Villages at Roxbury

Roxbury encourages developer to convert approved building lots to “open space”

Public Notice:

ROXBURY TOWNSHIP LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Roxbury Township Planning Board, at its December 3, 2014 meeting, adopted a resolution granting the undersigned the relief described below in connection with a major subdivision known as the “Villages at Roxbury” on premises located along Shippenport Road in Roxbury Township, and shown on the Tax Maps of the Township of Roxbury as Block 11201, Lots 1, 2 and 3, and Block 10101, Lot 34 (formerly known as Block 17, Lot 7; Block 150, Lot 1; and Block 138, Lot 2). The subdivision received amended preliminary major subdivision approval, granted by Planning Board Resolution adopted August 2, 2006, for 179 building lots for single family residential development, and related site infrastructure and improvements and further amended subdivision approval, by Planning Board resolution adopted March 21, 2007, for 161 building lots, in order to allow for the conveyance of a portion of the premises containing 18 of the previously approved building lots and an adjacent open space area, totaling approximately 34 acres, to the Township of Roxbury, for preservation as open space. The relief granted is as follows: 1. Amended preliminary and final major subdivision approval to create a phasing plan for the entire subdivision, so that development can proceed in seven separate phases. 2. Final major subdivision approval for Phase I. Copies of the resolution, application, plans and other supporting documents are on file in the Planning Board Office, at the Roxbury Township Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, New Jersey, and are available there for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. WELLFLEET DEVELOPERS, INC. One Woodbridge Center Suite 610 Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1100 ($35.20)
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