Monthly Archives: November 2013

Town of Harrison’s Planning Board to hear Crownpoint Group Application for Apartment Building in Waterfront Redevelopment Plan.

Public Notice:

  PLANNING BOARD  TOWN OF HARRISON PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CROWNPOINT GROUP, LLC Block 97, Lots 1.04, 23.01, 23.02 & 25  Please take notice that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Harrison (“Planning Board”) at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers – Second Floor of the Harrison Town Hall, 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, New Jersey, on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. The purpose of this hearing is to consider the application of Crownpoint Group, LLC (‘Applicant”) for preliminary and final major site plan approval to enable the construction of one (1) four-story residential apartment building with common facilities and associated improvements on the property. The property is located at the intersection of Bergen and Second Streets and is known as Block 97, Lots 1.04, 23.01, 23.02 & 25 as shown on the official Tax Map of the Town of Harrison, Hudson County. The property is located in the Residential District of the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan. The project as proposed conforms to the requirements of the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan and the Municipal Code of Town of Harrison with the exception of the Applicant’s request for design waivers and exceptions for: (i) locating the utility transformer outside at grade; (ii) providing for a sidewalk width of 11.5′ to 12.4′ where 11′ is required; and (iii) allowing the vertical dimension of the opening between columns to be 10′-6″ for the entrance to the clubhouse where 16′-0″ is required. The Applicant also seeks de minimis exceptions from the RSIS allowing (a) 104 parking spaces where 192 are required, and (b) both conventional spaces measuring 8.5″ x 18′ and compact spaces measuring 8′ x 16′, where RSIS requires 9′ x 18’ spaces. The Applicant shall request that the Planning Board grant any additional variances, design waivers or exceptions from the Harrison Waterfront Redevelopment Plan and/or the Municipal Code of the Town of Harrison as determined to be necessary during the review and processing of this application by the Town and the Planning Board. All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public during regular business hours in the office of the Department of Construction & Engineering located in the Harrison Town Hall, 318 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, New Jersey 07029. Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Planning Board of the Town of Harrison. November 2, 2013 Szaferman, Laking, Blumstein & Blader, P.C. Ryan A. Marrone, Esq. Attorney for Applicant 101 Graves Mill Road  Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-275-0400 $128.76   

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Waterford Township, Camden County, to hear 9- Lot Residential Subdivision Application

Public Notice:


WATERFORD TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL, VARIANCES AND WAIVERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Rita Das has applied to the Waterford Township Planning Board for major subdivision, preliminary and final approval for a nine (9) lot residential subdivision (including an existing residence) located at 330 Raritan Avenue, Waterford Township, New Jersey 08004. The aforementioned property is located in the R-3 Zoning District under the Waterford Township Zoning Ordinance and is more particularly described as Block 38, Lot 1 on the Waterford Township Tax Map. The applicant has also applied for any variances and/or waivers deemed necessary by the Waterford Township Planning Board.The aforementioned applications have been scheduled for a hearing before the Waterford Township Planning Board on November 19, 2013 at the Waterford Township Municipal offices located at the Waterford Township Municipal Building, 2131 Auburn Avenue, Atco, NJ 08004. You may appear in person or by attorney to present any testimony in regard to the proposed application. All applications, plans and any other documents upon which the applicant relies are on file with the Secretary of the Waterford Township Planning Board and may be reviewed during normal business hours at the Planning Board office at 2131 Auburn Avenue, Atco, NJ.

Baron & Brennan, P.A. Attorneys for Applicant Rita Das 1307 White Horse Road, Bldg. F-600 Voorhees, NJ 08043 (856) 627-6000 (1638863) ($33.66)

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City of Rahway Zoning Board to Hear 115-Unit, 6-Story Apartment Application on Main Street


Public Notice
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Rahway on Monday evening, November 18, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, City Hall Plaza, Rahway, NJ, seeking approval of its amended preliminary and final major site plan and for such other variances, waivers and exceptions as may be required in order to permit the construction of a six-story structure on the property, which development will include two parking garage levels and 115 rental apartment units on the property situate at Main Street, Monroe Street and Dock Street in Rahway, also known as Lot 1.02 in Block 320 on the Rahway Tax Map together with that portion of Dock Street vacated by the City of Rahway.
Maps, plans and other related documents are on file in the office of the Zoning Board at City Hall Plaza, Rahway, NJ, and are available for inspection during normal business hours.
Meridia, Lafayette Village Urban
Renewal, Rahway, LLC, Applicant
JOHN DeNOIA, Attorney for Applicant
843 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge, NJ
($17.68) 893338

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Clementon Borough, Cumberland County, to Hear Phase I, Consisting of 49 Residential Units, of Redevelopment Plan


Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Planning/ Zoning Board of the Borough of Clementon for:

A public hearing will be held on November 14, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the Clementon Borough Hall, 101 Gibbsboro Road, Clementon, New Jersey 08021 on the application by Leewood NJ, LLC, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan adopted for the site by the Borough of Clementon Council, for preliminary subdivision approval of a commercial lot and preliminary subdivision and site plan approval for the first phase of 49 residential units of a larger future development with ancillary roadways and improvements and including any variances and waivers which may be needed. The address of the property encompassed by the application for approval is: Lots 20.01, 24, 24.01, 24.02, 25, and 26 in Block 75, located at White Horse Pike, Borough of Clementon. The application and supporting documents are on file in the Office of the Board Secretary, Borough Hall, 101 Gibbsboro Road, Clementon, NJ and are available for inspection during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and during the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday. (1638875) ($25.08)

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Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee, Ocean County, to hear 76 Unit Age-Restricted, Affordable Housing Application


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Ocean acting in its capacity as the Township of Ocean Redevelopment Committee (the “Committee”) will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township of Ocean Town Hall at 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean.
The Application is made by MBI Development Inc. (the “Applicant”) concerning the property identified as Block 41, Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.03, 29.07, 30, and 36.01 on the Tax Map of the Township of Ocean.
The Applicant seeks to construct a three story 76 Unit Residential Structure for age restricted (senior) affordable rental housing.
The purpose of the hearing is to make a determination that the proposed Plan is consistent with the legal requirements of the Township of Ocean Economic Redevelopment Plan together with any and all other approvals that the Committee may require or deem appropriate.
A copy of the proposed plan(s) are available for public inspection during official hours at the office of the Committee in the Municipal Building, 50 Railroad Avenue, Waretown, New Jersey, County of Ocean. For more information please call (609) 693-3302.
Further take notice that said Committee may at its discretion, adjourn, postpone, or continue the said hearings from time to time, and you are hereby notified that you should make diligent inquiry of the Committee Secretary concerning such adjournments, postponements, or continuations.
MBI Development Inc
c/o The D’Elia Law Firm, LLC
13000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite 300
Marlton, New Jersey 08053
($49.00) 893162

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Wenner Bread products seeks to revonate and add to 301,520 sf facility in New Brunswick

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 7:30 P.M., the City of New Brunswick Planning Board (“Board”), in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 78 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, will hold a hearing on the application of Wenner Bread Products, Inc. (“Applicant”) for preliminary and final major site plan, bulk variance, and site plan/design exception/waiver approvals (collectively, the “Approvals”) for property located at 571 Jersey Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, and designated on the tax maps of the City of New Brunswick as Block 596.01, Lot 16.05 (“Property”). The Property is located in the I-2 General Industrial District. The Applicant requests the Approvals in order to: renovate the existing approximately 301,520 square-foot warehouse building on the Property for use as a commercial bakery (manufacturing, warehouse and office uses); construct an approximately 25,200 square-foot addition to the building; and make certain site improvements, including parking, landscaping, and accessory grain silos, in connection with same (collectively, the “Project”). The Project will be completed in up to three phases: Phase 1 includes the renovation of the existing building and most of the proposed site improvements, including new curbing, pavement, sidewalks, and striping; the grain silos; landscaping; lighting; and signage. Phase 2 includes the building addition and associated improvements. Phase 3 includes the addition of a rail spur expansion to the rear of the building. In connection with the application, the Applicant requests the following bulk variances from the City of New Brunswick Zoning Ordinance (“Ordinance”): (1) a variance from Ordinance Section 17.04.050 to permit a building coverage of 40.60% where a maximum building coverage of 35% is otherwise required (the Property has an existing building coverage of 37.47%); (2) a variance from Ordinance Section 17.04.050 to permit eight accessory grain silos with a height of 50 feet where a maximum accessory structure height of 15 feet is otherwise required; and (3) a variance from Ordinance Section 17.04.050 to permit a side yard setback of 20 feet where a minimum side yard setback of 25 feet is otherwise required (this condition is pre-existing). The Applicant also requests various site plan/design exceptions with respect to landscaping. While the Applicant believes that the application is otherwise in conformance with the Ordinance, it hereby requests any waivers, variances, deviations, amendments and/or exceptions from the Ordinance as are required to obtain the Approvals. Copies of all documents submitted to date concerning the application are on file at the City of New Brunswick Department of Planning, Community & Economic Development, Civic Square, 25 Kirkpatrick Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0269, and are available for inspection by the public during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted. Peter M. Flannery, Esq. Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. 650 College Road East Princeton, NJ 08540 Attorneys for the Applicant Telephone: (609) 227-4600 ($44.72) 891172  

North Brunswick to hear Plan Modification reducing size of Transit Oriented, Mixed Use, Development on November 12, 2013

Public Notice:


LEGAL NOTICE   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7:30 PM in the North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, located at 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, the Planning Board (“Board”) of the Township of North Brunswick will hold a public hearing on the application of North Brunswick TOD Associates, LLC (“Applicant”) for approval for modified roadway plans, amended general development plan approval and amended preliminary major site plan approval (collectively, the “Approval”) with respect to Applicant’s proposed Main Street NB Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development (“Project”) for the property located at 2300 U.S. Route 1 North, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, and also known and designated as Block 141 (new), Lots (new) 1 through 7, 11 through 24, 29, 31, 33, 33.02, 36 through 48, 48.01, 49 through 60, 63, 120 through 123 and 141 through 143 on the current tax and assessment map of the Township of North Brunswick (the “Property”). This Property is located in the I-2 Industrial Zone District and is eligible to be developed pursuant to the Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development Overlay Regulations. The specific approvals the Applicant seeks are as follows: Due to a proposed reduction in the size of the Project, the Applicant seeks approval of modified roadway improvement plans pursuant to Section 205-76.1.B(1)(d)[4][c] of the Township of North Brunswick Land Use Ordinance (“Ordinance”). Specifically, the Applicant seeks the Board’s determination that Applicant is not required to construct the “Final Build Phase Maser Improvements.” The Applicant also seeks amended general development plan approval to reorient residential and commercial uses on the Property. In addition, the Applicant seeks amended preliminary major site plan approval to reduce the size of the Project such that the Project will now consist of: 525,000 square feet of retail/commercial uses; 195,000 square feet of office uses; 124 hotel rooms; 1,875 residential units; a train station; 1,300 transit parking spaces; and associated site improvements. While the Applicant believes that its application is in conformance with the Ordinance, it hereby requests any variances, deviations, amendments, waivers, exceptions and/or other approvals as are required to obtain the Approval. At the aforesaid hearing, all interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Copies of the plans, applications and other materials comprising the applications for the Approval are available in the Division of Planning & Affordable Housing, North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted. Please contact the Division of Planning & Affordable Housing, North Brunswick Government and Community Complex, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902 for further information at 732-247-0922. North Brunswick TOD Associates, LLC By: Its Attorneys, Sills Cummis & Gross PC Kevin J. Moore, Esq. ($45.24) 891510
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Township of Rockaway seeks Plan Conformance for Planning Area from Highlands Council

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ROCKAWAY, MORRIS COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. O-13-21 Notice is hereby given that an Ordinance entitled “Ordinance to Petition the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance for the Planning Area” was submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Township of Rockaway, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, held on October 29, 2013 and was introduced, read by title and passed on first reading. A Statement of Purpose of the Ordinance is contained below. The governing body of the Township of Rockaway will further consider the ordinance for second reading and final passage thereof at their regular meeting to be held November 26, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, at the Municipal Building in said Township, at which time and place a public hearing will be held thereon by the governing body and all parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE OF ORDINANCE   The Township of Rockaway is located partially within that portion of the New Jersey Highlands Region defined by the Highlands Act, as the “Planning Area” (see definitions, below). This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Section 15.a. of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (Highlands Act, N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq.), which provides that a municipality may choose to conform its master plan, development regulations, and other regulations to the provisions of the Highlands Regional Master Plan, with respect to lands located within the Planning Area, and by Ordinance, petition the New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (Highlands Council) for Plan Conformance approval of such planning and regulatory documents. By adoption of this Ordinance, the Governing Body of the Township of Rockaway establishes that the municipality shall conform its master plan, development regulations, and all other regulations applicable to the use and development of land within the Planning Area of the municipality, to achieve consistency with the goals, requirements, and provisions of the Highlands Regional Master Plan. Said conformance shall be in accordance with the provisions of Highlands Council approval of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance, which was previously submitted to the Highlands Council by Resolution adopted by the Governing Body on November 4, 2009, and which the Highlands Council approved with certain conditions by Highlands Council Resolution No. 2011-10, adopted on February 17, 2011. Further, this Ordinance specifically reserves the rights of the municipality as specified by the Highlands Act, with respect to the voluntary nature of Plan Conformance for the Planning Area. A copy of the full Ordinance is available for review by any member of the general public without cost, at the Township of Rockaway Municipal Building, 65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, New Jersey, at the Office of the Township Clerk, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Susan Best, Township Clerk Township of Rockaway County of Morris, State of New Jersey ($45.76) 891349  

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Borough of Highands, Monmouth County, Planning Board to hear mixed-use 49 unit townhouse application.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, NAVESINK CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC, has applied to the Planning Board of the Borough of Highlands for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval as well as Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision Approval and associated Bulk Variance relief for the construction of 49 residential townhouses together with a restaurant, Marina office and shop with associated parking, utilities and boat loading ramps.
The property located at the intersection of Willow Street & Locust Street, just north of Shore Drive, also known as Block 101, Lots 17.02, 27, 27.01, 30 and 30.02; and Block 102, Lots 8 and 9 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Highlands; as well as a Portion of Lot 1 (1.02) of Block 7 in the Borough of Atlantic Highlands. The property is located in the MXD Zone of the Borough of Highlands and this is a permitted use.
The Applicant also seeks the following Variances:
1. Minimum Setback where 0.93 is provided and 15-foot minimum is required for proposed Lot 27.03;
2. Maximum Impervious Coverage of 89.33 % is proposed where a maximum of 80% is permitted for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03;
3. Six (6) dwelling units per structure are provided where a maximum of five (5) dwelling units are permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
4. Maximum of six (6) connected townhouse units with 0 foot variation in setback is provided where a maximum of two (2) connected townhomes without a variation in setback is permitted for proposed Lot 27.02;
5. Minimum of 59.25 foot spacing between front-to-front window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 75 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
6. Minimum of 15-foot spacing between end-to-end window-walls of residential buildings is provided where 30 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
7. Minimum of 9.38 feet spacing from building face to residential roadway is provided where 20 feet is required for proposed Lot 27.02;
8. 112 parking spaces are provided for the residential site and 100 spaces are provided for the restaurant and marina site, where 117 spaces and 162 spaces are required, respectively for proposed Lots 27.02 and 27.03.

The Applicant also seeks the following Design Waivers:
1. Curbing is not provided on both sides of all new streets and along the tract frontage of existing streets as required in Ordinance Section 21-65.4;
2. Parking spaces or access aisles are less than the required setback of 20 feet adjacent to residential uses per Ordinance Section 21-65.14;
3. The minimum townhouse dwelling unit width is 18 feet, which is less than the required minimum width of 24 feet per Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.15;
4. Parallel parking spaces are provided in the residential portion of the project when Ordinance Section 21-96.01.e.12.a stat4es that there shall be no parallel or diagonal parking.

The Applicant also seeks any and all other variances and/or design waivers which may be necessary to accommodate the application as filed or as revised by the Planning Board. A copy of the Application has been filed in the office of the Borough of Highlands Planning Board, which is located at 42 Shore Drive, Highlands, New Jersey and may be inspected during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at Highlands Elementary School, 360 Navesink Avenue, Highlands, New Jersey, at which time you may appear either in person or by agent or attorney and present any objection which you may have to granting this Application.
Dated: October 30, 2013
125 State Highway 35
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Attorney for Applicant
($108.00) 891499

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Developer looks to add 377 units and associated retail to the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:

  NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF JERSEY CITY PLANNING BOARD   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 5:30 p.m., the City of Jersey City Planning Board (“Board”), in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, will hold a hearing on the application of Mill Creek Residential Trust LLC (“Applicant”), which seeks preliminary and final major site plan, minor subdivision, and deviation/variance approvals (the “Approvals”) for property located at 335-341 Washington Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and designated on the tax maps of the City of Jersey City as Block 11611, Lot 1 (“Property”). The Property is located in the Rehabilitation Zone of the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan Area.  The Applicant requests the Approvals in order to permit the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the historic Butler Brothers Warehouse building (“Building”) on the Property as an approximately 377-unit residential building with ground floor retail and artist studio and gallery space. The Applicant also proposes a 99-space parking garage in the basement of the Building, as well as certain residential amenities and other site improvements. A percentage of the residential units will be set aside for workforce housing.  The Applicant also requests minor subdivision approval to subdivide the Property into two lots. Proposed Lot 1.01, which will contain the Building, will be approximately 60,193 square feet (1.382 acres). Proposed Lot 1.02, which will be the remainder lot, will be approximately 10,000 square feet (0.23 acre).   In addition, the Applicant requests the following deviations/variances from the Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan (“PAD Plan”): (1) a deviation from PAD Plan Section V.G.3 to allow the removal of the Building’s existing exterior elevated loading platform at Bay Street, and to extend/build-up the existing platform on Morgan Street; (2) a deviation from PAD Plan Sections V.H.1 and VII.I to permit 99 parking spaces total, approximately 51 of which will be compact parking spaces measuring 9 feet wide by 14 feet, 8.5 inches deep; (3) a deviation from PAD Plan Section VI.F and Section VIII.A.1.c to permit the proposed “Butler Lofts” sign located on the Warren/Morgan Streets corner and signs located above the entry canopies of the Building; (4) a deviation from PAD Plan Section VI.H to permit private rooftop outdoor recreational space that does not meet the minimum size requirement; (5) a deviation from PAD Plan Section V.B to permit rooftop condenser units without screening where such units are not otherwise visible from the street. In addition, the Applicant requests Board approval pursuant to PAD Plan Section VI.C.1 to permit enlarged windows for the Building.  While the Applicant believes that, except as stated above, its application is in conformance with the PAD Plan and the Jersey City Land Use Ordinances (“Ordinances”), it hereby requests any other waivers, variances, deviations, amendments and/or exceptions from the PAD Plan and/or the Ordinances as are required to obtain the Approvals.  Copies of all the documents submitted to date concerning this application are on file at the City of Jersey City Division of City Planning, located at 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, and are available for inspection from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm., Monday through Friday, holidays and furlough days excepted.   At the hearing, all interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard.  Victor J. Herlinsky, Jr., Esq. Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. Attorneys for the Applicant (973) 643-7000  11/0113 $91.00  

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