Monore Township Board of Adjustment Approves 6 Lot Subdivision

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF MONROE PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Monroe Township Zoning Board of Adjustment did, at their regularly scheduled meeting of November 25, 2014, adopt a Resolution memorializing relief granted by the Monroe Township Zoning Board of Adjustment to the applicant, Shared Properties, LLC for the premises known as Block 4, Lots 9, 13.08, 13.09, 13.10 which properties are located in the HD zone and have frontage on Route 33 and Applegarth Road, Monroe Township, New Jersey. The relief granted includes:

1. Preliminary major subdivision to create six (6) lots for development as a combination of:
(a) commercial;
(b) affordable apartments; and
(c) townhouses.
2. Preliminary site plan for the commercial portion of the site;
3. Preliminary site plan for the affordable apartment portion of the site;
4. Preliminary subdivision approval for the proposed townhouse development and bulk variance and design waiver relief associated with the approvals. 

Copies of applications, plans and Resolutions for same are on file at the Monroe Township Zoning Board of Adjustment’s offices located at 1 Municipal Plaza, Monroe, New Jersey and may be examined during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. KENNETH L. PAPE ATTORNEY FOR THE APPLICANT ($25.96)

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