Massie Ferrara

Hudson County Puts Out RFP for Professional Planning Services to Prepare County Master Plan

Public Notice:



  County of Hudson  Notice to Respondents   Notice is hereby given that Proposals will be received by the County of Hudson, State of New Jersey at the Administration Building Annex, Hudson County Freeholders Chambers, 567 Pavonia Avenue, 3rd Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 on August 12, 2014 at 11:00 AM prevailing time, and at that time and place publicly opened and read for the following: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES  TO PREPARE THE HUDSON COUNTY MASTER PLAN, PARKS MASTER PLAN, COMPRHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN   This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being publicly advertised and any firm or person licensed in the State of New Jersey may reply with a Technical Proposal. Proposals are available from the Division of Planning, 595 County Avenue, Secaucus, New Jersey, 201-217-5137.  Proposals may be submitted in person or by courier service. Though Proposals may be sent by courier service, the County takes no responsibility for the loss, non-delivery or physical condition of the Proposals so sent.  The Proposals are being solicited through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A2004 et seq. The County reserves the right, in its sole judgment, to reject any Respondent that submits incomplete responses to this Request for Proposal or a Proposal that is not responsive to the requirements of this Request for Proposal.  All Respondents deemed qualified will be asked to submit a Cost Summary for specified services. Please do not submit a Cost Summary at this time.  By: Deborah Gallagher Purchasing Agent For: Massiel Ferrara, PP, AICP Hudson County Division of Planning  07/16, 07/23 & 07/30/14 $125.68  


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