West Port Lee Road

Bogota Planning Board Recommends West Port Lee Road Redevelopment

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF BOGOTA The Planning/Zoning Boan) of the Borough of Bogota adopted the following resolutions at its meeting of March 11,2014: 1. Resolution 2014-02 recommending to Mayor and Council the designation of Block 72, Lots 1.01 and 1.02 (250-300 West Port Lee Road) as an area in need of redevelopment. 2. Resolution 2014-05 granting a use variance and site plan approval to Golden Adult Medical Day Care tor an adult day care facility at 53-57 West Fort Lee Road, Block 66, Lot 12. Files are available for inspection at board offices during office hours. LIGAYA F. TY Board Clerk March 15, 2014-fee:$17.95 (19) 3653883

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