new development

Borough of Milltown, Middlesex County, approves mixed-use redevelopment consisting of 350 unit and 5,000 sf of commercial


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 24, 2013, the Planning Board of the Borough of Milltown adopted a Resolution memorializing the approval granted at its meeting of September 24, 2013 with respect to the property known as Block 58, Lots 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.07 and Block 59.01, Lot 5.01 bounded by Ford Avenue, Main Street, Mill Pond and Lawrence Brook as shown on the tax map of the Borough of Milltown, County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey. The applicant is Boraie Development, LLC, which is the designated Redeveloper of the property. The action taken by the Planning Board was to grant approval of an application for Preliminary Major Subdivision and Preliminary Major Site Plan approval for a redevelopment project in conformance with the Milltown Ford Avenue Redevelopment Plan. The project comprises 350 dwelling units and approximately 5,000 square feet of retail space with parking and common areas (including $6,000 square foot community building). The project also makes provision for an open space corridor along the perimeter of Mill Pond.
The plans submitted by the applicant were approved subject to the conditions set forth in the Planning Board’s Resolution. A full copy of the Resolution of the Planning Board and a copy of the subdivision and site plans are on file with the Secretary of the Planning Board at 39 Washington Avenue, Milltown, New Jersey, and are available for inspection during normal business hours.
($21.84) 891502

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The Borough of Rockaway Land Use Board to hear application for twelve unit apartment building

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Board Borough of Rockaway Morris County, New Jersey In the Matter of the Application of WOODSTONE CORP. / GUSTAV L. HOLSTEIN, INC. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has applied to the Rockaway Borough Land Use Board for Site Plan Approval with related variance(s). The property is located Rockwood Drive, Rockaway Borough, also designated as Block 27.03, Lot(s) 6 & 6.01. The proposal is to construct a two-story apartment building with 12 dwelling units (6 one-bedroom and 6 two-bedroom units) along with associated parking areas. The property is located in the R-5 Garden Apartment Zone. The following variance(s) are requested as part of this application: Section 171-17.A(1): requires one garage space be provided per unit, where none are proposed; Section 171-17.A(1): requires a total of 48 parking spaces where 43 spaces are proposed; Section 171-17.A(2): requires that each garden apartment shall provide one additional garage space for every two units, where none are proposed; Section 171-17(E): requires minimum parking space size of 9 feet x 20 feet, where 9 feet x 18 feet is proposed. Section 171.17.J(1): for all residential buildings required parking shall be provided on the same lot as the building. A portion of the existing parking for Lot 6 is provided on Lot 6.01 and is proposed to continue that way; Section 171-17.J(2): no part of a parking area shall extend into a side yard of any residence district. The shared parking area for Lots 6 and 6.01 is located in the side yard of Lot 6; Section 171-17.J(2): no part of a parking area in the rear yard shall be closer than 10 feet to the property line, where 7.7 feet are proposed. Section 171-17.J(2): no part of a parking area shall extend into a front yard of any residence district. The shared parking area for Lot 6 is located in the front yard of Lot 6; Section 170-5.A.A(1): disturbance of existing slopes between 15% and 19,9% is limited to 33.3%, where 77.8% is proposed; Section 170-5.A.A(2): disturbance of existing slopes between 20% and 29,9% is limited to 25%, where 79.9% is proposed; Section 170-5.A.A(3): disturbance of existing slopes greater than 30% is limited to 15%, where 91.5% is proposed. The following waiver(s) are requested: Section 170-42.B(1): delineation of all trees within the limit of disturbance on an existing wooded lot. Along with any other variance, waiver, approval or relief that may be deemed necessary by the Board and its professionals. The Board has scheduled this matter for a public hearing for Monday, November 4, 2013 at 7:30 pm at the Community Center, 21 Union Street, Rockaway Borough, New Jersey. You may appear in person, by agent, or by attorney at which time all interested parties may be heard on this application. Copies of all documents submitted with this application are available for inspection during normal business hours at the Municipal Building. Larry I. Wiener, Esq. 141 W. Main Street, Rockaway, NJ 07866 Attorney for Applicant ($48.36) 885317


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