
Carteret will hear Mixed-Use Application Consisting of 261 Apartments and Retail

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF CARTERET Public Notice Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Planning Board of the Borough of Carteret on Wednesday evening, February 25, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Carteret Police and Municipal Court Building, 230 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, NJ, regarding the application of Meridia, Cosmopolitan, Carteret, LLC, as the Designated Redeveloper of the subject property, who has filed an application with the Planning Board of the Borough of Carteret seeking amended site plan approval and such additional waivers and deviations from The Cooke Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Plan, District I, as may be deemed necessary in order to allow the demolition of all existing improvements on the subject property and permit construction of a five story mixed use structure containing a restaurant and other commercial and retail uses on the ground floor and 261 apartments units on the first through fourth floors. The ground floor will include off street parking to accommodate 153 automobiles. When the number of off-street parking spaces is added to the other proposed on street parking spaces, the total will be 215 spaces. The rooftop will include a restaurant. The property that is the subject of this application encompasses all of the property bounded by Cooke Avenue, Washington Avenue, High Street and Irving Street, Carteret, also known as Lots 1 – 15 in Block 6502 on the Carteret Tax Map. Maps, plans and other related documents are on file in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning and are available for inspection during normal business hours. Meridia, Cosmopolitan, Carteret, LLC, Applicant JOHN DeNOIA, Attorney for Applicant 843 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge, NJ ($29.40)
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Woodbridge Council Sends Potential Redevelopment Area to Planning Board

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE NOTICE is hereby given that at a Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge held on January 20, 2015, the following Ordinance was introduced and read and passed on First Reading. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ROUTE 1: AREA 17 – RONSON ROAD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Council”) adopted a Resolution directing the Planning Board to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine if certain real property appearing on the official tax maps of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Township”), County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, as various properties along Route 1 in the Woodbridge section of the Township, commonly referred to as the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Area (the “Redevelopment Area”) as an area in need of redevelopment as defined in the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (the “LRHL”); and WHEREAS, the Township Planning Board (“Planning Board”) by resolution dated September 22, 1999, recommended that the Redevelopment Area be designated by the Township Council as an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 1999, pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning Board, the Township Council adopted an Ordinance designating the Redevelopment Area as an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area, a redevelopment plan has been prepared by Marta Lefsky, A.I.C.P., P.P. Eric Griffith, A.I.C.P., P.P. and Chris Kesici, A.I.C.P., P.P. dated Jannuary 2015, for the Redevelopment Area (the “Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan”) which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and hereby made part of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Township Council adopted a Resolution on January 20, 2015, referring the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Board for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board by Resolution on January 21, 2015 recommended that the Township Council adopt the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, being the governing body thereof, that, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, the Township Council: Section 1. Hereby adopts and approves the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan which attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance; and Section 2. Hereby directs the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan be filed with the Township Clerk. Section 3. Hereby directs the Woodbridge Redevelopment Agency of the Township of Woodbridge shall serve as the redevelopment entity responsible for implementing the Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan and carrying out the redevelopment projects in the Redevelopment Area. Section 4. The Route 1: Area 17 – Ronson Road Redevelopment Plan shall supersede the provisions of the Township’s Zoning Ordinance in the Redevelopment Area. Section 5. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7(c), the Township’s Zoning Map is hereby amended to identify the Redevelopment Area in the manner depicted in the Redevelopment Plan. Section 6. If any provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance, except so far as the provision so declared invalid shall be inseparable from the remainder of any portion thereof . Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the final passage and publication pursuant to Law. Notice is further given that said Ordinance will be further considered for Final Passage by said Municipal Council at a Regular Meeting of the body, to be held at the Memorial Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, N.J. on February 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the evening, at which time and place all persons interested therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same. The plan will be on file at the Municipal Clerks Office and on line at www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us John M. Mitch, RMC, CMC, CMR Municipal Clerk ($85.36)

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Woodbridge to Hear Mixed Use Application which will include Arts Center

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has applied to the Woodbridge Township Planning Board for the relief described below in connection with the construction of a mixed-use development of 500 residential dwelling units, non-residential commercial space of approximately 25,000 square feet of floor area and an arts center building of approximately 10,000 square feet. The development is to be known as Station Village at Avenel and will include various site improvements including open space and a commuter parking area of approximately 40 parking spaces. The development site abuts Avenel Street across from its intersection with Wolfe Place and is east of the railroad right-of-way (Conrail North Jersey Coast Line) and the Avenel train station; a portion of the site abuts Rahway Avenue. The site is shown on the Woodbridge Township Tax Maps as Block 859.01, Lot 1.01 and Block 867, Lot 1.081. Applicant requests the following relief:

1. Preliminary and final site plan approval.

2. A variance, if needed, from the Avenel Arts Village Redevelopment Plan as to rear yard setback of a maintenance building at the northern area of the site.
3. A waiver or variance, as needed, from the Avenel Arts Village Redevelopment Plan to permit an identification sign at the entrance to the development on Avenel Street. The sign will be approximately 25 square feet.
4. A de minimis exception or waiver from the Residential Site Improvement Standards as to number of parking spaces.
5. Such other variances, waivers and other relief as may be required.

Copies of the application, plans and other supporting documents are on file in the office of the Woodbridge Township Planning Board at the Woodbridge Township Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey and are available there for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this matter has been placed on the agenda of the Woodbridge Township Planning Board for January 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Woodbridge Township Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey at which time you may appear in person or by attorney and present any comments or objections you may have to the relief sought. STATION VILLAGE AT AVENEL URBAN RENEWAL, LLC 90 Woodbridge Center Drive Suite 600 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 ($42.68)

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Woodbridge Planning Board to Hear Hampshire Companies Application

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE NOTICE OF HEARING TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that HPFVII Metropark, LLC (the “Applicant”), having an address at c/o The Hampshire Companies, 22 Maple Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960, has filed an application (the “Application”) with the Planning Board of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Board”) concerning property located in the Metropark Wood Avenue South Redevelopment Area, known as 186 Wood Avenue South, and shown on the official Tax Map of the Township of Woodbridge as Block 356.02, Lot 12, condominium units 1 and 2 (totaling 15.74 acres), and also known as Block 356.02, Lots 12 C0001 and C0002 (the “Property”). The Applicant seeks Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval for continued development of the Property, which may occur in two phases. Phase One will include construction of a four (4) level parking deck; construction of approximately 17,400 square feet of retail and/or restaurant space; construction of an approximately 192 room hotel (including approximately 20,000 square feet of restaurant, lounge and meeting room space); and construction of an approximately 274 unit apartment complex and related improvements. Phase Two will include construction of an approximately 250,000 square foot office building (including approximately 9,550 square feet of restaurant space) and three (3) additional levels to the four (4) level parking deck to be constructed in Phase One. The Applicant also seeks deviation, exception, waiver or variance from the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Ordinance”) or the Metropark Wood Avenue South Redevelopment Plan (the “Redevelopment Plan”) to permit tandem parking spaces. In addition, the Applicant seeks such other deviations, variances, waivers, exceptions, interpretations, approvals and/or relief from the Ordinance and/or the Redevelopment Plan as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the Application. Any interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing of the Board on the Application to be held on December 10, 2014, at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095. The Application, plans and other related documents are available for inspection in the Board office at the Woodbridge Department of Planning and Development, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095, during regular business hours. DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP Attorney for Applicant 600 Campus Drive Florham Park, New Jersey 07932-1047 (973) 549-7000 By: Glenn S. Pantel, Esq. ($42.24)
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Woodbridge JETS Approval of Hess Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE NOTICE is hereby given that at a Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge held on November 25, 2014 The following Ordinance was introduced and read and passed on First Reading: ORDINANCE OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY ADOPTING THE ‘HESS WOODBRIDGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN,’ PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING LAW, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”), authorizes a municipality to determine whether certain parcels of land in the municipality constitute “areas in need of redevelopment”; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:l2A-4, the Municipal Council (the “Municipal Council”) of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Township”) has designated the Woodbridge Redevelopment Agency (the “Agency”) to act as its “redevelopment entity” (as such term is defined at N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-3) and authorized the Agency to exercise the powers contained in the Redevelopment Law to facilitate the development of redevelopment projects throughout the Township; and WHEREAS, on October 7, 2014 the Municipal Council adopted a resolution in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 authorizing and directing the Planning Board of the Township (the “Planning Board”) to conduct an investigation to determine whether that certain area of the Township commonly known as Block 196.01, Lot 10.01; Block 196.02, Lot 10; Block 235, Lot 4.034; Block 235.01, Lot 1.01; Block 237, Lot 2.03; Block 238, Lots 1 and 3.04 on the tax maps of the Township (the “Study Area”) satisfies the criteria to be designated as an “area in need of redevelopment”; and WHEREAS, the resolution adopted October 7, 2014 stated that the redevelopment area determination would authorize the Township to use all those powers provided by the Redevelopment Law for use in a redevelopment area, other than the power of eminent domain; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2014, the Planning Board held a public hearing in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 at which it reviewed the findings of a report prepared by Marta E. Lefsky, AICP, PP, Eric Griffith, AICP, PP and Chris Kesici, AICP, PP of the Township of Woodbridge Department of Planning and Development (collectively, the “Township Planner”) entitled “Preliminary Analysis and Investigation of Hess Woodbridge as ‘An Area in Need of Redevelopment’ ” dated October, 2014 (the “Redevelopment Study”) which determined that the Study Area met the criteria for designation as an “area in need of redevelopment” under the Redevelopment Law, and adopted a resolution which endorsed the findings of the Redevelopment Study and recommended to the Municipal Council, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6, that the Study Area be designated as an “area in need of redevelopment”; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2014, in accord with the recommendation of the Planning Board, the Municipal Council designated the Study Area as an “area in need of redevelopment” pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 (“Redevelopment Area”); and WHEREAS, the Township Planner has prepared a redevelopment plan for the Redevelopment Area entitled the “Hess Woodbridge Redevelopment Plan” dated November 2014 (“Redevelopment Plan,” attached hereto as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, on November 25, 2014 the Municipal Council adopted a resolution referring the Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Board for its review and recommendation, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7(e); and WHEREAS, on December 3, 2014, the Planning Board reviewed the Redevelopment Plan and adopted a resolution recommending its adoption; and WHEREAS, upon review of the Planning Board’s recommendation of the Redevelopment Plan, the Municipal Council has determined to adopt the Redevelopment Plan to ensure the success of redevelopment within the Redevelopment Area in conformity with the Township’s redevelopment objectives. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex, New Jersey that: 1. The aforementioned recitals are incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length. 2. The Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby adopted pursuant to the terms of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7. 3. The zoning district map included in the zoning ordinance of the Township is hereby amended to include the Redevelopment Area per the boundaries described in the Redevelopment Plan. All of the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan shall supersede the applicable development regulations of the Township’s municipal code, as and where indicated. 4. A copy of this Ordinance and the Redevelopment Plan shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Township Clerk during regular business hours. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect in accordance with all applicable laws. Said Ordinance remains on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk for Inspection and on line at www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us Notice is further given that said Ordinance will be further considered for Final Passage by said Municipal Council at a Regular Meeting of that body, to be held at the Memorial Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, N.J. on December 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the evening, at which time and place all persons interested therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same. John M. Mitch, RMC,CMC,CMR Municipal Clerk ($95.04)
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Woodbridge Works Through PILOT Agreement with Avenel Train Station Redeveloper

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE   NOTICE is hereby given that at a Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge held on August 19, 2014 The following Ordinance was introduced and read and passed on First Reading: ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A LONG TERM TAX EXEMPTION AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A FINANCIAL AGREEMENT WITH STATION VILLAGE AT AVENEL URBAN RENEWAL, L.L.C., WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., as amended from time to time (the “Redevelopment Law”), provides a process for municipalities to participate in the redevelopment and improvement of areas in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Redevelopment Law, Block 859-A, Lot 1.01 and Block 867, Lot 1.081, as identified on the tax maps of the Township of Woodbridge (the “Project Site”) have been designated by the Township of Woodbridge (the “Township”) as an “area in need of redevelopment”; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Council have adopted a redevelopment plan for the revitalization and redevelopment of the Project Site, a copy of which redevelopment plan is on file with the Township Clerk (the “Redevelopment Plan”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Redevelopment Law, specifically N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6, the Township designated the Woodbridge Redevelopment Agency as the “Redevelopment Entity”, as such term is defined at N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-3, for the Project Site, with full authority to exercise the powers contained in the Redevelopment Law to facilitate and implement the development of the Project Site; and WHEREAS, the Station Village at Avenel Urban Renewal, L.L.C. (the “Entity”) is in negotiations to become the contract purchaser of the Project Site, or will acquire the Project Site pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement (as defined herein); and  WHEREAS, on the Project Site, an approximately 27.255 acre property adjacent to the existing Avenel train station, the Entity will construct or cause to be constructed 500 residential units with a supporting retail component of 25,000 square feet, an arts center of 10,000 square feet, a village green of 30,000 square feet, and a vest pocket park of 20,000 square feet (the “Project Improvements”) with the required infrastructure and site improvements (collectively, the “Project”) pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement between the Agency and the Entity pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan (the “Redevelopment Agreement”); and  WHEREAS, the Project will conform to all applicable municipal zoning ordinances as amended by the Redevelopment Plan and will be in conformance with the master plan of the Township; and WHEREAS, the Entity filed the application attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Application”) seeking approval of an urban renewal project and a form of a Financial Agreement (the “Financial Agreement”) pursuant to the Long Term Tax Exemption Law of 1992, as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq. (the “LTTE Law”); and WHEREAS, the Township has made the following findings: 1. The Project Site is currently not developed to its maximum potential. The annual real estate taxes currently generated by the undeveloped Project Site are approximately $377,000.00. In contrast, the estimated Annual Service Charge (as defined in the Financial Agreement), to be generated by the Project over the term of the Financial Agreement is estimated to be more than $1,000,000.00. Upon expiration of the exemption, the Project will be fully assessed and conventionally taxed; 2. The Project will accelerate the redevelopment of the Project Site by providing new residential housing units, retail space, an arts center and a park. Further, the Project will generate jobs, increase tax ratables and provide public improvements. When compared to the costs, if any, associated with the tax exemption, the Township finds that the benefits outweigh the costs, recognizing that the Township will retain ninety-five percent (95%) of the amount of the PILOT, and this transit-oriented project is not anticipated to generate many public school children based on the experience of other municipalities with transit-oriented projects; 3. Given the scale of the Project, and in light of market conditions and other factors currently impacting investment risk, including the historical contamination of the Project Site, it is not financially feasible to undertake the development of the Project in the absence of the tax exemption provided by this Agreement; 4. The Project will result in the creation of 150 construction jobs and, upon completion and full operation, approximately 24 permanent jobs; and 5. The Project is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan, will further its objectives, and will contribute to the economic growth of the Township. WHEREAS, in order to enhance the economic viability of and opportunity for a successful project, the Township will enter into the Financial Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B with the Entity governing the terms of the tax exemption and the Annual Service Charge paid to the Township; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the Project represents an undertaking permitted by the LTTE Law, and has further determined that the Project is an improvement made for the purposes of clearance, replanning, development, or redevelopment of an area in need of redevelopment within the Township, as authorized by the LTTE Law; and  WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted the Application and Financial Agreement to the Council with his recommendation for approval (the “Mayor’s Recommendation”), a copy of which recommendation is on file with the Township Clerk; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY AS FOLLOWS: 1. An exemption from taxation as set forth in the Application is hereby granted to the Entity, with respect to the Project on the Project Site for the term set forth in the Financial Agreement; provided that, as provided for in N.J.S.A. 40A:20-12, in no event shall the tax exemption exceed the earlier of (i) thirty-five (35) years from the date of execution of the Financial Agreement or (ii) thirty (30) years from the completion of the Project, or part thereof for which the Entity has received a Certificate of Occupancy; and the exemption shall remain in effect only so long as the Entity remains subject to and complies with the Financial Agreement and the LTTE Law and the obligation to complete construction of the improvements required by the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Agreement; and provided, further that, as required by NJSA 40A:20-12 (b), in no event shall the Annual Service Charge be less than the amount of the total taxes levied against all real property in the area covered by the project in the last full tax year in which the area was subject to taxation. 2. The Mayor and/or Township Administrator, in consultation with Special Counsel to the Township, are hereby authorized to execute and/or amend, modify or make such necessary changes to the Application, the Mayor’s Recommendation, the Financial Agreement and any other agreements or documents necessary to effectuate this ordinance and the Financial Agreement.  3. The executed copy of the Financial Agreement and this ordinance shall be certified by the Township Clerk and filed with the Tax Assessor for the Township and filed with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services. 4. The Project shall conform with all federal and state law and ordinances and regulations of the Township relating to its construction and use, including the Redevelopment Plan. 5. The Entity shall, from the time the Annual Service Charge becomes effective, pay the Annual Service Charge as set forth in the Financial Agreement.  6. The Project will result in the redevelopment of the Township by providing a new mixed-use development including residential units, retail space, an arts center and a park.  7. The Financial Agreement with the Entity is a necessary inducement to the undertaking of the Project.  This Ordinance shall take effect 20 days after adoption and publication according to law.  Said Ordinance remains on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk for Inspection and on line at www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us  Notice is further given that said Ordinance will be further considered for Final Passage by said Municipal Council at a Regular Meeting of that body, to be held at the Memorial Municipal Building, 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, N.J. on September 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the evening, at which time and place all persons interested therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same.  John M. Mitch, RMC,CMC,CMR  Municipal Clerk ($139.34) 66677 


Public Notice ID: 21666884.HTM
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Woodbridge Municipal Council Amends Route 27 Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


NOTICE is hereby given that the following Ordinance was regularly passed and adopted at a Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge, in the County of Middlesex on MARCH 4, 2014 14-14 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE AMENDED ROUTE 27 – AREA 5 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. 14-15 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A GOVERNMENT-PRIVATE ENERGY AGGREGATION PROGRAM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC GENERATION SERVICE AND SUPPLY SERVICE FOR RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTAL CUSTOMER PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNMENT ENERGY AGGREGATION ACT OF 2003 (P.L. 2003-c24) 14-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 ENTITLED “TRAFFIC” OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE. I hereby certify that the above Ordinances were introduced at the meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge, Woodbridge, New Jersey held on FEBRUARY 18, 2014, and after publication according to law was further considered for Final Passage and was finally adopted on MARCH 4, 2014 after a Public Hearing at a meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Woodbridge, Woodbridge, New Jersey. Said Ordinance was approved by the Mayor and returned on MARCH 5, 2014 and will take effect twenty (20) days after publication, according to law. John M. Mitch, RMC, CMC, CMR Municipal Clerk ($24.18) 018802  
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