area in need of redevelopment

Lyndhurst Planning Board To Determine Redevelopment Status on 40 Properties

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF LYNDHURST   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Township of Lyndhurst, Bergen County, New Jersey will hold a public hearing on October 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard (including on a different date), at the Municipal Building, 367 Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, 07071. The public hearing is being conducted pursuant to the New Jersey Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.The hearing may be adjourned from time to time in accordance with the procedures of the Lyndhurst Planning Board. The purpose of the public hearing is to assist the Planning Board in its investigation to determine whether approximately forty (40) properties, proposed and potential redevelopment parcels, described below, and as further depicted on a map of the proposed area(s), is a redevelopment area according to the criteria set forth in Section 5 of the New Jersey Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. The Township’s Redevelopment Consultant is preparing a report, to be made available prior to the hearing, indicating that certain of the aforesaid properties listed below may satisfy the requirements of the New Jersey Redevelopment and Housing Law and may be designated an area in need of redevelopment for the reasons set forth in State Law. This designation may only be done after all evidence is gathered and the Planning Board hears from any interested party(s) desiring to take part in the process. The area to be investigated by the Planning Board includes the following properties generally located along Ridge Road, Stuyvesant Avenue and Valley Brook Avenue, in the retail/commercial area of the Township.  Block 96 Lots 1, 2 Block 97 Lots1, 2, 3, 4 Block 89 Lots7, 8 Block 90 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Block 98 Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, and Lots 16 through 24 inclusive. Block 91 Lots11, 12.01, 12.02  Block 12 Lot 5 Block 66 Lots 1, 2, 3, 23, 5 and 6 Block 66 Lots 9, 10, 8,7 The above properties are subject to being included in the Lyndhurst Town Center Redevelopment Area. However, none of these properties are subject to condemnation. This area, including the identification of each parcel is included on the June 2014 Map depicting the “Lyndhurst Town Center Redevelopment – Area In Need Of Redevelopment Parcels”.This map of the areas shows the location and boundaries of the proposed and on going redevelopment area(s) and the location of the various parcels of property included therein. This map can be inspected at the office of the municipal clerk or at the office of the land use administrator located at the Lyndhurst Municipal Building Annex, 253 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071. The resolution of the Township of Lyndhurst Board of Commissioners setting forth the basis for the investigation of the above listed properties is also available at the office of the municipal clerk.  In addition to the previously identified properties, a property previously designated as an area in need of redevelopment the parcel at Block 89, Lot 9 is being identified as an area in need of redevelopment subject to condemnation, as required by P.L. 2013, Chapter 159. This property is known as the Lincoln School. In addition to the foregoing work and investigation the Lyndhurst Planning Board is being asked to determine whether the properties at Block 67, Lots 1, 20, and 19 shall be included in an area in need of redevelopment.  At the public hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, the Lyndhurst Planning Board shall hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is a redevelopment area. A redevelopment area is intended to improve the quality of life and property values of the affected area.  Any affected party may appear in person or by agency or by attorney and present testimony, or submit evidence in writing to the Planning Board. All favorable statements and objections to a determination that the area is in need of redevelopment and evidence in support of both favorable statements and objections, given orally or in writing, shall be received and duly considered by the Lyndhurst Planning Board and made part of the public record. Don Spagnuolo Land Use Administrator September 26, October 3, 2014 – Fee: $238.14 (126) 3753532

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North Bergen to Consider Placing Existing Condominimums in Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:

  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on May 14, 2014, the Board of Commissioners of the Township of North Bergen adopted a resolution authorizing the North Bergen Planning Board to undertake a preliminary investigation of property identified as follows: Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00A1 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00A4 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00A5 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00B1 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00B2 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00B3 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00B4 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00C1 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00C2 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00C3 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00C4 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00D1 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00D2 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00D3 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C00D4 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C0GL1 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C0GL2 Block 305.02, Lot 15, Qualifier C0GL3   as identified on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Bergen and commonly known as 116 73rd Street (the “Study Area”) to determine if the properties qualify as an area in need of redevelopment. The study area boundaries are formed by the property lines of Block 305.02, Lot 16. The study area is essentially rectangular in shape and totals +/- 0.09 acres (3,800 square feet). The study area is located on the north side of 73rd Street with 38 feet of frontage along 73rd Street. The street address is 116 73rd Street and consists of a four-story building containing eighteen (18) condominiums as listed above.  The Township of North Bergen Planning Board will be conducting a public hearing on July 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the North Bergen Municipal Building located at 4233 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, New Jersey to review and consider the preliminary investigation conducted of the aforementioned properties pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6. A copy of the map delineating the boundaries of the proposed redevelopment area (the blocks and lots as noted above) and a copy of the Area in Need of Redevelopment Study for 116 73rd Street, Block 305.02, Lot 15, Township of North Bergen, New Jersey prepared by Phillips Preiss Grygiel, LLC dated May, 2014 is on file in the office of the Township Clerk and the Planning Board Secretary, 4233 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, New Jersey and is available for inspection Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. on regular business days.  Any redevelopment area determination pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners shall not authorize the Township of North Bergen to exercise the power of Eminent Domain to acquire any property in the delineated redevelopment area.  All persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is an area in need of redevelopment may be heard at the time and place scheduled for the hearing identified herein. ___________________________________ Geraldine Baker, Secretary/Clerk Planning Board, Township of North Bergen  06/16/14 $84.37
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Holmdel Rings the Long Term Tax Agreement Bell at Bell Labs

Public Notice:


ORDINANCE NO. 2014-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLMDEL APPROVING THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT FOR A LONG TERM TAX AGREEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPER OF THE FORMER BELL SITE PURSUANT TO THE NEW JERSEY LONG TERM TAX EXEMPTION LAW (N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 ET SEQ.) WHEREAS, the Township Committee and Township Planning Board of the Township of Holmdel have engaged in multiple investigations and studies pursuant to the requirements of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”) relating to the former Bell Laboratories property consisting of approximately 473 acres located in the Township along Crawfords Corner Road and Roberts Road with frontage on Middletown Road and known as block 11, lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03 and 73.04 on the Township tax map (the “Former Bell Site”); and WHEREAS, such investigations and studies resulted in the Township, by resolution dated May 5, 2011, designating the Former Bell Site as an “as an area in need of rehabilitation” and subsequently, by resolution dated May 3, 2012, “as area in need of redevelopment” under the terms of the Redevelopment Law; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2012, the Township Committee adopted Ordinance No. 2012-12, approving and adopting the Alcatel Lucent Redevelopment Plan dated April 2012 prepared by CME Associates (the “Redevelopment Plan”); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes the reuse of the existing approximately 1,675,000 square foot main building on the Land that makes up a portion of the Former Bell Site (the “Property”) to transform the underutilized building into an economically and socially productive use which will contribute to the general welfare of the Township; and WHEREAS, the Entity will be the redeveloper of the Property and will enter into an agreement with the Township governing the terms and conditions of said redevelopment (the “Redevelopment Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the Entity has made a written application (the “Application”) to the Mayor and Committee for a long term tax exemption pursuant to the Long Term Tax Exemption Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq. (the “Exemption Law”), for the improvements to be constructed at the Building as part of the Project; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Exemption Law authorize the Township to accept annual service charges in lieu of real property taxes paid by the Entity to the Township; and WHEREAS, the Project will be subject to the requirements of the Exemption Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq.; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper is an urban renewal entity duly formed in accordance with the Exemption Law and approved by the Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, a Financial Agreement has been negotiated between the Township and Redeveloper in accordance with the Exemption Law, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the said Financial Agreement will be on file in the Office of the Township Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel, in the County of Monmouth, that the Financial Agreement negotiated by and between the Township and the Redeveloper, for the Former Bell Site property is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Mayor is authorized to execute on behalf of the Township the said Financial Agreement in substantially the same form as that attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be agreed to and approved by Township counsel and the Redeveloper. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any portion or clause of this Ordinance is declared null and void for any reason whatsoever, same shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other part or portion of this Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage and publication as required by law, as the “Ordinance Approving the Financial Agreement for the Former Bell Site.” PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing proposed Ordinance was introduced and read by title for the first time at the June 5, 2014, meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel and this Ordinance will be considered for final passage at the June 17, 2014, meeting of the Township Committee to be held at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at Holmdel Township Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, New Jersey, at which time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning same. Maureen Doloughty, Municipal Clerk ($117.00) 091831  


Public Notice ID: 21427043.HTM
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Bogota Planning Board Recommends West Port Lee Road Redevelopment

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF BOGOTA The Planning/Zoning Boan) of the Borough of Bogota adopted the following resolutions at its meeting of March 11,2014: 1. Resolution 2014-02 recommending to Mayor and Council the designation of Block 72, Lots 1.01 and 1.02 (250-300 West Port Lee Road) as an area in need of redevelopment. 2. Resolution 2014-05 granting a use variance and site plan approval to Golden Adult Medical Day Care tor an adult day care facility at 53-57 West Fort Lee Road, Block 66, Lot 12. Files are available for inspection at board offices during office hours. LIGAYA F. TY Board Clerk March 15, 2014-fee:$17.95 (19) 3653883

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Berkeley Heights to Hold Second Vote on Redevelopment Area to Avoid Conflict


PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY HEIGHTS 29 PARK AVENUE BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ 07922 Pursuant to this PUBLIC NOTICE of the Planning Board of the Township of Berkeley Heights (“Board”), the Board states that: WHEREAS, the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (“LRHL”), authorizes municipalities to determine whether certain parcel(s) of land situated within the municipality constitute an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the LRHL, no parcel(s) of land shall be declared an area in need of redevelopment without the municipality having first authorized its planning board, by way of resolution, to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether the subject parcel(s) meet the statutory criteria of an area in need of redevelopment as defined in the LRHL; and WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Berkeley Heights (“Township Council”), by way of Resolution No. 271-2013, adopted on November 18, 2013, authorized the Board to undertake a preliminary investigation of the area consisting of Block 608, Lots 1 and 4, and Block 504, Lots 5 and 6, including that portion of the Columbus Avenue right-of-way extending from the western limit of Block 504, Lot 6, to the New Jersey Transit property line to the north, and that portion of the Berkeley Avenue right-of-way extending from the New Jersey Transit boundary line to the north to the Park Avenue right-of-way to the south, or any part thereof, as identified on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Berkeley Heights (“Property”) to determine if the Property meets the criteria set forth in the LRHL and should be designated as an area in need of redevelopment except that any redevelopment area determination shall not authorize the Township of Berkeley Heights to exercise the power of condemnation or eminent domain to acquire any property in the delineated area; and WHEREAS, the Township Council, by Resolution No. 62-2013, authorized a professional services contract with Harbor Consultants, Inc., to conduct such preliminary investigation, which the Board was authorized to utilize in connection with same; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2013 the Board considered, upon referral from the Township Council, Resolution No. 271-2013 and voted to authorize Harbor Consultants to prepare a map of the Property, including a statement setting forth the basis for the investigation, and to perform a preliminary investigation of the Property to determine whether the Property is an area in need of non-condemnation redevelopment pursuant to the LRHL; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2014, the Board, having determined that certain members who participated in the action taken on December 4, 2013 may have a conflict, reconsidered Resolution No. 271-2013 and the Board, excluding the recused members, voted to authorize Harbor Consultants to prepare a map of the Property, including a statement setting forth the basis for the investigation, and to perform a preliminary investigation of the Property to determine whether the Property is an area in need of non-condemnation redevelopment pursuant to the LRHL. NOW THEREFORE, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Township of Berkeley Heights shall hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Township of Berkeley Heights Municipal Building, located at 29 Park Avenue, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, at which time Harbor Consultants shall present a map of the Property and the findings of its preliminary investigation of the Property so that the Board may determine whether the Property is in need of non-condemnation redevelopment as defined by the LRHL. At the aforementioned time and location, members of the public, or those who would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is a redevelopment area, may appear in person or by attorney to present any objections or comments regarding the map and preliminary investigation of the Property. The Board shall also accept written objections and/or comments. A copy of the map, the statement setting forth the basis for the investigation and the preliminary investigation are on file in the Township of Berkeley Heights Municipal Building, Office of the Township Clerk, 29 Park Avenue, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, and available for public inspection Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Connie Valenti Secretary, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment Township of Berkeley Heights 29 Park Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 Phone: 908-464-2700, Ext. 2124 Fax: 908-464-3791 ($156.64) 019256  

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Aberdeen Township Council Passes and Adopts Route 34 Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


ORDINANCE NO. 2-2014 “ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ABERDEEN, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO THE PROPERTY AT 1337, 1341 – 1343 AND 1355 ROUTE 34, COMMONLY KNOWN AS BLOCK 114, LOTS 6, 7.01, 13 AND 13Q-FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ABERDEEN” ORDINANCE NO. 2-2014 was passed and adopted at a Regular Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Aberdeen held on March 4, 2014. Karen Ventura, RMC/CMC Township Clerk ($18.00) 018898  
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Harrison Joint Land Use Board to Hold Preliminary Investigation for “Area in Need Study”

Public Notice:

>  PUBLIC NOTICE    HARRISON TOWNSHIP   JOINT LAND USE BOARD NOTICE    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board will hold a public hearing on March 20, 2014, at 7:30 P.M. in the Harrison Township Municipal Building Courtroom, 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, New Jersey.  The purpose of the public hearing is for the Harrison Township Joint Land Use Board to conduct a preliminary investigation, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (Local Redevelopment and Housing Law), to determine a need for redevelopment and revitalization of Block 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.01, 5, 5.01, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9.01, 10, 10.01, 11, 12 and 13; Block 2.01, Lots 1 and 1.01; Block 2.02, Lots 1, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; Block 4, Lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; and Block 24.02, Lot 1 as a “Condemnation Redevelopment Area”. At this hearing, the Joint Land Use Board will hear all persons who are interested in or will be affected by a determination that these properties within the Township qualify as a redevelopment area.  You may appear either in person or by attorney and present any objections or concerns you may have.    A Map showing the boundaries of the proposed redevelopment area can be inspected and reviewed in the Office of the Municipal Clerk, 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, New Jersey, Monday through Friday between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The entire plan including the map is also available on the Township’s website at in the “Business” section of the website.    Susanne H. Rhudy  Joint Land Use Board Secretary    Cost: $87.84(2673019) 3/2,9-2t
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Piscataway Township Planning Determines Area in Need of Redevelopment Status

Public Notice:

PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF PISCATAWAY MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the following action was taken by the Piscataway Township Planning Board at the meeting of February 5, 2014 and MEMORIALIZED on February 5, 2014: The Planning Board of the Township of Piscataway has adopted a resolution for “Retention of Lester J. Nebenzahl and Associates, Inc., to Study if Block 4901, Lot 1, and Block 5201, Lot 5, Turner Place, are an area in need of redevelopment, and if so, in its preparation of a Redevelopment Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the following action was taken by the Piscataway Township Planning Board at the meeting of January 8, 2014 and MEMORIALIZED on February 5, 2014: The Planning Board of the Township of Piscataway has adopted a resolution for “Designation of Area in need of Redevelopment”. A report was prepared by Lester J. Nebenzahl & Associates, Inc., entitled: “Determination of Need, Block 7401, Lot 2.02 & Block 6201, Lot 6.01, dated November 18, 2013. The study area is located in the central portion of the Township, on the west side of Hoes Lane, between Skiles Avenue and Knightsbridge Road. Joanna Drennan, Recording Secretary Piscataway Township Planning Board 2/22/2014 $69.60
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Piscataway To turn Around Turner Place

Public Notice:


PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF PISCATAWAY MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY Please be advised that the Piscataway Township Planning Board will hold a public meeting to discuss whether the property designated as Block 4901, Lot 1, and Block 5201, Lot 5 on the Township Tax Map, commonly known as 2 Turner Place is an area in need of redevelopment. The study area is located adjacent to the northbound side of Interstate Route 287 in the central portion of the Township. The northerly property boundary of the site is located adjacent to the Consolidated Railway Corporation right-of-way which traverses the northern portion of the Township. The hearing will be held during the regular meeting of the Planning Board scheduled for March 12, 2014, in the Meeting Room of the Public Works Building, 505 Sidney Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 at 7:30PM. All documents and maps are on file with the Piscataway Township Clerk and can be inspected at the offices of the Piscataway Planning Board, Monday through Friday, 8:30AM to 12:30PM and 1:30PM to 4:30PM, at 505 Sidney Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854. Joanna Drennan, Recording Secretary Piscataway Township Planning Board 2/17,27/2014 $127.60
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Freehold Township Designates Area in Need of Redevelopment


Please take notice that on January 28, 2014, the Freehold Township Committee adopted Resolution R-14-31 which resolution designated Freehold Township Block 50, Lots 31, 31.01, 32 and 32.01 having boundaries along N.J. Hwy 79, Route 33 and U.S. Hwy 9 as an Area in Need of Redevelopment pursuant to NJSA 40A:12A-1 et seq. A copy of the resolution may be viewed and/or copied in the Office of the Township Clerk’s office during regular business hours or on the Township’s official website at
pdf (scroll down to appropriate document).
Terry Warner
Township Clerk
($19.80) 988061

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