request for proposals

Jersey City Redevelopment Agency puts out RFP on Various Sites

Public Notice:


   PUBLIC NOTICE JERSEY CITY REDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES   All responses must be received no later than 4:00 p.m.on Wednesday,January 8th,2014.  1) The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency is seeking proposals from  qualified developers for the redevelopment and/or renovation of property located at 15 East Linden Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. The proposal seeks active industrial uses in accordance with the Danforth Avenue Transit Village Redevelopment Plan. 2) The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (“JCRA”) is seeking proposals for the mixed use development on 2.5 acres of publicly owned land located the Grand Jersey Redevelopment Area in downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. The Request for Proposals for both sites can be downloaded from the JCRA’s website at Prospective developers should submit a completed proposal and a $750 submission fee. The JCRA reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. For additional information regarding Linden Avenue contact Mary Pat Noonan at 201-761-0828 For additional information regarding Grand Jersey contact Ben Delisle at 201-761-0822 11/25,27,29,12/2/2013 $241.28  
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Rahway Redevelopment Agency Puts out RFP/Q for Legals & Engineering Services

Public Notice:

RAHWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Request for Proposals/Qualifications The Rahway Redevelopment Agency (“Agency”) is soliciting Proposals and Qualifications from interested persons and/or firms for the provision of listed services. Through a Request for Proposals/Qualifications (“RFP/RFQ”) process, persons and/or firms interested in assisting the Agency with the provision of such services must prepare and submit a Proposal in accordance with the procedure and schedule in the RFPs or a statement of Qualifications in accordance with the RFQ. The Agency will review Proposals and Qualifications only from those firms that submit a Proposal or Qualification Statement which includes all the information required to be included as described (in the sole judgment of the Agency). The Agency intends to enter into a professional services agreement with a firm(s) that (a) possess(es) the professional, financial and administrative capabilities to provide the proposed services, and (b) agrees and meets the terms and conditions that have been determined by the Agency to provide the greatest benefit to the citizens of Rahway. The selection of a Respondent is not subject to the bidding provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. The selection is subject to the “New Jersey Local Unit Pay-to-Play” Law, N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., however. The Agency has structured a procurement process that seeks to obtain the desired results, while establishing a “fair and open” process, to assure that each person and/or firm is provided an equal opportunity to submit a Proposal or Qualification Statement in response to the RFP/RFQ. Proposals and Qualification Statements must be submitted to, and be received by, Mr. Peter Pelissier, Executive Director, Rahway Redevelopment Agency, City Hall Plaza, Rahway, N.J. 07065 on or before 4:00 p.m. on December 18, 2013. Proposals and Qualification Statements will not be accepted by facsimile transmission or e-mail. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS : 1. General Counsel to the Rahway Redevelopment Agency 2. Bond counsel to the Rahway Redevelopment Agency 3. Auditor and/or Financial Advisor to the Rahway Redevelopment Agency 4. Consulting Engineers to the Rahway Redevelopment Agency The RFP/RFQs are on file in the office of the Executive Director at City Hall Plaza, Rahway, N.J. 07065 and copies may be obtained by prospective respondents during regular business hours beginning at 10:00 a.m. on November 20, 2013. Copies may also be obtained on the City of Rahway’s website: Interested parties may also call the office of the Rahway Redevelopment Agency at (732) 827-2193 and request that the RFP/RFQ documents be faxed or emailed. Proposals and Qualification Statements must be submitted in the manner designated in the Instructions, must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing name and address of the bidder and the name of the position on the outside, addressed to the Rahway Redevelopment Agency. Jeffrey Jotz, City Clerk Nov. 14, 2013 ($46.02) 906264  

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The City of Summit Housing Authority puts out RFP for Legal Counsel.


The Housing Authority of the City of Summit, New Jersey is seeking proposals from Attorneys/Law Firms for General Legal Services for the fiscal year January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Only sealed proposals in an envelope marked “2014 Legal Services” from qualified professionals will be accepted no later than 1:00 PM (prevailing time) on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at the Summit Housing Authority, 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901 Attention: Joseph M. Billy, Jr., Executive Director. The RFP package may be obtained by contacting Michelle Salazar at or calling the Housing Authority offices at (908) 273-6413. No late proposals will be accepted. No proposal shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days without the written consent of the Authority. The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities in the selection process.
By: Joseph M. Billy, Jr.
Executive Director
($17.16) 901083

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Hoboken seeks attorney services through RFP process

Public Notice:

  CITY OF HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION On Behalf Of Department Administration PUBLIC NOTICE OF REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS   The City of Hoboken seeks proposals responsive to the following: Professional Services – Licensed Attorneys  Special Counsel (Second Attempt) for the Following Specialties:  1.Land Use / Real Property Counsel  2.Environmental Counsel  Term: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014  Full Specifications are available upon request by contacting Al Dineros, Purchasing Agent, or 201-420-2011.  Proposal Submission Due Date: November 13, 2013 11:00 a.m. E.S.T.  City of Hoboken c/o Law Department  94 Washington Street Hoboken, N.J. 07030 10/30/2013 $47.56  
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North Jersey District Water Commission puts out RFP for consulting engineering services

Public Notice:

  LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PROVISION OF GENERAL CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NORTH JERSEY DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY COMMISSION (“Commission”) is soliciting Proposals for the provision of general consulting engineering services, for a two (2) year term, as applied to the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations of a public water supply system, as more particularly described through a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) process. Through the procurement process initiated by this RFP, firms interested in providing such Services must prepare and submit a Proposal in accordance with the procedures and schedule established in this RFP. The Commission will review Proposals only from those firms that submit a Proposal that includes all of the information required to be submitted as described herein (in the sole judgment of the Commission). The Commission has structured a procurement process that seeks to obtain the desired results described above, while establishing a competitive process to assure that each Respondent is provided an equal opportunity to submit a Proposal in response to the RFP. Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the requirements as set forth in this RFP. The criteria will be applied in the same manner to each Proposal received.  Proposals will be received by the Commission and made in accordance with the requirements of the Commission as noted in the RFP.  Proposals must be submitted by 3:00 P.M. prevailing time on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 by the NORTH JERSEY DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY COMMISSION in its offices in Wanaque, New Jersey.   The RFP will be made available from the Commission beginning on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 by contacting:   Jennifer R. Mercado, MPA Acting Procurement Manager North Jersey District Water Supply Commission  One F.A. Orechio Drive  Wanaque, New Jersey 07465  Tel: 973-835-3600 ext 6241 Fax: 973-835-6701  E-Mail: A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Commission on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. Respondents must provide the Commission with one (1) original and five (5) copies of the Proposal. The Proposal must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the RFP’s title, date and time due.  PROPOSALS FORWARDED VIA OVERNIGHT SERVICES SHALL INDICATE THAT A PROPOSAL IS CONTAINED THEREIN.  By order of the NORTH JERSEY DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY COMMISSION. CHARLES P. SHOTMEYER, Chairman  ATTEST: KIM DIAMOND, Commission Secretary 10/30/2013 $131.08  
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Township of Barnegat puts out RFP for professional services

Public Notice:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10 of the General Code of the Township of Barnegat, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey is seeking proposals for the following professional services for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014: 1-Township Attorney 19-Rent Leveling Board Financial Consultant 2-Township Engineer 20-Planning Board Attorney 3-Township Auditor 21-Planning Board Engineer 4-Auditor for Water/Sewer Utility 22-Conflict Planning Board Attorney 5-Conflict Township Attorney 23-Conflict Planning Board Engineer 6-Conflict Township Engineer 24-Landscape Architect for Planning Board 7-Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 25-Zoning Board Attorney 8-Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 26-Zoning Board Engineer 9-Conflict Attorney for Water/Sewer Utility 27-Conflict Zoning Board Attorney 10-Conflict Engineer for Water/Sewer Utility 28-Conflict Zoning Board Engineer 11-Special Counsel for Affordable Housing 29-Landscape Architect for Zoning Board 12-Landscape Architect 30-Township Planner 13-Bond Counsel 31-Township Prosecutor 14-Labor Counsel 32-Alternate Prosecutor 15-Appraisal Services 33-Public Defender 16-Appraisal and Title Work 34-Conflict Public Defender 17-Township Physician 35-Special Projects Engineer 18-Rent Leveling Board Attorney 36-Special Projects Architect A detailed “Request for Proposal” is on file in the Office of the Township Clerk, 900 W. Bay Avenue, Barnegat, N. J. 08005 Each Proposal must submit the following minimum requirements with their proposal: 1. List of names and roles of individuals proposed to perform the task along with a description of experience with project similar in nature. 2. List of references and record of success 3. Description of ability to provide services in a timely fashion, including staffing, familiarity and location of key staff. 4. Fee Schedule with cost details including hourly rates of each individual proposed to perform the service or a total cost (“not to exceed”). 5. Contribution statement by Professional business entity in accordance with Ordinance 2005-05, Section 10-20.c. 6. One original and six copies of proposal A complete RFP package is available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office, during normal business hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30, or call 609-698-0080, ext. 190. or download from our website All proposals must be received by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, no later than 4:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 4, 2013. ($88.00) 884317  
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Hackensack Housing Authority puts out RFP for a Physical Condition Assessment

Public Notice:


  Request for Proposals  The Housing Authority of the City of Hackensack, New Jersey will accept proposals for the following services:  “Architectural/Engineering Services” It is the Housing Authority’s desire to retain a duly qualified, competent and capable architect/engineer to prepare a Physical Condition Assessment (PCA). All services must be in accordance with the existing laws, rules, orders, directives and regulations governing these services and supplies.  All persons interested in submitting a proposal for architectural/engineering services should contact the Housing Authority of the City of Hackensack in order to receive a copy of the formal Request for Proposals. The RFP specifies the scope of the services and the requirements for submitting proposals.  All proposals must be submitted to the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Hackensack, 65 First Street, Hackensack, New Jersey on or before November 26th, 2013 by 10:00 AM. The buildings are available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday.  The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received for these services. It also reserves the right to terminate the architect/engineer, for convenience, at any time during the term of the contract.  JOHN BELLOCCHIO Executive Director  Date: 10/17/13 10/21/2013 $69.60  
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Jersey City Redevelopment Agency seeks contractor for Phase II Rehab of Existing Building at 292 MLK Drive”

Public Notice
INVITATION TO BID   Sealed Bids will be received by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency for the “Phase II Rehabilitation of the Existing Building at 292 MLK Drive” Contract No. 13-11-FO12 (“Project”), owned by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency, at the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency offices at 66 York Street, Second Floor, in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey at 11:00 a.m. on November 13, 2013, at which time all Bids will be opened and read aloud.  The Bid Specification, including the Drawings and Technical Specifications, is on file at the offices of the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency, 66 York Street, Second Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. The provisions of the Bid Specification shall control acceptability of all Bids.  Copies of the Bid Specifications may be obtained by depositing fifty ($50.00) dollars (non-refundable) in check or money order drawn to the order of the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency.  A Bid Guaranty by a Bid Bond or Certified Check in the amount often (10%) percent of the Bid, but in no case to exceed $20,000.00, shall be submitted with each Bid.  A Consent of Surety issued from a surety company authorized to do business in New Jersey, that such company will provide the Bidder with a Performance and Payment Bond as called for in the Bid Specification shall also be submitted with each bid.  Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Bid Specification be paid to this Project.  Contractors must comply with P.L. 1999 C.238 (N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48, et seq.) “The Public Works Contractor Registration Act” and Business Registration pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44.  Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L.1975, c. 127 (N.J.S.A. 10:5-31, et seq.) and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1.1, et seq., regarding Equal Employment Opportunity.  Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1997, c.33 (N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2) regarding the Statement of Ownership disclosure.  The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or to waive any informality in the Bidding.  Bids may be held by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of opening of the Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating qualifications of the Bidders, unless the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency obtains consent from the Bidders to extend such time.  It is strongly recommended that Bidders attend the Pre – Bid meetings at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 24 and Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 292 Martin Luther King Drive, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. Any questions on the Bid Specifications may be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 4, 2013. All written questions are to be directed to Franklyn Ore at and a copy emailed to John Winckelmann at JERSEY CITY  REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FRANKLYN ORE PROJECT MANAGER   10/19/13 $86.92


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