Developer looks to add 377 units and associated retail to the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:

  NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF JERSEY CITY PLANNING BOARD   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 5:30 p.m., the City of Jersey City Planning Board (“Board”), in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, will hold a hearing on the application of Mill Creek Residential Trust LLC (“Applicant”), which seeks preliminary and final major site plan, minor subdivision, and deviation/variance approvals (the “Approvals”) for property located at 335-341 Washington Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and designated on the tax maps of the City of Jersey City as Block 11611, Lot 1 (“Property”). The Property is located in the Rehabilitation Zone of the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan Area.  The Applicant requests the Approvals in order to permit the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the historic Butler Brothers Warehouse building (“Building”) on the Property as an approximately 377-unit residential building with ground floor retail and artist studio and gallery space. The Applicant also proposes a 99-space parking garage in the basement of the Building, as well as certain residential amenities and other site improvements. A percentage of the residential units will be set aside for workforce housing.  The Applicant also requests minor subdivision approval to subdivide the Property into two lots. Proposed Lot 1.01, which will contain the Building, will be approximately 60,193 square feet (1.382 acres). Proposed Lot 1.02, which will be the remainder lot, will be approximately 10,000 square feet (0.23 acre).   In addition, the Applicant requests the following deviations/variances from the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan (“PAD Plan”): (1) a deviation from PAD Plan Section V.G.3 to allow the removal of the Building’s existing exterior elevated loading platform at Bay Street, and to extend/build-up the existing platform on Morgan Street; (2) a deviation from PAD Plan Sections V.H.1 and VII.I to permit 99 parking spaces total, approximately 51 of which will be compact parking spaces measuring 9 feet wide by 14 feet, 8.5 inches deep; (3) a deviation from PAD Plan Section VI.F and Section VIII.A.1.c to permit the proposed “Butler Lofts” sign located on the Warren/Morgan Streets corner and signs located above the entry canopies of the Building; (4) a deviation from PAD Plan Section VI.H to permit private rooftop outdoor recreational space that does not meet the minimum size requirement; (5) a deviation from PAD Plan Section V.B to permit rooftop condenser units without screening where such units are not otherwise visible from the street. In addition, the Applicant requests Board approval pursuant to PAD Plan Section VI.C.1 to permit enlarged windows for the Building.  While the Applicant believes that, except as stated above, its application is in conformance with the PAD Plan and the Jersey City Land Use Ordinances (“Ordinances”), it hereby requests any other waivers, variances, deviations, amendments and/or exceptions from the PAD Plan and/or the Ordinances as are required to obtain the Approvals.  Copies of all the documents submitted to date concerning this application are on file at the City of Jersey City Division of City Planning, located at 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and are available for inspection from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm., Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted.   At the hearing, all interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard.  Victor J. Herlinsky, Jr., Esq. Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. Attorneys for the Applicant (973) 643-7000  11/0113 $91.00  

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