MIlltown amends Ordinance to address Affordable Housing Requirements

Public Notice:


  BOROUGH OF MILLTOWN  Ordinance #13-1385 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF MILLTOWN TO ADDRESS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURT AND THE COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING (COAH) REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE BOROUGH’S AFFORDABLE HOUSING OBLIGATIONS ADDING CHAPTER XXXIV, COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT, SECTION 34-18, AFFORDABLE HOUSING Public Notice is hereby given that the above Ordinance, following a public hearing according to law, was finally adopted on second reading by the Borough Council of the Borough of Milltown, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey on the 15th day of October, 2013. Michael S. Januszka, RMC Clerk of the Borough of Milltown —-  Ordinance #13-1386 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF MILLTOWN TO ADDRESS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURT AND THE COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING (COAH) REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE BOROUGH’S AFFORDABLE HOUSING OBLIGATIONS ADDING CHAPTER XXXIV, COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT, SECTION 34-18A, DEVELOPMENT FEES   Public Notice is hereby given that the above Ordinance, following a public hearing according to law, was finally adopted on second reading by the Borough Council of the Borough of Milltown, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey on the 15th day of October, 2013. Michael S. Januszka, RMC Clerk of the Borough of Milltown —-  Ordinance #13-1387 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XXXIV, COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT, OF REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF MILLTOWN, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, TO ADD SECTION 34-34 STEEP SLOPES AND SECTION 34-35 RIPARIAN BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS. Public Notice is hereby given that the above Ordinance, following a public hearing according to law, was finally adopted on second reading by the Borough Council of the Borough of Milltown, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey on the 15th day of October, 2013. Michael S. Januszka, RMC Clerk of the Borough of Milltown
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