Monthly Archives: November 2013

Old Bridge Planning Board to Hear Application for Twelve (12) Unit Town Home Community



Property West of Route 9

Property West of Route 9

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 3, 2013 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., the Planning Board of the Township of Old Bridge will hold a public hearing on the application of COTTRELL COURT TOWNHOMES, LLC. The public hearing will be held at the Municipal Complex, One Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, New Jersey.
The purpose of the application is for Preliminary Approval to permit the construction of twelve (12) residential townhouse units on premises known as Block 14263, Lot 4.02 formerly known as Lot 4, Block 14263 which premises are located on Cottrell Road south of its intersection with County Route 516 in the Township of Old Bridge.
The Applicant will further seek a bulk variance with regard to the percentage of non-critical lot area.
The applicant also intends to request at the hearing such other variances and/or waivers of design standards and/or submission requirements as are required to develop the premises in the manner indicated in the application materials.
The application for development and all supporting maps, site plans and documents are on file in the office of the Planning and Zoning Board and are available for public inspection, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. Any interested party may appear at the aforesaid hearing, either in person, or by their attorney, and be given an opportunity to be heard with respect to the aforesaid application.
Dated: November 4, 2013 ______
Attorney for Applicant
($22.36) 902868

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Denville Township Planning Board to Hold Public Hearing Regarding Master Plan Re-Examination


The Denville Township Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing regarding the Re-Examination of the Master Plan for the Township of Denville. This meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
All documents relating to the Re-Examination of the Master Plan for the Township of Denville may be reviewed by the public between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM in the Planning & Zoning office, 1 St. Mary’s Place, Denville, NJ.
Denean Probasco
Planning & Zoning Board Secretary
($9.88) 902676

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The City of Summit Housing Authority puts out RFP for Legal Counsel.


The Housing Authority of the City of Summit, New Jersey is seeking proposals from Attorneys/Law Firms for General Legal Services for the fiscal year January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Only sealed proposals in an envelope marked “2014 Legal Services” from qualified professionals will be accepted no later than 1:00 PM (prevailing time) on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at the Summit Housing Authority, 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901 Attention: Joseph M. Billy, Jr., Executive Director. The RFP package may be obtained by contacting Michelle Salazar at or calling the Housing Authority offices at (908) 273-6413. No late proposals will be accepted. No proposal shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days without the written consent of the Authority. The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities in the selection process.
By: Joseph M. Billy, Jr.
Executive Director
($17.16) 901083

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Planning Board in Township of Greenwich, Gloucester County, Recommends Approvals and Adoption of Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


NOTICE OF DECISIONS  OF THE  TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH PLANNING BOARD    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following Resolutions were adopted by the Greenwich Township Planning/ Zoning Board at its regular meeting held on November 4, 2013:    1.    Resolution recommending approval/adoption of a Redevelopment Plan to the Greenwich Township Mayor and Council pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7E regarding Block 62, Lot 6.01, Block 169, Lots 27 & 27.01 and Block 139, Lots 2, 3, 4, 4.01 & 5 (Resolution #2013-27).    The above Resolutions are on file with the Municipal Clerk’s Office, 420 Washington Street, Gibbstown, New Jersey 08027.    AIMINO & DENNEN, LLC    BY:  Michael A. Aimino, Esq.  Solicitor, Greenwich Township   Planning/Zoning Board    Dated: November 7, 2013    Cost: $33.84(2667197) 11/12-1t
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Morristown Board of Adjustment to hear Variance to Permit 33 Residential Units on Ridgedale Avenue

MORRIS COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07960 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND OTHERS ENTITLED TO SERVICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned, Ridgedale Commons at Morristown, LLC, has made Application to the Town of Morristown Zoning Board of Adjustment for properties located at 68-74 Ridgedale Avenue, and more specifically known as Tax Block 702, Lots 8, 9, 10, & 11, Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey. The subject property is located in the RG-R Zone where residential use is permitted. The current Application is a request by the Applicant for a use variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d. to allow the construction of 33 residential units on the subject property. The Applicant is also requesting certain dimensional variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c(1) or c.(2), together with preliminary and final site plan approval. Also being sought is permission to improve the site with the normal amenities associated with residential living such as parking, landscaping, stormwater drainage and lighting. More specifically, the Applicant is seeking the following relief: Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law and the Land Use Ordinances of the Town of Morristown. Use variance relief from the Municipal Land Use Law pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d, and the Land Use Ordinances of the Town of Morristown, to enable the Applicant to construct 33 residential units on the subject property in a townhouse/condominium format. Bulk variance relief from the Municipal Land Use Law pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c(1) and/or c(2) and the Land Use Ordinances of the Town of Morristown, which may be required including, but not limited to, the following: Minimum lot area per family where 1,742 square feet is required and 1,151.2 square feet is being proposed. Improved lot coverage where 75% is the maximum, and 83.1% is being proposed. Building height where four stories/45 feet is the maximum and where four stories/50.33 feet is being proposed. Front yard setback where 40 feet is required and 8.7 feet is being proposed. Side yard setback (both) where 60 feet is required and 59.5 feet is being proposed. Side yard setback (one) where 30 feet is required and 10 feet is being proposed. Rear yard setback where 60 feet is required and 11.2 feet is being proposed. Onsite parking spaces where 66 spaces are required and 54 spaces are being proposed. Off-street loading spaces where two are required and none are being proposed. Parking to be located in certain set-back or buffer areas. The parking in the required rear yard set-back exceeds 30% The Applicant proposes a fence in lieu of vegetative buffer at more restrictive zone boundary. The Applicant will also apply for such other variance relief, exceptions, waivers, permits, approvals or licenses that are deemed necessary or appropriate by the Applicant or the Board, and which may arise during the course of the hearing process. The Application is now on the calendar of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Morristown. The initial public hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard at the Municipal Building, 200 South Street, Morristown, New Jersey 07960. Any person affected by this Application will have an opportunity to present any comments to the proposed development, however, the Board reserves the right to exclude irrelevant or repetitious testimony. All documents relating to this Application may be inspected by the public at the Board of Adjustment Office, 200 South Street, Morristown, New Jersey during regular business hours. Applicant: Ridgedale Commons at Morristown, LLC, c/o Louis P. Rago, Esq. 109 Washington Street Morristown, NJ 07960 Dated: November 6, 2013 ($58.24) 901089  


Public Notice ID: 20777959.HTM

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Applicant Seeks “D” Variance to Replace Sandy Damaged Apartments with Town Homes in Keyport

Notice of Public Hearing Borough of Keyport County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey Please take notice that the Unified Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Borough of Keyport (the “Borough”) will, on November 21, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Meeting Chambers, Borough Municipal Building, 70 West Front Street, Keyport, NJ 07735, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing to consider an application for “use” and other variance relief and preliminary major site plan approval (the “Application”) submitted to the Board by Mr. Charles Puth (the “Applicant”). The Application pertains to property within the Borough commonly known as 333 First Street and more formally identified as Block 138, Lot 11 on the Borough’s tax map (the “Property”). The Property consists of approximately 25,027 sq. ft. and is located in Borough’s Residential District (RA). The Property presently contains two single-story apartment buildings. These buildings were severely damaged by Hurricane Sandy and are dilapidated and unlivable. If the buildings were to be rehabilitated to permit residential occupancy, they would each have to be raised several feet to comply with new flood elevation requirements adopted by FEMA. Instead, the Applicant seeks approval to replace these buildings with up to fourteen (14) single-family townhome units. The Applicant believes this to be an aesthetically pleasing alternative to elevating the existing apartment buildings. To permit the proposed improvements, the Applicant requests that the Board grant the following variance relief in accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et. seq. (the “MLUL”): (1) “d(1)” or “use” variance relief in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(1) to permit the proposed townhome use as townhomes are not a permitted use in the RA District; (2) to the extent necessary, “d(5)” or “density” variance relief in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(5) to permit up to fourteen (14) townhomes at the Property as the RA District generally contemplates, for residential use, one single-family home per lot; (3) “d(6)” or “height” variance relief in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(6) to permit a maximum building height of 35 ft., which is greater than 10% of the 30 ft. maximum height permitted in the RA District; and (4) “c(1)” or “hardship” or “c(2)” or “flexible” variance relief, as necessary, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c to permit the following deviations from the bulk standards applicable in the RA District: (a) building coverage of 31.5% whereas 30% is permitted; (b) front yard setback of 10 ft. whereas 20 ft. is permitted; and (c) a maximum building height of 3 stories, where 2.5 stories are permitted. The Applicant will also seek such further variances, waivers, exceptions, or other relief as the Board may deem necessary without additional public notice. A copy of the Application (and supporting documentation) is on file with the Borough. These documents are available for public inspection, during regular business days and hours, at the Borough Municipal Building (address listed above) in the office of the Board Secretary. This Notice is given pursuant to the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the Public Hearing at the time and place herein stated and be heard on this Application. By: Steven P. Gouin, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Attorney for Mr. Charles Puth Dated: November 8, 2013 ($96.00) 900197


Public Notice ID: 20777939.HTM  

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Borough of Pine Hill, Camden County, Adopts Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:




NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing ordinance passed final reading and was duly adopted by the Governing Body of the Borough of Pine Hill, Camden County, New Jersey at a meeting held at the Pine Hill Borough Hall, 45 West 7th Avenue, Pine Hill, New Jersey on the 4th day of November 2013 at 7:30 pm.

Thomas Cardis, RMC (1639621) ($15.84)

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Bogota Governing Body Authorizes Planning Board to Conduct “Area In Need” Study

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING/ZONING BOARD  OF BOROUGH OF BOGOTA  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT: WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A: 12A-1 Et. Seq., (“LHRL”) states that the governing body of a municipality may authorize the municipal planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether areas in the municipality may be deemed to be in need of redevelopment, pursuant to the terms of the LRHL, and; WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the borough of Bogota pursuant to resolution No. 13-111 have authorized the Planning Board to conduct a preliminary investigation whether any or all of the properties that are designated on the Borough’s Tax Map as Block 72, Lot 1.01 and 1.02, more commonly identified as 250-300 West Fort Lee Road in the Borough of Bogota are in need of redevelopment, as defined by the LRHL; THEREFORE, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: ON NOVEMBER 26, 2013 AT 7:30PM, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 375 LARCH AVE, BOGOTA, NJ 07603, THE PLANNING/ZONING BOARD OF THE BOROUGH OF BOGOTA WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING, to conduct a preliminary investigation so as to determine whether any or all of the properties that are designated on the Borough’s Tax Map as Block 72, Lot 1.01 and 1.02, are in need of redevelopment, as defined by the LRHL, and a report thereon is to be made and submitted to the Planning/Zoning Board from Lisa Phillips, PP the professional planner for the Borough of Bogota of as part of the board’s investigation. At the above time and place, all those interested in determination that the aforementioned property designated on the Borough’s Tax Map as Block 72, Lot 1.01 and 1.02 shall be given an opportunity to be heard, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Board be authorized to mail and publish this notice in the manner required by law. PLANNING/ZONING BOARD OF  THE BOROUGH OF BOGOTA  Daniel Schnipp, Chairman  Michelle Rupar, Secretary Nov 9, 2013-fee:$51.03 (54) 3592744
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NJ Turnpike applies to NJ Pinelands Commission for permit to Improve Garden State Parkway Interchanges 36, 37, & 38

Public Notice:

Take notice that the New Jersey Turnpike Authority has applied to the New Jersey Pinelands Commission to permit the Improvements of the Garden State Parkway at Interchanges 36, 37 and 38. The improvements are intended to address operational and safety issues on the Parkway between mileposts 35 and 38 in Egg Harbor Township. The application is on file and is available for inspection by appointment at the Pinelands Commission’s office. Interested persons may comment to the Pinelands Commission within ten (10) days of the date of this notice. Comments should be made to:
Pinelands Commission P.O. Box 359 New Lisbon, New Jersey 08064 (609)-894-7300
Any persons who provides comments or requests a copy of the Executive Director’s findings and conclusions shall be provided a copy of said findings and conclusions and that any interested person who is aggrieved by said determination is entitled to a hearing by appealing the determination.
Prepared by:
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Address: 581 Main Street, Woodbridge New Jersey 07095 Printer Fee: $65.79 #0090809677 Pub Date:Nov 8, 9, 10, 2013


Public Notice ID: 20773870.HTM
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City of Trenton to Sell City Owned Property

Public Notice:


    CITY OF TRENTON – DEPT. OF HOUSING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TONY F. MACK, MAYOR PUBLIC AUCTION OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTIES  NOVEMBER 13, 2013 AT 1 PM AT CITY HALL, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR 319 E. STATE STREET, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY   All properties are sold “as is.” It is not the responsibility of the City to determine if a bidder is qualified for or to provide financing for a purchase. All successful bidders are required to make a minimum deposit of 20 percent of the bid amount on the day of the auction. Successful bidders have three business days to cancel their bid and receive a return of their deposit (minus a $100 processing fee).  Pre-Registration is required for participation ($50 fee required). See City of Trenton’s website for instructions at     Block Lot(s) Number Street Zoning Description Opening Redevelopment Bid Area (if app.)  5303 1 80 Oakland St. IA Land $1,500  6104 15, 16 7 and 9 Hayes Ave. RB Land $300  6610 9 94 Pennington Ave. Fire House $10,000 Humboldt-Sweets 6804 4 850 Calhoun St. BB Building $500  6905 6, 7 310-312 Pennington Ave IA Building $500  6905 53 200 Reservoir St. IA Building $500  8201 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 318-324 Brunswick Ave. BB Land $2,500  8403 6, 7, 8, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03, 52-62 Middle Rose St. RB Land $3,000 8.04, 8.05, 9, 59, 60, 61, 55-67 Bond St. 62, 63, 64  8605 22, 23 902 Calhoun St. BB Land $3,000 154-172 West Ingham RB 11505 23 570 Centre St. RB Land $500  15607 12 11-13 Bayard St. BB Land $500 Roebling Gateway 16701 8 31 Morris Ave. BB Building $2,500  17002 13 695 S. Broad St. BB Land $500  20906 26 320 Morris Ave. RB Building $1,500  22804 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 203-211 Mulberry St. BB (1) Building/Land $1,500 N. Clinton Ave. 25002 16, 17, 18 77-83 Phillips Ave. IA Land $1,500  26302 3, 3.01, 3.03, 4, 4.01, 4.02 812-816 East State St. BB Land $3,000 East State St. 26401 13 805 East State St. BB Land $500 East State St. 28602 21 310 Garfield Ave. RB Building $1,500  Fee $78..30 11/8/2013 The Times of Trenton  