BORDENTOWN WATERFRONT COMMUNITY, LLC By: Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701-6777 Attorney for Applicant
Adv. Fee: $105.34 BCT: August 11, 2014 Aff. Chg.: $20.00
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Holmdel Planning Board to Hear Toll Brothers Application

Public Notice:

Notice of Public Hearing Township of Holmdel Planning Board Monmouth County, New Jersey Please take notice that the Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Township of Holmdel (the “Township”) will, on July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township’s Municipal Building, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing to consider an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval and bulk variance relief (the “Application”) made by Toll Holmdel, LLC, a subsidiary of Toll Bros, Inc. (the “Applicant”) for the development of 185 age-restricted carriage homes and associated site improvements (the “Project”) on an approximately 134-acre portion (the “Property”) of the approximately 472.69-acre tract that is the former home of the AT&T/Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent corporate campus and that is presently designated as Block 11, Lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, and 73.04 on the Township’s official tax map (the “Redevelopment Parcel”). The Property is located in the northeast section of the Redevelopment Parcel along Crawfords Corner Road. The Redevelopment Parcel has been designated an area in need of redevelopment and is subject to the Alcatel-Lucent Redevelopment Plan, adopted by the Township’s Committee on May 17, 2012 by Ordinance 2012-12 (the “Redevelopment Plan”), in accordance with the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et. seq. (“LRHL”). The Applicant proposes to develop the Project in two phases. As proposed, Phase I will consist of 108 age-restricted carriage homes, a clubhouse and recreational amenities, one infiltration basin, and one wet pond located on an approximately 64.63-acre portion of the Property located east of the Redevelopment Parcel’s existing access driveway (the “Access Road”) and Phase II will consist of 77 age-restricted carriage homes and two infiltration basins located on an approximately 69.32-acre portion of the Property located west of the Access Road. Each Phase will include associated site improvements such as sidewalks, parking, and internal roadways. The proposed 185 carriage homes are a permitted use under the Redevelopment Plan. To achieve a more desirable design, the Applicant requests that the Board grant variance relief from the Redevelopment Plan and the Township’s Development Regulations (the “Ordinance”), in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et. seq. (“MLUL”), to permit: (1) certain proposed lot lines to not be straight and certain proposed side lot lines to not be at right angles or radial to street lines as required by Ordinance ? 30-71a; (2) portions of the clubhouse and recreational amenities to be setback less than 100 ft. from edge of pavement of the Access Road as required by Section V.B.3.c of the Redevelopment Plan; (3) a buffer less than the 20% of tract width required by Ordinance ? 30-54 between the proposed carriage homes on the Property and the existing non-residential use (1.7 million sq. ft. commercial/office building) located on the Redevelopment Parcel; (4) four freestanding project identification signs all approximately 32 sq. ft. in area and 8 ft. in height whereas 1 freestanding identification sign not exceeding a maximum size of 12 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 3 ft. is permitted by Ordinance ? 30-96.2.a; (5) directional signs with areas of 4 sq. ft. whereas an area 2 sq. ft. is permitted by Ordinance ? 30-96.g; (6) temporary construction signs with areas of 32 sq. ft. and 50 sq. ft., respectively, whereas Ordinance ? 30-96.h.2 requires such signs to not exceed 12 sq. ft.; (7) certain buildings with less than three townhome units whereas Ordinance ? 30-106.b requires a minimum of three units in any one building; (8) on-site parking areas to have less than the 15 ft. landscape buffer required by Ordinance ? 30-80; (9) approximately 8,712 sq. ft. disturbance of slopes with grades between 15-24.99% whereas a maximum disturbance of 5,000 sq. ft. is permitted for slopes with these grades under Ordinance ? 20-116.6.f.1; and (10) 3:1 (30%) slopes between the proposed carriage homes, for the proposed detention basin side slopes, and for perimeter grading whereas Ordinance ? 30-116.6.f.4 prohibits the creation of steep slopes greater than 25%. To the extent the Board deems it necessary, the Applicant will seek variance relief to permit lighting levels lower than permitted along the proposed internal roadways and higher than permitted directly underneath the proposed street lights in accordance with Ordinance ? 30-69. The Applicant will also seek such other variances, waivers, exceptions, or other relief, determined to be necessary by the Board without further notice, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the MLUL. A copy of the Application and the documents submitted in support thereof is on file with the Board Secretary, whose office is located on the second floor of the Township’s Municipal Building at the address set forth above. The Application and supporting documents are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours. This Notice is given pursuant to the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the aforementioned public hearing, at the time and place herein stated, and be heard on this Application. By: Michael A. Bruno, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Attorney for the Applicant Dated: June 25, 2014 ($132.30) 097424  
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Scotch Plains gives Toll Brothers “gimmie” at Shackamaxon Golf Course

Public Notice:


Notice of Decision Township of Scotch Plains County of Union, State of New Jersey Please take notice that on June 23, 2014, the Planning Board of the Township of Scotch Plains memorialized a Resolution granting preliminary and final major site plan approval to Toll, NJ, L.P. to permit the redevelopment of a portion of the Shackamaxon Golf Course with 56 age-restricted residential units at the property located at 1640 Lamberts Mill Road, Scotch Plains, New Jersey more formally identified as Lot 1.02 of Block 11301 on the Township’s tax map. Copies of the Application and supporting materials are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Planning Board, located at 430 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 and are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours. By: Marc D. Policastro, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Attorney for the Applicant ($17.60) 097309  
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