Township of Barnegat puts out RFP for professional services

Public Notice:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10 of the General Code of the Township of Barnegat, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey is seeking proposals for the following professional services for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014: 1-Township Attorney 19-Rent Leveling Board Financial Consultant 2-Township Engineer 20-Planning Board Attorney 3-Township Auditor 21-Planning Board Engineer 4-Auditor for Water/Sewer Utility 22-Conflict Planning Board Attorney 5-Conflict Township Attorney 23-Conflict Planning Board Engineer 6-Conflict Township Engineer 24-Landscape Architect for Planning Board 7-Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 25-Zoning Board Attorney 8-Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 26-Zoning Board Engineer 9-Conflict Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 27-Conflict Zoning Board Attorney 10-Conflict Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 28-Conflict Zoning Board Engineer 11-Special Counsel for Affordable Housing 29-Landscape Architect for Zoning Board 12-Landscape Architect 30-Township Planner 13-Bond Counsel 31-Township Prosecutor 14-Labor Counsel 32-Alternate Prosecutor 15-Appraisal Services 33-Public Defender 16-Appraisal and Title Work 34-Conflict Public Defender 17-Township Physician 35-Special Projects Engineer 18-Rent Leveling Board Attorney 36-Special Projects Architect A detailed “Request for Proposal” is on file in the Office of the Township Clerk, 900 W. Bay Avenue, Barnegat, N. J. 08005 Each Proposal must submit the following minimum requirements with their proposal: 1. List of names and roles of individuals proposed to perform the task along with a description of experience with project similar in nature. 2. List of references and record of success 3. Description of ability to provide services in a timely fashion, including staffing, familiarity and location of key staff. 4. Fee Schedule with cost details including hourly rates of each individual proposed to perform the service or a total cost (“not to exceed”). 5. Contribution statement by Professional business entity in accordance with Ordinance 2005-05, Section 10-20.c. 6. One original and six copies of proposal A complete RFP package is available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office, during normal business hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30, or call 609-698-0080, ext. 190. or download from our website All proposals must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, no later than 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 4, 2013. ($88.00) 884317  
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