Dumont Discusses COAH Third Round Obligation at Special Joint Meeting

Public Notice:


Borough of Dumont Bergen County, N.J. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Land Use Board of the Borough of Dumont will be holding a specialjoint public meetingwith the Dumont Borough Council on December 17, 2013 to commence at 8:00p.m. During said meeting the Land Use Board shall consider the adoption of a Third Round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan for inclusion in the Borough of Dumont Master Plan and recommendation to the Borough governing body for submission to the Council on Affordable Housing. The meeting will take place in the Senior Center, located at 39 Dumont Avenue, Dumont, N.J. A copy of the proposed plan is available for review at the Municipal Building during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. Formal action will be taken. Dec 2, 2013-fee:$23.63 (25) 3604567
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