Public Notice:
Newark to Sell Property
Newfield Land Use Board Grants Use Variance & Preliminary Approval for 39 Residential Units
Public Notice:
A Blog about the Blog
The number of people following this blog is rapidly growing. We’ve been putting the information out there for just under 2 months and there are over 160 blogs that, for the skilled real estate professional, means leads.
In Atlantic City, at the League of Municipalities Convention, I was approached by a half dozen people that I did not know who thanked me for the taking the time to make this information available.
I want to thank those of you who have requested our assistance in the preparation of due diligence reports and I look forward to working with the rest of you in the future.
Until then, happy hunting.
Netcong Adopts The Town Redevelopment Plan
Public Notice: Public Notice:
Notice is hereby given that the following Ordinance #2013-14 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE TOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BLOCK 19, LOT 14
was finally adopted by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Netcong in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14TH day of November, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, Netcong, N.J.
Cynthia Eckert
Borough Clerk
($9.36) 909694
Jersey City to Contemplate Amending Approval for 70 Units in 4 Buildings
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Flemington Borough to Determine if Area is In Need of Redevelopment
Public Notice:
Planning Board of the Borough of Flemington, Hunterdon County Hearing on Redevelopment Study of South of the Union Hotel
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., the Planning Board of the Borough of Flemington will conduct a public hearing, as requested by the Common Council of the Borough of Flemington, to consider whether the following parcels of property located south of the Union Hotel, qualify as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”):
Properties located at 78 Main Street, 80 Main Street, 82 Main Street, 90-100 Main Street, 104 Main Street, 110 Main Street, 7 Spring Street, 19 Spring Street, 3 Chorister Place and 6 Chorister Place, identified on the Borough of Flemington Tax Map, as Block 22, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, Block 23, Lots 1 and 7 (the “Study Area”).
The hearing will take place at Borough Hall, 38 Park Avenue, Flemington, New Jersey 08822. The subject of the hearing will be the Planning Board’s preliminary investigation to determine whether the Study Area meets the criteria for designation as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Redevelopment Law. A map of the Study Area and a report that has been prepared on behalf of the Planning Board by Carl Hintz, P.P. of Clarke Caton Hintz entitled “Preliminary Investigation For An Area in Need of Redevelopment,” dated November 27, 2013, are on file with the Office of the Clerk of the Borough of Flemington, Borough Hall, 38 Park Avenue, Flemington, New Jersey 08822. The documents are available for public inspection Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This hearing provides an opportunity for you to appear and be heard concerning the redevelopment designation of the Study Area. The Planning Board’s role is limited to making a recommendation to the Council as to whether the Study Area qualifies as and should be designated as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Redevelopment Law. Please be advised that should the Planning Board determine to recommend to Council the redevelopment designation of the Study Area and the Council accepts such recommendation and thereafter designates the Study Area as an area in need of redevelopment, such redevelopment designation shall establish a “Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area” and such determination and designation shall NOT authorize the municipality to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any properties with the Study Area.
City of Vineland to consider Assisted Living Facility
TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the City of Vineland will hold public hearings at its regular meeting to be held Wednesday, December 11 , 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at which time all interested parties may be heard in Council Chambers of City Hall (Second Floor), Seventh and Wood Streets, Vineland, New Jersey on the following:
1. Newcomb Medical Alliance Center, LLC – a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for major site plan approval to construct a 3 story building with a total of 69 assisted living units together with a 1,937 square foot canopy and a separate 3 story building with a total of 74 independent living units (62 one bedroom and 12 two bedroom) together with a 2,074 square foot canopy with variance for front yard setback, on-site parking amount, impervious coverage, principal building height and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of Almond Street, easterly side of State Street, westerly side of Howard Street and northerly side of Chestnut Avenue , Block 4216 Lots 1 and 2, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.
2. Southwest Council- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for minor site plan approval to utilize existing asphalt parking spaces, installed without approval, for proposed substance abuse counseling and treatment center with variance for rear yard setback and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the easterly side of Delsea Drive between Wheat Road and Oak Road, Block 1601 Lot 98, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.
4. Vineland Municipal Utility- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for preliminary and final major site plan approval to install equipment and construct a 225 square foot equipment shed for a municipal utility facility (electric substation), variance for impervious lot coverage and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of New Peach Street between Lubins Lane and Quigley Avenue, Block 2704 Lots 33 and 34, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.
5. Slomin- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for revised minor site plan approval to alter the required site improvements and parking space layout at an existing site that contains a vehicle rental business and a personal service shop (salon), variance for impervious lot coverage, and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the easterly side of Delsea Drive between Chestnut Avenue and Walnut Road, Block 4801 Lot 72, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.
6. City of Vineland- a public hearing to consider relief requested pursuant to Sections 12 and 60 of Title 40:55D for resubdivision approval to reconfigure existing lots, variance for impervious lot coverage, side buffer, and any other variances that may be necessary as set forth in the City of Vineland Land Use Ordinance. Located on the southerly side of Park Avenue between Delsea Drive and West Avenue, Block 2801 Lots 5, 9, 10, 11, as shown on the tax map in the Tax Assessor’s Office.
The plans may be seen in the Planning Board Office on the 4th floor of City Hall, during regular business hours.
The meeting will terminate promptly at 11:00 PM. Any items begun before 11:00 PM will be completed. Any item on the agenda that is not heard will be continued to the next Planning Board meeting.
CITY OF VINELAND PLANNING BOARD David Manders, Chairman ptr fee $53.04 #1641215
Metuchen Zoning Board of Adjustment to Consider 19 Unit Apartment Building
LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 12th day of December, 2013 at 7:45 P.M., a hearing will be held before the Borough of Metuchen Zoning Board of Adjustment on the application of the undersigned for: Major Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for nineteen (19) residential apartment units at 23-27 Hillside Avenue, at the corner of Inn Place. The application includes variances for front yard setbacks on Hillside Avenue and Inn Place. Ten (10) feet is required in the B-1 Zone, and 4.7 feet is provided on Inn Place, 3.5 feet on Hillside Avenue. The application also includes a height variance. The Ordinance permits 3 stories and 35 feet. The application has 3 stories and a portion of the building more than 35 feet but less than 38.5 feet. The application also includes waivers for parking spaces. Thirty-six (36) spaces are required by the Ordinance. Thirty-four (34) spaces are provided, some of which are “tandem” spaces and some of which are undersized, being less than 18 feet in length. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the subject site is located at 23-27 Hillside Avenue at Inn Place, Metuchen, New Jersey and designated as Block 118, Lot(s) 19-21, 18.04 as shown on the Borough Tax Map. This application is on the Board’s calendar and public hearing has been ordered for Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 7:45 P.M. in the Borough Hall, 500 Main Street, Metuchen, New Jersey 08840, at which time you may appear either in person or by attorney end present, any objection which you may have to the granting of this application. Documents and plans filed by the applicant are available for inspection during regular business hours at Borough Hall, Office of Planning & Zoning, 500 Main Street, Metuchen, New Jersey 08840. Main Street Metuchen, Ltd. and Metuchen Investors, LLC, Applicants 450 Main Street Metuchen, NJ 08840 ($26.52) 917324
Voorhees Planning Board to Conduct Hearing on 22 Lot Residential Subdivision
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 11th day of December, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. (preceded by a caucus at 7:00 P.M.), a hearing will be conducted by the Voorhees Township Planning Board in the Municipal Building at 2400 Voorhees Town Center, Voorhees, New Jersey at which time any party may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney, and present any relevant testimony or otherwise participate in the hearing on the Application filed by Planland, LLC. This Application seeks relief from a condition of approval associated with the Planning Board’s grant of a Major Subdivision to establish twenty-one (21) residential building lots and one open space lot on that property situate at and known as Block 206, Lot 12 of the Official Tax Maps of Voorhees Township. More specifically, the condition sought to be waived or modified requires a payment to the Township for the removal of trees necessitated by the proposed construction activities and improvements proposed in this development.
The Application and supporting documents are on file in the Office of the Planning Board, 2400 Voorhees Town Center, Voorhees, New Jersey and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Please take further notice that the Planning Board may in its discretion adjourn, postpone or continue this said hearing from time to time and it is suggested that diligent inquiry of the Planning Office should be made concerning adjournments, postponements or continuations of the hearing.
Barry N. Lozuke, Esq. Attorney for Applicant Planland, LLC 131 Delaware Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 Tel: (856) 848-3454 (1641291) ($35.64)
Planning Board of the City of Hackensack to Hold Hearing on Main Street Potential Redevelopment Area
Public Notice: