Wakelee Drive Corp

Cresskill Planning Board approves 2 subdivisions permitting 5 new homes

Public Notice:


BOROUGH OF CRESSKILL NOTICE   On February 11, 2014, the Planning Board approved application #1440M to Ramapo Developers, LLC, owner of premises located at 400 Eleventh Street, also known as Block 112, Lots 37-42, granting Major Subdivision approval, Site Plan approval, bulk variances and design waivers to erect two single family residences on the above premises.  On February 11, 2014, the Planning Board approved application #1441M to 15 Wakelee Drive Corp., contract purchaser of premises located at 128 and 130 Morningside Avenue, also known as Block 165, Lot 1.01, granting Major Subdivision approval, Site Plan approval, bulk variances and design waivers to erect five (5) single family residences on the above premises.  The implementing resolutions have been filed in this office for public inspection. Barbara A. Nasuto Borough Clerk March 28, 2014-Fee:$26.46(28) 3660980
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