
Ridgefield Park adopts Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


Village of Ridgefield Park 234 Main Street Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 2013-08 THE ORDINANCE PUBLISHED HEREWITH WAS INTRODUCED AND PASSED UPON FIRST READING AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE VILLAGE OF RIDGEFIELD PARK, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY, HELD ON NOVEMBER 26, 2013 AND WILL BE FURTHER CONSIDERED FOR FINAL PASSAGE, AFTER PUBLIC HEARING THEREON, AT A MEETING OF SAID BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO BE HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 234 MAIN STREET IN SAID VILLAGE ON DECEMBER 10, 2013 AT 7:30 PM OR IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER. DURING THE TEN DAYS PRIOR TO AND UP TO AND INCLUDING THE DATE OF SUCH MEETING, COPIES OF THE SAID ORDINANCE WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT THE VILLAGE CLERK’S OFFICE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC WHO SHALL REQUEST SAME. TARA O’GRADY, VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF RIDGEFIELD PARK ORDINANCE NO. 2013-08 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BLOCK 49.01 LOT 1, BLOCK 146.02 LOT 1, BLOCK 47.02 LOT 1, BLOCK 47.06 LOT 1 AND BLOCK 40.02 LOT 1.02 IN THE VILLAGE OF RIDGEFIELD PARK, COUNTY OF BERGEN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING LAW WHEREAS, in accordance with the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (the “Statute”), by Resolution adopted June 22, 1999, the Board of Commissioners of the Village of Ridgefield Park previously directed the Ridgefield Park Planning Board (the “Planning Board”) to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain properties within the Village and then designated as Block 49.01, Lot 1, Block 53.01, Lot 1, Block 54.01, Lot 1, Block 56.01, Lot 1, Block 65.02, Lot 1, Block 66.01, Lot 1, Block 67.01, Lot 1, Block 68.02, Lot 1, Block 69.02, Lot 1, Block 70.02, Lot 1, Block 71.01, Lot 1 and a portion of Block 146.02, Lot 1 on the Tax Map of the Village of Ridgefield Park (the “Initial Study Area”) qualify as an area in need of redevelopment as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of its preliminary investigation, in accordance with the Statute, on October 4, 1999, the Planning Board adopted a Resolution determining the Initial Study Area to be an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, on November 23, 1999, the Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution designating the Initial Study Area as an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance adopted on December 11, 2007, the Board of Commissioners adopted a Redevelopment Plan with respect to a portion of the property designated as Block 146.02, Lot 1 on the Tax Map of the Village of Ridgefield Park in accordance with the Statute (the “NJTA Redevelopment Plan”); and WHEREAS, subsequent to 2007, the entirety of the Initial Study Area with the exception of Block 146.02, Lot 1 was consolidated into Block 49.01, Lot 1; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2012, the Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution directing the Planning Board to review a Redevelopment Plan with respect to the parcels of property designated on the Tax Map as Block 49.01 Lot 1 and Block 146.02 Lot 1 (the “Initial Redevelopment Area”); and WHEREAS, after conducting public hearings on the matter, on December 3, 2012, the Planning Board adopted a Resolution recommending the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan with respect to the Initial Redevelopment Area as prepared by Kenneth Ochab Associates and dated October 1, 2012 (the “2012 Redevelopment Plan”), having found that the same was consistent with the Master Plan of the Village of Ridgefield Park; and WHEREAS, the 2012 Redevelopment Plan was subsequently adopted by the Board of Commissioners so as to govern the redevelopment of the Initial Redevelopment Area, superseding all prior redevelopment plans adopted with respect to the Initial Redevelopment area and the NJTA Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners thereafter directed the Planning Board to conduct a preliminary investigation as to whether certain additional properties designated as Block 47.02, Lot 1, Block 47.06, Lot 1 and Block 40.02, Lot 1.02 (the “Additional Properties”) also qualify as an area in need of redevelopment as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of its preliminary investigation in accordance with the Statute, on November 4, 2013, the Planning Board adopted a Resolution determining the Additional Properties to be an area in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, on November 12, 2013, the Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution designating the Additional Properties as an area in need of redevelopment in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desire to adopt the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan prepared by Kenneth Ochab Associates and dated November 4, 2013 (the “Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan”) so as to supersede the 2012 Redevelopment Plan and govern the redevelopment of the Initial Redevelopment Area along with the Additional Properties (together, the “Redevelopment Area”); and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has conducted a public hearing and adopted a Resolution on December 2, 2013 recommending the adoption of the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan, having found that the same is consistent with the Master Plan of the Village of Ridgefield Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Village of Ridgefield Park, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. Adoption of Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan. The Mayor and Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Planning Board and hereby adopt the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan prepared by Kenneth Ochab Associates and dated November 4, 2013, a copy of which is attached to and a part of this Ordinance (the “Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan”) as the redevelopment plan for the Redevelopment Area. 2.Amendment of Zoning Map. The Zoning Map of the Village of Ridgefield Park, referred to in Section 96-3.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended so as to provide for a Special Redevelopment Zone (the “SR Zone”), which shall encompass the Redevelopment Area. The Zoning Map shall include the Redevelopment Area as the property to which the Redevelopment Plan applies. 3.Severability. If any section, sentence or any other part of this Ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance but shall be confined in its effect to the section, sentence or other part of this Ordinance directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment is rendered. 4. Prior Redevelopment Plan Superseded. The Redevelopment Plan previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners and dated October 1, 2012, as well as the Redevelopment Plan previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners on December 11, 2007, and any other prior redevelopment plans with respect to the properties herein described, are hereby superseded in their entirety by the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan prepared by Kenneth Ochab Associates and dated November 4, 2013. 5.Redevelopment Entity. The Board of Commissions does hereby declare that it, without the designation of any other redevelopment entity as defined in the Redevelopment Law, shall exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of the redevelopment entity for purposes of clearance, re-planning, development and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall be the sole body empowered by the Village to enter into redevelopment agreements with redevelopers, subject to such limitations and requirements as are prescribed by the Redevelopment Law. 6. Procedures for Amendment of Redevelopment Plan. This Redevelopment Plan may be amended from time to time, by the Board of Commissioners, upon the compliance with all requirements of all applicable law. 7.Inconsistent Ordinances Repealed. All other ordinances or parts of Ordinances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, but only to the extent of such inconsistencies. 8.Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication as provided by law. Dec 3, 2013-fee:$217.35 (230) 3604629
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Flemington Borough to Determine if Area is In Need of Redevelopment

Public Notice:

Planning Board of the Borough of Flemington, Hunterdon County Hearing on Redevelopment Study of South of the Union Hotel
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., the Planning Board of the Borough of Flemington will conduct a public hearing, as requested by the Common Council of the Borough of Flemington, to consider whether the following parcels of property located south of the Union Hotel, qualify as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”):
Properties located at 78 Main Street, 80 Main Street, 82 Main Street, 90-100 Main Street, 104 Main Street, 110 Main Street, 7 Spring Street, 19 Spring Street, 3 Chorister Place and 6 Chorister Place, identified on the Borough of Flemington Tax Map, as Block 22, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, Block 23, Lots 1 and 7 (the “Study Area”).
The hearing will take place at Borough Hall, 38 Park Avenue, Flemington, New Jersey 08822.  The subject of the hearing will be the Planning Board’s preliminary investigation to determine whether the Study Area meets the criteria for designation as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Redevelopment Law.  A map of the Study Area and a report that has been prepared on behalf of the Planning Board by Carl Hintz, P.P. of Clarke Caton Hintz entitled “Preliminary Investigation For An Area in Need of Redevelopment,” dated November 27, 2013, are on file with the Office of the Clerk of the Borough of Flemington, Borough Hall, 38 Park Avenue, Flemington, New Jersey 08822.  The documents are available for public inspection Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This hearing provides an opportunity for you to appear and be heard concerning the redevelopment designation of the Study Area.  The Planning Board’s role is limited to making a recommendation to the Council as to whether the Study Area qualifies as and should be designated as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Redevelopment Law.  Please be advised that should the Planning Board determine to recommend to Council the redevelopment designation of the Study Area and the Council accepts such recommendation and thereafter designates the Study Area as an area in need of redevelopment, such redevelopment designation shall establish a “Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area” and such determination and designation shall NOT authorize the municipality to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire any properties with the Study Area.

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Orange to Hear Five Story Mixed Use Application in the Transit Village Center District


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Bridgewater Township to Hold Hearing on Redevelopment Area

NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Board of the Township of Bridgewater will hold a public hearing pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether Block 329, Lots 3.01, 13.01, 14 on the tax maps of the Township of Bridgewater and located at 652 Main Street (County Route 533) (Lots 14 and 3.01) and at Radel Avenue (Lot 13.01), Township of Bridgewater shall be designated as an area in need of redevelopment according to the criteria set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5. A redevelopment area determination shall authorize the municipality to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property in the delineated area. The public hearing shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on December 9, 2013 at the Municipal Courtroom of the Bridgewater Township Municipal Building located at 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807. At the public hearing, any persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that the delineated area is an area in need of redevelopment will be heard. The general boundaries of the area to be investigated are The Study Area is bounded, in part, by East Main Street (County Route 533), Radel Avenue, Fourth Street, Third Street, Second Street, De Sota Drive, Boyle Place and lands of now or formerly the Conrail Railroad and are set forth on a map that has been prepared and can be inspected at the office of the Municipal Clerk and the Planning Board Secretary. The map and draft redevelopment report of Scarlett Doyle, P.P. are available for inspection during regular business hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Fridays, except holidays, in the offices of the Planning Board Secretary, Bridgewater Township Municipal Building, 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807.
Thomas F. Collins, Jr., Esq.
Planning Board Attorney
Dated: November 25, 2013
($33.44) 916911

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Delran Township looks at Municipally Owned Property for Redevelopment

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF HEARING TOWNSHIP OF DELRAN PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persons that the Delran Township Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 5, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. , in the Delran Township municipal building in accordance with the Redevelopment and Housing Law (RHL) for consideration to the proposed investigation on adding the following property to the redevelopment area of the Delran Township: Block 125, Lot 14 (10 Rancocas Avenue)
This investigation is being done in accordance with Delran Town Council Resolution #2013-60, a copy of which is on file in the Delran Township municipal building. Anyone with questions concerning this matter may contact this office during normal business hours. Lynn Curry, Secretary Township of Delran Planning Board 900 Chester Avenue Delran, NJ 08075-9703 Adv. Fee: $24.84 BCT: November 26, 2013 Aff. Chg: $20.00
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Florence Township Approves Redevelopment Plan




REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PARCELS WITHIN THE ROUTE 130 REDEVELOPMENT AREA WHEREAS , on July 10, 2013, the Township Council of the Township of Florence, in the County of Burlington, New Jersey (the ‘Township’) adopted Resolution 2013-147 declaring designated blocks and lots fronting Route 130 within the Township as an ‘Area In Need of Redevelopment’ (the ‘Route 130 Corridor Redevelopment Area’ or ‘Redevelopment Area’) ; and WHEREAS , 45 days have passed since notice that Resolution 2013-147 was published and no actions have been filed challenging such action; WHEREAS , on August 23, 2013, the Township received notice from the Department of Community Affairs that the parcels identified in Resolution 2013-147 were effectively designated as a Redevelopment Area pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.,) (the ‘Act’); and

WHEREAS , the Act provides a procedure for the adoption of a redevelopment plan for all or a portion of a duly designated redevelopment area; and WHEREAS , Block 158, Lots 7 and 8 is a roughly 110 acre site within the Township (the ‘Property’) and is located in the Route 130 Corridor Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS , prior to its inclusion in the Redevelopment Area, the Property received approvals from the Planning Board of the Township of Florence (the ‘Planning Board’) for development of warehouse/distribution buildings with related roadway and site improvements; and WHEREAS , notwithstanding said approvals and consistent efforts to market it to potential tenants, the Property remains vacant; and WHEREAS , Haines Center Florence, LLC, a Delaware limited Liability Company, as owner of the Property, and Whitesell Construction Company, a New Jersey corporation overseeing development of the Property, have requested the Township to use its redevelopment powers to assist in making development on the Property feasible and the Township has agreed to provide assistance to allow the Property to be developed for the benefit of the Township and the remaining parcels within the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS , on November 13, 2013, the Township Council of the Township (the ‘Township Council’) adopted Resolution 2013-207(a) directing the Township Planning Board to develop a redevelopment plan for the Property; and WHEREAS , the Planning Board directed its planning Consultant Barbara Fegley, AICP, PP of Environmental Resolutions, Inc. (the ‘Professional Planner’), to prepare a draft redevelopment plan concerning the properties; and WHEREAS , on November 18, 2013, the Planning Board held a regularly scheduled meeting to review the draft plan entitled ‘Redevelopment Plan for 1000 and 1200 John Galt Way, the Haines Center, Block 158, Lots 7 and 8, Florence Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, dated November 14, 2013 and prepared by Barbara Fegley, AICP, PP, of Environmental Resolutions, Inc.’ (the ‘Proposed Redevelopment Plan’); and WHEREAS , following a presentation by the Professional Planner and an opportunity for public comments, the Planning board adopted Resolution No. PB-2013-23 entitled ‘Resolution of Memorialization Recommending that the Governing Body Adopt a Redevelopment Plan Concerning Block 158, Lots 7 & 8,’ a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A hereto and resolved that the Proposed Redevelopment Plan was consistent with the Township’s Master Plan and recommending that the Proposed Redevelopment Plan be adopted by the Township Council; and WHEREAS , a copy of the Proposed Redevelopment Plan as reviewed and recommended by the Planning Board is attached hereto as Exhibit B (the ‘Redevelopment Plan’); and WHEREAS , the Township Council desire to approve the Redevelopment Plan in the form set forth in Exhibit B hereto, and direct that the Township’s Zoning Map be amended and superseded to reflect the provision of the Redevelopment Plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FLORENCE, IN THE COUNTY OF BURLINGTON, NEW JERSEY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Redevelopment Plan, as filed in the Office of the Township Clerk and attached hereto as Exhibit B is hereby approved. Section 2. The zoning map of the Township of Florence is hereby amended to incorporate the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan and delineate the boundaries of the Property. Section 3. The recitals of this ordinance shall be reproduced in the minutes of the meeting where this ordinance is finally adopted and shall serve as the reasoning of the Township Council for purposes of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7(f). Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect as provided in law. The Ordinance has been approved on first reading by the Township Council of the Township of Florence, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, at a meeting held on November 25, 2013. It will be considered for final passage after a public hearing to be held on December 11, 2013, at 8:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey. Copies of the full ordinance are on file with the Township Clerk of the Township of Florence in the Municipal Complex. Copies may be obtained on request at no cost and a copy is posted on the municipal bulletin board in the Municipal Complex at 711 Broad Street, Florence, New Jersey. JOY M. WEILER, RMC/MMC – Township Clerk Adv. Fee: $127.88

BCT: November 27, 2013

Aff. Chg: $20.00

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Jersey City Redevelopment Agency puts out RFP on Various Sites

Public Notice:


   PUBLIC NOTICE JERSEY CITY REDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES   All responses must be received no later than 4:00 p.m.on Wednesday,January 8th,2014.  1) The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency is seeking proposals from  qualified developers for the redevelopment and/or renovation of property located at 15 East Linden Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. The proposal seeks active industrial uses in accordance with the Danforth Avenue Transit Village Redevelopment Plan. 2) The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (“JCRA”) is seeking proposals for the mixed use development on 2.5 acres of publicly owned land located the Grand Jersey Redevelopment Area in downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. The Request for Proposals for both sites can be downloaded from the JCRA’s website at Prospective developers should submit a completed proposal and a $750 submission fee. The JCRA reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. For additional information regarding Linden Avenue contact Mary Pat Noonan at 201-761-0828 For additional information regarding Grand Jersey contact Ben Delisle at 201-761-0822 11/25,27,29,12/2/2013 $241.28  
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North Brunswick Planning Board Memorialized Approval of First Phase of Transit Oriented Mixed-Use Redevelopment

North Brunswick Planning BoardPublic Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, the Township of North Brunswick Planning Board adopted a resolution (“Resolution”) memorializing its October 24, 2013 approval of the application of North Brunswick TOD Associates, LLC for amended preliminary and final major subdivision approval for Lots 9, 10 and 141.02 in Block 141, and for final major site plan approval for Phase 1B (Building H-3) of a Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development, to be developed on the property located at 2300 U.S. Route 1 North, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, and also known and designated as Block 141 (new), Lots (new) 1 through 7, 11 through 24, 29, 31, 33, 33.02, 36 through 48.01, 49 through 60, 63, 120 through 123 and 141 through 142 on the current tax and assessment map of the Township of North Brunswick (“Property”). The Property is located in the I-2 Industrial Zone District of the Township of North Brunswick and is eligible to be developed pursuant to the Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development Overlay Regulations.
Phase 1B (Building H-3), which is a sub-phase of Phase 1 of the Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development on the Property, consists of a four-story mixed-use building with approximately 15,456 square feet of retail uses on the ground floor, an accessory sales, management and rental office/model units on the second floor and 18-27 dwelling units on the third and fourth floors, and associated site improvements, all on Lots 44 and 45 in Block 141.
The Resolution has been filed in and is available for public inspection at the Division of Planning & Affordable Housing Offices, North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick Planning Board, New Jersey 08902, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted.
Kevin J. Moore, Esq.
Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.
Attorneys for North Brunswick
TOD Associates, LLC
(609) 227-4620
($30.16) 911679
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City of East Orange Planning Board to Consider 103 Unit 5 Story Apartment Building


East Orange

125 Harrison Street
East Orange, NJ

Public Notice:


CITY OF EAST ORANGE PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 4th day of December, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, a hearing will be held before the City of East Orange Planning Board at the East Orange Municipal Building, located at 44 City Hall Plaza, East Orange, New Jersey 07017 on the application no: PB624-13 of the undersigned, 125 SHS, LLC c/o GMAC Real Estate and the City of East Orange, for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval with the following bulk variance relief (1) minimum side yard setback required of 3 feet, wherein 0.2 feet is proposed; (2) minimum front yard setback of 6 feet or prevailing lot line, wherein no setback is proposed; (3) minimum rear yard setback of 25 feet, wherein shortest distance of 4.2 feet is proposed; and (4) minimum of 103 parking spaces required, wherein 91 parking spaces are proposed, along with any and all other bulk variance and/or design waiver relief required on the premises located at 125 South Harrison Street, 15 Berwyn Street, 19 Berwyn Street, and 22-37 Berwyn Street and designated as Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 711 on the City of East Orange Tax Map, located in the TVD-ES Zone, to permit the new construction of a 103 unit multi-family five story apartment building, wherein the specified lots are to be merged together if this application is approved, which is a permitted use in the zone. The following described maps and papers are on file in the office of the Land Use Administrator (973-266-5486) located in the City of East Orange Municipal Building, 44 City Hall Plaza, Third Floor, Division of Comprehensive Planning, East Orange, New Jersey, 07019, and are available for inspection by the public between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm during normal business days: (X) Application Packet with supplemental exhibits and addendum; (X) Architectural elevations prepared by Jarmel Kizel Architects and Engineers, Inc., (X) Preliminary and Final Site Plan Drawings prepared Jarmel Kizel Architects and Engineers, Inc., and (X) Any and all additional supplemental documentation. Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Board of Adjustment. You may appear in person, by agent, or attorney and may present any objections or comments that you may have regarding the granting of this request. Continuation of said hearing, if necessary, will be scheduled at that time. If not continued, a vote my be taken at said meeting. 125 SHS, LLC c/o GMAC Real Estate and City of East Orange, Applicant c/o Rosemary Stone-Dougherty, Esq. Law Offices of Rosemary Stone-Dougherty, Esq., LLC 54 Main Street Chatham, New Jersey 07928 973-635-0300 phone 11/23/2013 $145.00
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Planning Board of the City of Hackensack to Hold Hearing on Main Street Potential Redevelopment Area

City of Hackensack

Main Street Redevelopment


Public Notice:


PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF HACKENSACK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, December 11, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the 3rd Floor Council Chambers, City Hall, 65 Central Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack will hold a public hearing to investigate and determine whether the study area hereinafter described meets the criteria for an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 and consider a redevelopment plan for such area. The purpose of the investigation is to determine if the hereinafter described study area complies with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 to be designated as an area in need of redevelopment. The study area that the City Council requested the Planning Board to consider is comprised designated as Block 302, Lots 4, 5.01, 5.02, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (commonly known as 150-170 Main Street) on the Official Tax Map of the City of Hackensack. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you are privileged to be present at said public hearing to present any and all objections or support you may have and any other general comments relative to the Planning Board’s investigation as to whether such area should be designated an area in need of redevelopment. The Resolution of the City Council authorizing and directing the Planning Board to undertake this investigation, the area in need of redevelopment preliminary investigation report prepared by DMR Architects, and a map depicting the boundaries of the area and the location of the various parcels of property included in the study area are on file with the City Clerk and the Planning Board and all such documents are available for inspection during normal business hours. November 22, 29, 2013 – fee: $86.94 (46) 3598800
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