Gordon Road

Robbinsville Adds the Northern Tract to the Southern Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:

Township of Robbinsville Notice of Final Passage  The following ordinances were passed on second and final reading at a regular meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Robbinsville, County of Mercer held on May 8, 2014 and was signed by Mayor David Fried on May 14, 2014. If no protest petitions are filed, these Ordinances shall become effective 20 days after Mayor’s signature.   Ordinance 2014-10 ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE NORTHERN TRACT: PARCEL B AMENDMENTS TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, TOWN CENTER SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT    Ordinance 2014-11 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF A DEED NOTICE, PER N.J.S.A. 58:10B-13; A PORTION OF THE GORDON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY By: Michele Seigfried, Township Clerk   FEE$16.82  
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