Monthly Archives: February 2014

Jersey City Planning Board to Hear Mixed Use at 251 Newark Avenue

Public Notice:

   CITY OF JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY PLANNING BOARD 251 NEWARK AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY Block 1110, Lot 5.  PUBLIC NOTICE   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 28th day of January, 2014 the Planning Board (“Board”) of the City of Jersey City adopted a resolution of approval granting to Cheesecake Lofts, LLC (“Applicant”) preliminary and final major site plan approval to develop a multi story structure consisting of 20 residential units, 1 commercial unit and parking. The project is located at 251Newark Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, also known as Block 1110, Lot 5. The project is in the Village Redevelopment Zone. The matter was approved at the meeting of the Board held on December 3, 2013.  The application and aforementioned resolution of approval are available for public inspection at the Division of City Planning, City of Jersey City, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey during normal business hours.  Dated: February 5, 2014 James J. Burke, Esq. James J. Burke & Associates 235 Hudson Street Ground Floor, Commercial Unit Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 201-610-0800 Attorney for the Applicant   02/12/14 $85.00  
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Fair Lawn Board of Adjustment to Hear Cedar Street Office/Warehouse Conversion into Residential Units

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON  APPEAL OR APPLICATION NOTICE   NOTICE is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Fair Lawn will hold a public hearing on February 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 8-01 Fair Lawn, New Jersey, to hear the application of Rici Realty, LLC for property situate Blocks 5820, Lot 9, known as #8-20 Cedar Street, Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Approval, Variances and Waivers are being sought for Preliminary and Major Site Plan Approval to allow conversion of the pre-existing office/Warehouse into four (4) residential apartments for the above set forth property located in the R-1-1, R-1-2 and R-1-3 One Family Residential Zone of the Borough of Fair Lawn. Along with any variances that may be required from the Borough of Fair Lawn Ordinance, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d et seq., N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c et. seq., and the Land Use Ordinances of the Borough of Fair Lawn (“Borough”) ?125-17.A, permitted uses in R-1-1, R-1-2, R-1-3, one family residential zones for the proposed four unit apartment building where a four unit apartment building is not specifically a permitted use in the R-1-3 Zone, 125-12, bulk variance for proposed front yard setback of 4.7 feet where a minimum of 25 feet is required, 125-12, yard and bulk requirements for an existing nonconforming side yard setback of 2.7 feet where a minimum of 10 feet is required, 125-12, for proposed building coverage of 30.4% where a maximum of 25% is permitted, 125-12, yard and bulk requirements for impervious coverage of 80.1% where a maximum allowed of 35%, 125-48.C(3) design waiver for not providing curbing along edge of pavement, 125-48.C(7) design waiver for driveway located 0 feet to side property line, so that the applicant may convert an existing non-conforming use of the subject property from office/warehouse to four (4) residential apartment units each consisting of two (2) bedrooms and one (1) bathroom in each unit, located Block 5820, Lot 9, commonly known as 8-20 Cedar Street(hereinafter “Property”), and all additional waivers or variances to obtain preliminary and final major site plan approval for the property commonly known as #8-20 Cedar Street, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, including variances, waivers and/or exception as required and found to be appropriate by the Board to obtain preliminary and final major site plan approval for the property commonly known as #8-20 Cedar Street, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, and designated as Blocks 5820, Lot 9 on the Borough of Fair Lawn Tax Map located in the R-1-1, R-1-2 and R-1-3 One Family Residential Zone. Any interested party may appear in person or by agent or attorney at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Said application, together with all maps and/or documents for which approval is sought, are on file at the Municipal Building, in Room 216, and is available for inspection, weekdays during the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  Lee M. Levitt, Esq. 8 Wood Hollow Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 884-9200 February 13, 2014-Fee:$76.55(81) 3638848
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Edgewater Planning Board to Commence Master Plan Periodic Reexamination Report

Public Notice:


     PLANNING BOARD BOROUGH OF EDGEWATER EDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY   IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW JERSEY’S OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT, CHAPTER 231 OF THE P.L. 1975.THIS NOTICE WILL INFORM THE PUBLIC THERE WILL BE A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDGEWATER PLANNING BOARD ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2014 at 7 P.M.    THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE EDGEWATER BOROUGH HALL, 55 RIVER ROAD, EDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS NOTIFICATION WILL APPEAR IN THE RECORD NEWSPAPER AND JERSEY JOURNAL NEWSPAPER. THIS NOTICE WILL ALSO BE POSTED ON THE MUNICIPAL BULLETIN BOARD AND WEB SITE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING:  THE AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS   HEARING REGARDING BOROUGH OF EDGEWATER  “MASTER PLAN PERIODIC REEXAMINATION REPORT ”  In accordance with New Jersey’s Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 of the P.L. 1975 this Notice will inform the Public that the Borough of Edgewater Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday February 24, 2014 at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers of Borough Hall located at 55 River Road, Edgewater, New Jersey. Please note that this notification will appear in the record newspaper and the Jersey Journal newspaper. This notice will also be posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board and Website at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The purpose of the public hearing is to hear comments from all interested parties regarding a proposed “Master Plan Periodic Reexamination Report”, dated January 2014. Action may be taken by the Planning Board to adopt the report.  In accordance with guidelines appearing at N.J.S.A. 40:55D-89 of the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL), the “Master Plan Periodic Reexamination Report” addresses the major problems and objectives relating to land development in the Borough of Edgewater, the extent to which such problems and objectives have been reduced or have been increased, the extent to which there have been significant changes in the assumptions, policies and objectives forming the basis for the master plan, any specific changes recommended for the master plan, and any recommendation of the Planning Board concerning the incorporation of redevelopment plans.  More specifically, the subject “Master Plan Periodic Reexamination Report” recommendations include, but are not limited to, the following:  In order to conform the zoning to existing development patterns and achieve the type of development sought by the Borough of Edgewater in the upcoming years, this Reexamination recommends revising the zoning in the southern portion of the Borough of Edgewater to include Mixed Use and Multi-Family Residential.    Copies of the “Master Plan Periodic Reexamination Report” will be available for public inspection starting on February 14, 2014 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the office of the Planning Board Secretary situated within the Borough of Edgewater Municipal Building, which is located at 55 River Road, Edgewater, New Jersey.   Agenda items may include the approval of resolutions, and other general business matters.  Respectfully Submitted   Anna Marie O’Connor Secretary  02/14/14 $92.02  
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Jersey City “Powerhouse” Redevelopment Area may add 281 Units

Public Notice:

 PUBLIC NOTICE    This notice is being provided pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12 to advise that an application has been filed by 160 First Street Urban Renewal, LLC with the Jersey City Planning Board for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval with deviations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c) (maximum building height) for approval of the phased development of two (2) fourteen (14) story residential buildings consisting of a total of approximately 281 residential units with approximately 104 parking spaces (Phase I is proposed to have up to 159 residential units and 64 parking spaces; and Phase II is proposed to have up to 122 residential units and 40 parking spaces); and ground floor commercial/retail/gallery space in connection with the property identified as 160-168 First Street, 169-173 Second Street, and 376-378 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey, which is also identified on the Jersey City Tax Maps as Block 11502, Lots 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, & 14 (formerly known as Block 173, Lots J, 127, 126.A, B, C, E, & F). The property is located in the Transition Zone of the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan.   Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval with amendments was previously obtained for the Property, which permitted the construction of approximately 212 residential units with approximately 43 parking spaces, and ground floor commercial/retail/gallery space. The purpose of the application is to separate the development project into two separate development phases, and develop the properties with two buildings with an increase in the number of residential units from 212 to 281 and increase the number of parking spaces from 43 to 104.  The Applicant is seeking the following deviations, waivers and/or exceptions from the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan and the Jersey City Land Development Ordinance in connection with this application:  1. The Applicant is seeking relief from the maximum building height.  2. The Applicant is seeking any other deviations, exceptions and/or waivers that the Planning Board shall deem necessary in connection with this application.   Any person interested in this application will have the opportunity to address the Planning Board at the meeting of February 25, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  Plans are available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m. at the City Planning Division, 30 Montgomery St., 14th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302.  By:Charles J. Harrington, III, Esq.  Attorney for the Applicant  201-521-1000  02/14/14 $85.00  

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Newark to Sell Property

Public Notice:

  City Of Newark Department of Economic and Housing Development Division of Housing and Real Estate  2014 ROLLING SALE   NOTICE SOLICITING PROPOSALS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF SELECT CITY-OWNED VACANT LAND AND STRUCTURES   The City of Newark, Department of Economic and Housing Development, Division of Housing and Real Estate is seeking proposals from qualified proposers to develop parcels of vacant land and structures in accordance with the City of Newark’s Land Disposition Policy. Proposals must be submitted to the Housing and Real Estate/Property Management office by 4:00 PM on or before Friday, March 7, 2014. The City of Newark will not be responsible for any applications which are not delivered by the designated date and time. NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. A NON-REFUNDABLE PROCESSING FEE OF $300.00 for the first individual property or property cluster will be required, plus an additional $100 for each subsequent property or property cluster within the same sale cycle. Payment must be tendered by CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER payable to the City of Newark.  Proposal application forms, a list of properties, and description of the City’s Land Disposition process may be downloaded from our web site at or obtained in person from the Division of Property Management, 920 Broad Street, 4th Floor, Room 421, Newark, New Jersey between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. For additional information, please contact Gregory Good at  The City of Newark reserves the right to remove any parcel(s) and all bids shall be subject to acceptance or rejection by the Municipal Council. 2/7/2014 $84.68  
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Paramus Board of Adjustment to Hear 170 Application for Congregate Care Facility

Public Notice:


BOROUGH OF PARAMUS ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an application has been made by Shelter Development, LLC in connection with premises located at 396 Forest Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey 07652, Block 4610, Lots 1, 2, 3.01, 4 and 5 in the R-100 Zone to consolidate the property into a single lot, and to redevelop the property with a new congregate style assisted living, independent living and dementia living facility with a total of 170 units. The existing single family dwellings on the property will be demolished and the entire existing landscaping and nursery business and structures will be removed as well. As such, Applicant requests minor subdivision approval, site plan approval, use and height variance approval, a major soil moving permit and the following variances, waivers and other relief:  1) ?429-22 and ?429-43 list the permitted uses in the R-100 Zone in Paramus, and the proposed 170 unit assisted living, independent living and dementia living facility is not one of the permitted uses in this zone. Therefore a use variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d) is required; 2) ?429-44(A)(2)- A maximum building height of 35 feet/3 stories where 32 feet/2.5 stories is permitted; 3) ?429-67(B)- A parking stall size of 9’x17′ with 2’overhang where 9’x19′ is required; 4) ?429-37.1(B)- A curb cut of 130 ft. where a maximum of 20 ft. is permitted; 5) ?429-38(B)- A fence height of 8 ft. where 6 ft. is permitted; 6) ?429-23.1- Accessory structures in the front yard where none are permitted; 7) ?429-134- 2 monument signs where 0 are permitted;  8) ?429-136.1- Monument sign size of 45 s.f. where 30 s.f. is permitted; and 9) Such other waivers, exceptions, variances or relief from the Paramus Zone Code which may be required by the Paramus Board of Adjustment in connection with the application. It should be noted that this Application and the variance relief requested is substantially similar to the approvals recently granted for this congregate style living residential development project. Previously a portion of the Greenland Nursery business operations was to remain on a portion of the Property. That business is now proposed to be removed entirely. If, however, for any reason this new application for congregate living on the entire property is not approved, then the property shall revert to those prior approvals which shall not be deemed to be abandoned by this application. A public hearing before the Paramus Board of Adjustment has been ordered for February 27, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Hall, Jockish Square, Paramus, New Jersey and when the case is called you may appear either in person, by agent, or by attorney, to present any comments which you may have in connection with this application. Documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public in the office of the Paramus Board of Adjustment and/or the designated administrative officer at the Borough Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. This notice is given to you by order of the Paramus Board of Adjustment.  Wells, Jaworski & Liebman, LLP 12 Route 17 North, P.O. Box 1827 Paramus, New Jersey 07653-1827 By: Stuart D. Liebman, Esq. for the Applicant  Feb 14, 2014-fee:$79.38 (84) 3639690
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Florence Township Planning Board to Consider 53 Senior Affordable Housing Units

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLORENCE TOWNSHIP Please take notice that Moorestown Ecumenical Neighborhood Development, Inc. (‘MEND, Inc.’ or ‘Applicant’) has made application to the Florence Township Planning Board for Amended Major Site Plan Approval. The Applicant previously obtained Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval with variance and waiver relief from the Florence Township Planning Board under Resolution No. 2013-05 to permit the redevelopment of the vacant former Duffy School site area for the construction of 53± senior affordable housing units with associated improvements. The premises which are the subject of this application are designated as Block 45, Lots 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 on the Florence Township Tax Map and located in the RA Low Residential and RD-1 High Density Residential Zoning District Restricted Affordable Housing Zone. The Applicant is now proposing Amended Final Major Site Plan Approval for Block 45, Lots 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 to permit the installation of an emergency generator, together with the relocation of the previously approved trash enclosure on the Property. The Applicant will also be requesting such submission waivers and design waivers and/or variances that the Board and/or its professional staff deem necessary upon their review of the application. The Florence Township Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on this application on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Florence Township Municipal Complex, 711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey 08518-2323. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard on this application. The Applicant’s site plan, applications and related submission materials are on file with the Administrative Secretary/Land Use Clerk located in the Clerk’s Office in the Florence Township Municipal Complex, 711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey, and are available for inspection from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Please take further notice that the Planning Board may at its discretion, postpone or continue said hearing from time to time and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Planning Board concerning such adjournments, postponements or continuances. John C. Gillespie, Esquire PARKER McCAY P.A. 9000 Midlantic Drive, Suite 300 P.O. Box 5054 Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054 Attorneys for the Applicant, Moorestown Ecumenical Neighborhood Development, Inc. (MEND, Inc.) Adv. Fee: $56.58 BCT: February 13, 2014
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Jackson Planning Board to decide Additional 5 lots on 33 lot subdivision in Industrial Park

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that CDR WHITESVILLE, LLC has applied to the Jackson Township Planning Board for amended preliminary major subdivision approval on Lots 153 through 201 in Block 21601; Lots 1 through 18 in Block 21602; Lots 1 through 14 in Block 21902; Lots 1 through 18 in Block 21903; Lots 1, 2, 4 through 7 in Block 21904; Lots 1 through 11 in Block 21905; Lot 1 in Block 21906; Lots 1 through 19 in Block 21907; Lots 1 through 14 in Block 21908; Lots 1 through 13 in Block 21909; Lots 1 through 3 in Block 21910; Lots 1` through 18 in Block 21911; Lots 2 through 13 in Block 21912; Lots 1, 3, 4 through 6 & 8 through 18 in Block 21913; Lot 1 in Block 22001; Lots 1 through 15 in Block 22002; Lots 1 through 7 in Block 22003; Lots 1 through 3 in Block 22004; Lots 1 through 10 in Block 22005; Lots 1 through 8 in Block 22006; Lots 1 through 5 in Block 22008; Lots 1 through 20 in Block 22101; Lots 1 & 2 in Block 22102; Lots 1 through 9 in Block 22202; Lots 1 through 10, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 30 through 33 in Block 22203; Lot 1 in Block 22204; Lots 5 through 10 in Block 22205 located in the Industrial Zone on Whitesville Road and known as the Whitesville Business Park. Applicant received prior major subdivision approval in 2005 under Planning Board Resolution 2005-54 for 33 industrial lots, two storm water lots and one pump station lot. The purpose of this amendment is to add Block 22115 Lot 14 and Lot 124 in Block 21601 creating Road “B” and 5 additional industrial lots increasing the number of lots to 38. As part of the application a revised layout of the storm water management pond has been designed, the side lines adjusted for lots 1 & 4 through 8 and front yard setback variances have been requested for only the interior roadways as 100 feet is required and 50 feet is proposed. Design waivers for on-site bulk storage of material exceeding 10 feet in height has been requested for a maximum height of 35 feet for piling of materials greater than 1600 feet from Whitesville Road. Design waiver for on-site bulk storage of materials exceeding 10 feet in height has been requested for a maximum height of 25 feet for piling of materials 1200 to 1600 feet from Whitesville Road and no pile of any material exceeding 10 feet will be permitted within 1200 feet of Whitesville Road. Applicant is introducing a phasing plan for the proposed development and requesting formal approval of customary temporary uses including contractor storage, mulch storage and dredge soil storage and the extension of the preliminary approval rights for a 10 year period as permitted by Jackson Ordinance Section 109-27F(2) Said application shall include a request for any and all other variances and waivers as may be required by submission and discussion of the plans. The aforesaid has been scheduled for a hearing before the Jackson Township Planning Board at the Municipal Building, Route 528, Jackson, New Jersey on Monday , February 24, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The application, maps and supporting documents are on file in the Jackson Township Planning Board in the municipal building and are available for public inspection during normal business hours for a period of 10 days prior to the date of hearing. RAYMOND F. SHEA, JR, ESQ. LEVIN, SHEA & PFEFFER, P.A. Attorney for Applicant 2105 W. County Line Road Jackson, New Jersey 08527 (732) 364-7333 ($82.80) 995657  
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Flemington Borough Planning Board Recommends Area to be Designated Area in Need of Redevelopment

Public Notice:

At its regular meeting on January 28, 2014, the Flemington Borough Planning/Zoning Board memorialized the following resolution:
Eileen Parks Secretary, Planning Board Borough of Flemington 1/29/2014
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Freehold Township Designates Area in Need of Redevelopment


Please take notice that on January 28, 2014, the Freehold Township Committee adopted Resolution R-14-31 which resolution designated Freehold Township Block 50, Lots 31, 31.01, 32 and 32.01 having boundaries along N.J. Hwy 79, Route 33 and U.S. Hwy 9 as an Area in Need of Redevelopment pursuant to NJSA 40A:12A-1 et seq. A copy of the resolution may be viewed and/or copied in the Office of the Township Clerk’s office during regular business hours or on the Township’s official website at
pdf (scroll down to appropriate document).
Terry Warner
Township Clerk
($19.80) 988061

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