Morristown Planning Board to Hear Application of Redvelopment Application for 37 Residential Units on Two Sites

Morris Street & Ford Road Redevelopment

Morris Street & Ford Road Redevelopment

TAKE NOTICE THAT the Planning Board of the Town of Morristown, New Jersey, will hold a hearing on December 5, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room, Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street, Morristown, New Jersey, to consider an application affecting the property whose street address is known as 185 Morris Street, Morristown, New Jersey and designated as Block 3701, Lot 11 on the Morristown Tax Map and the contiguous property known as 10 Ford Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey, Block 3701, Lot 10 on the Morristown Tax Map.
The conditions affecting this property and the reasons for the application being heard are as follows:
The Applicant, Leona Developers, LLC (“Leona”), (Owner is Peter Cipollini), of 185 Morris Street, Block 3701, Lot 11, was designated by the Morristown Council as the redeveloper of its property by the Morristown Council Resolution No. 32-12 (2/10/12) and extended by various Resolutions (R-77 (3/14/13) and R-168 (9/12/13)). The contiguous property Owner Mountain Center Realty, LLC (“Mountain”), 10 Ford Avenue, Block 3701, Lot 10, was designated by the Morristown Council as the redeveloper of its property by the Morristown Council Resolution No. 32-13 (2/10/12) and extended by various Resolutions (R-78 (3/14/13) and R-169 (9/12/13)). Both property owners (Leona and Mountain) seek approval of development projects pursuant to the Morristown Council’s redevelopment plan (pursuant to New Jersey Local Redevelopment & Housing Law (“LRHL”) – N.J.S.A. 40:12A-1 et seq. and the foregoing Resolutions) for the properties. Leona seeks preliminary and final site plan approval and minor subdivision approval to construct 37 units of Condominiums/Apartments/Townhomes pursuant to the Morristown Council’s redevelopment plan. Leona’s construction will take place in the RT-1 Zone and seeks approval for 75% impervious coverage, where only 40% impervious coverage is permitted in the RT-1 Zone. Leona and Mountain have entered into an Agreement to jointly construct certain infrastructure improvements and have the appropriate easements in place to facilitate same.
Applicant requests any other waivers or variances or such other relief as may be required by the Board or its professionals at the time of the hearing.
The application forms and supporting documents are on file in the Planning/Zoning offices at the Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street, Morristown, New Jersey, and may be inspected during operating hours, Monday through Friday. Any interested party may appear at the hearing and participate therein, subject to the rules of the Board.
/s/ John J. DeLaney, Jr., Esq.
Leona Developers, LLC
c/o John J. DeLaney, Jr., Esq.
Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C.
53 Cardinal Drive, P.O. Box 2369
Westfield, NJ 07091-2369
(908) 233-6800 Ext. 2417
($43.16) 912818

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