Fort Lee hears 186 Residential 19 Story Building

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF FORT LEE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Fort Lee Board of Adjustment will hold a special meeting on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Fort Lee Municipal Building, 309 Main Street, Fort Lee, New Jersey.  The special meeting is being scheduled for the purpose of a continuation of hearing.  AGENDA Docket #26-13 Fort Lee EP, LLC  Fort Lee Executive Park One Executive Drive Block 6451, Lot 5.01 Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan-19-Story Residential Building, 186 Units  All documents are on file in the Office of Planning and Zoning, 309 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ and may be viewed during regular business hours, 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Any interested party may appear at said hearings and participate therein in accordance with the Rules of the Board of Adjustment.  Doug Sugarman, Chairman,  Board of Adjustment Barbara B. Klein, Planning Administrator January 9, 2014-fee:$32.13 (34) 3620987
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