Monmouth County NJ

Millstone Planning Board to Consider 43 Lot Subdivision Extension

Public Notice:

LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE BE ADVISED that Perl Acres Realty, Inc., as owner and applicant, has made application to the Millstone Township Planning Board for further extension of the rights and protections afforded by the final major subdivision approval previously granted to Perl Acres Realty, Inc. by the Township of Millstone Planning Board for premises known as Block 55, Lot 2 which property has frontage on County Route 526 in the Township of Millstone, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey. These premises were previously approved by the Millstone Township Planning Board for development as a residential subdivision of forty-three (43) residential units. The current approvals were extended by prior Resolutions of Extension through July 2014. This request is made pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A.40:55d-52b. This matter is presently scheduled to be heard by the Millstone Township Planning Board at their regularly scheduled meeting of August 13, 2014 which meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 P.M. in the Millstone Township Municipal Building located at 215 Millstone Road, Perrineville, New Jersey. At said time and place you may appear in person or through an attorney to express your concerns and/or objections with regard to this application. Copies of the plans and application are on file in the Department of Planning located at 470 Stage Coach Road, Millstone, New Jersey and may be inspected during regular business hours Monday through Friday. KENNETH L. PAPE ATTORNEY FOR THE APPLICANT ($38.70) 106695  
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Red Bank Board to Adjustment to Review Mixed Use Application

Public Notice:

ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Applicant, RAY RAP REALTY, INC., has applied to the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Red Bank for Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan Approval and Preliminary & Final Major Subdivision Approval with Use and Bulk Variances for the construction of ten (10) townhomes, one 10-unit condominium building, a two-story market/retail personal service use building, parking area improvements, additional site features and landscaping on property located on Harding Road, commonly known as Block 58, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Red Bank. The property is located in the CCD-1 Zone. The following Variances are required: 1. Use Variances are required for non-permitted multi-family use for Lots 6.02 and 6.03 per N.J.S. 40:55D-70.d.1; 2. Use Variance is required for Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 2.10 where 1.7 is permitted as to Lot 6.03 per N.J.S. 40:55D-70d-70.d.4.
As to Proposed Lot 6.01: Applicant Proposes Commercial Mixed Use of Retail Market and Personal Service Use – Bulk “c” Variances: 1. Minimum Unoccupied Open Space where 10% is required and 5.1% is proposed.

As to Proposed Lot 6.02: Applicant Proposes Ten (10) Townhouse Units Together with On-Site Parking. The following relief is required: 1. Side Yard Setback where 10 feet is required and 7 feet is proposed.

Multi-Family Dwelling Design Standards: 1. Right-of-Way Setback where 25 feet is required and 20 feet is proposed; 2. Side Setback (Building) where 20 feet is required and 7 feet is proposed; 3. Rear Setback (Building) where 20 feet is required and 15 feet is proposed; 4. Side Setback (access aisle or parking area) where 20 feet is required and 7.5 feet is proposed; 5. Distance between buildings (both facing walls have windows) where 35 feet is required and 20 feet is proposed; 6. Distance between buildings and access drives where 25 feet is required and 7.5 feet is proposed;

As to Proposed Lot 6.03 – Applicant Proposes Ten (10) Condominium Units, Together with On-Site Parking, the following relief is required: 1. Rear Yard Setback where 10 feet is required and 5 feet is proposed; 2 . Side Yard Setback where 10 feet is required and 7 feet is proposed; 3. Maximum Structure Height where 40 feet is required and 43.9 feet is proposed.

Multi-Family Dwelling Design Standards: 1. Right-of-Way Setback where 25 feet is required and 13.2 feet is proposed; 2. Side Setback (Building) where 20 feet is required and 7 feet is proposed; 3. Rear Setback (Building) where 20 feet is required and 5 feet is proposed; 4. Side Setback (Access Aisle or Parking Area) where 20 feet is required and 7.5 feet is proposed; 5. Distance between buildings (both facing walls have windows) where 35 feet is required and 20 feet is proposed; 6. Distance between buildings & access drives where 25 feet is required and 7.5 feet is proposed.

Vehicle Parking Variances: For commercial use on Lot 6.01, Applicant is providing 12 parking spaces where 31 parking spaces are required. For Multi-Family (Townhouse) use on Lot 6.02, Applicant is providing 30 parking spaces where 23 parking spaces are required; however, Applicant is not providing 5 spaces in a Common Areas for guest parking per Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). For Multi-Family (Condominium) use on Lot 6.02, Applicant is providing 20 parking spaces where 23 parking spaces are required, of which 5 shall be in Common Areas for guest parking per Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). The Applicant seeks any and all other variances and/or design waivers which may be necessary to accommodate the application as filed or as revised by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. A copy of the Application has been filed in the office of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, 90 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, New Jersey, and may be inspected during normal business hours. The public hearing will be held on Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Complex, 90 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, New Jersey. This notice is being sent to owners of property who may be affected by this Application. You may appear in person, or by your attorney, at the time of the hearing and may comment on the Application. Dated: July 29, 2014 MARTIN A. McGANN, JR. 125 Highway 35 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Attorney for Applicant ($116.10) 107051

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Holmdel Planning Board Grants Toll Brothers Approval for Single Family

Public Notice:

Notice of Decision Township of Holmdel Planning Board Monmouth County, New Jersey PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on July 8, 2014, the Planning Board of the Township of Holmdel memorialized a Resolution granting Toll NJ IX, L.P., a subsidiary of Toll Bros, Inc. preliminary and final major subdivision approval for the development of 40 single-family building lots and associated site improvements on an approximately 103 acre portion of the approximately 472.69-acre tract that is the former home of the AT&T/Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent corporate campus and that is presently designated as Block 11, Lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, and 73.04 on the Township’s official tax map. A copy of Resolution is on file in the office of the Board Secretary in the Municipal Building and is available for public inspection during regular business hours. By: Michael A. Bruno, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Attorney for the Applicant ($27.90) 101298  

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Holmdel Planning Board to Hear Toll Brothers Application

Public Notice:

Notice of Public Hearing Township of Holmdel Planning Board Monmouth County, New Jersey Please take notice that the Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Township of Holmdel (the “Township”) will, on July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township’s Municipal Building, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing to consider an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval and bulk variance relief (the “Application”) made by Toll Holmdel, LLC, a subsidiary of Toll Bros, Inc. (the “Applicant”) for the development of 185 age-restricted carriage homes and associated site improvements (the “Project”) on an approximately 134-acre portion (the “Property”) of the approximately 472.69-acre tract that is the former home of the AT&T/Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent corporate campus and that is presently designated as Block 11, Lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, and 73.04 on the Township’s official tax map (the “Redevelopment Parcel”). The Property is located in the northeast section of the Redevelopment Parcel along Crawfords Corner Road. The Redevelopment Parcel has been designated an area in need of redevelopment and is subject to the Alcatel-Lucent Redevelopment Plan, adopted by the Township’s Committee on May 17, 2012 by Ordinance 2012-12 (the “Redevelopment Plan”), in accordance with the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et. seq. (“LRHL”). The Applicant proposes to develop the Project in two phases. As proposed, Phase I will consist of 108 age-restricted carriage homes, a clubhouse and recreational amenities, one infiltration basin, and one wet pond located on an approximately 64.63-acre portion of the Property located east of the Redevelopment Parcel’s existing access driveway (the “Access Road”) and Phase II will consist of 77 age-restricted carriage homes and two infiltration basins located on an approximately 69.32-acre portion of the Property located west of the Access Road. Each Phase will include associated site improvements such as sidewalks, parking, and internal roadways. The proposed 185 carriage homes are a permitted use under the Redevelopment Plan. To achieve a more desirable design, the Applicant requests that the Board grant variance relief from the Redevelopment Plan and the Township’s Development Regulations (the “Ordinance”), in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et. seq. (“MLUL”), to permit: (1) certain proposed lot lines to not be straight and certain proposed side lot lines to not be at right angles or radial to street lines as required by Ordinance ? 30-71a; (2) portions of the clubhouse and recreational amenities to be setback less than 100 ft. from edge of pavement of the Access Road as required by Section V.B.3.c of the Redevelopment Plan; (3) a buffer less than the 20% of tract width required by Ordinance ? 30-54 between the proposed carriage homes on the Property and the existing non-residential use (1.7 million sq. ft. commercial/office building) located on the Redevelopment Parcel; (4) four freestanding project identification signs all approximately 32 sq. ft. in area and 8 ft. in height whereas 1 freestanding identification sign not exceeding a maximum size of 12 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 3 ft. is permitted by Ordinance ? 30-96.2.a; (5) directional signs with areas of 4 sq. ft. whereas an area 2 sq. ft. is permitted by Ordinance ? 30-96.g; (6) temporary construction signs with areas of 32 sq. ft. and 50 sq. ft., respectively, whereas Ordinance ? 30-96.h.2 requires such signs to not exceed 12 sq. ft.; (7) certain buildings with less than three townhome units whereas Ordinance ? 30-106.b requires a minimum of three units in any one building; (8) on-site parking areas to have less than the 15 ft. landscape buffer required by Ordinance ? 30-80; (9) approximately 8,712 sq. ft. disturbance of slopes with grades between 15-24.99% whereas a maximum disturbance of 5,000 sq. ft. is permitted for slopes with these grades under Ordinance ? 20-116.6.f.1; and (10) 3:1 (30%) slopes between the proposed carriage homes, for the proposed detention basin side slopes, and for perimeter grading whereas Ordinance ? 30-116.6.f.4 prohibits the creation of steep slopes greater than 25%. To the extent the Board deems it necessary, the Applicant will seek variance relief to permit lighting levels lower than permitted along the proposed internal roadways and higher than permitted directly underneath the proposed street lights in accordance with Ordinance ? 30-69. The Applicant will also seek such other variances, waivers, exceptions, or other relief, determined to be necessary by the Board without further notice, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the MLUL. A copy of the Application and the documents submitted in support thereof is on file with the Board Secretary, whose office is located on the second floor of the Township’s Municipal Building at the address set forth above. The Application and supporting documents are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours. This Notice is given pursuant to the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the aforementioned public hearing, at the time and place herein stated, and be heard on this Application. By: Michael A. Bruno, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Attorney for the Applicant Dated: June 25, 2014 ($132.30) 097424  
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Holmdel Rings the Long Term Tax Agreement Bell at Bell Labs

Public Notice:


ORDINANCE NO. 2014-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLMDEL APPROVING THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT FOR A LONG TERM TAX AGREEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPER OF THE FORMER BELL SITE PURSUANT TO THE NEW JERSEY LONG TERM TAX EXEMPTION LAW (N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 ET SEQ.) WHEREAS, the Township Committee and Township Planning Board of the Township of Holmdel have engaged in multiple investigations and studies pursuant to the requirements of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”) relating to the former Bell Laboratories property consisting of approximately 473 acres located in the Township along Crawfords Corner Road and Roberts Road with frontage on Middletown Road and known as block 11, lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03 and 73.04 on the Township tax map (the “Former Bell Site”); and WHEREAS, such investigations and studies resulted in the Township, by resolution dated May 5, 2011, designating the Former Bell Site as an “as an area in need of rehabilitation” and subsequently, by resolution dated May 3, 2012, “as area in need of redevelopment” under the terms of the Redevelopment Law; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2012, the Township Committee adopted Ordinance No. 2012-12, approving and adopting the Alcatel Lucent Redevelopment Plan dated April 2012 prepared by CME Associates (the “Redevelopment Plan”); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes the reuse of the existing approximately 1,675,000 square foot main building on the Land that makes up a portion of the Former Bell Site (the “Property”) to transform the underutilized building into an economically and socially productive use which will contribute to the general welfare of the Township; and WHEREAS, the Entity will be the redeveloper of the Property and will enter into an agreement with the Township governing the terms and conditions of said redevelopment (the “Redevelopment Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the Entity has made a written application (the “Application”) to the Mayor and Committee for a long term tax exemption pursuant to the Long Term Tax Exemption Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq. (the “Exemption Law”), for the improvements to be constructed at the Building as part of the Project; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Exemption Law authorize the Township to accept annual service charges in lieu of real property taxes paid by the Entity to the Township; and WHEREAS, the Project will be subject to the requirements of the Exemption Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq.; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper is an urban renewal entity duly formed in accordance with the Exemption Law and approved by the Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, a Financial Agreement has been negotiated between the Township and Redeveloper in accordance with the Exemption Law, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the said Financial Agreement will be on file in the Office of the Township Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel, in the County of Monmouth, that the Financial Agreement negotiated by and between the Township and the Redeveloper, for the Former Bell Site property is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Mayor is authorized to execute on behalf of the Township the said Financial Agreement in substantially the same form as that attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be agreed to and approved by Township counsel and the Redeveloper. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any portion or clause of this Ordinance is declared null and void for any reason whatsoever, same shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other part or portion of this Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage and publication as required by law, as the “Ordinance Approving the Financial Agreement for the Former Bell Site.” PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing proposed Ordinance was introduced and read by title for the first time at the June 5, 2014, meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel and this Ordinance will be considered for final passage at the June 17, 2014, meeting of the Township Committee to be held at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at Holmdel Township Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, New Jersey, at which time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning same. Maureen Doloughty, Municipal Clerk ($117.00) 091831  


Public Notice ID: 21427043.HTM
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Wall Township to Hold “Fire Sale” of fire department property “not needed for public purposes”

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 TOWNSHIP OF WALL, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, STATE OF NEW JERSEY The Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1, Township of Wall, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, will hold a sale at auction on July 2, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. at the District Office, 1511 18th Avenue, Wall, New Jersey, to sell a parcel of land and building appurtenant thereto which is not needed for public purposes. The property is known as Block 1, Lot 2, on the Wall Township Tax Maps, commonly known as 1612 State Highway 71, Wall Township, New Jersey. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12-1, et seq., the Board has determined to sell the above mentioned property and building to the highest bidder with the minimum bid being set at one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000.00). The property site is approximately eight thousand eight hundred eighty-six (8,886) square feet with eighty (80) feet frontage to State Highway 71. The improvements (building) consist of a two (2) story, brick and frame construction structure with a total floor area of four thousand three hundred sixty-five (4,365) square feet and an asphalt paved parking area for seven (7)? vehicles. The Board will only accept bids for an all cash purchase of the property and improvements. The highest bidder will be required to pay, by either cash, wire transfer or bank check, a deposit equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid price at the close of the bidding, with the balance (full payment) to be paid by either cash, wire transfer or bank check at closing of title which shall occur within thirty (30) days of the acceptance of the bid by the Board. Pending closing of title, the deposit paid will be held by the Board in a non-interest bearing escrow account which shall be credited to the successful bidder against the purchase price at closing. The Board shall accept or reject bids no later than at the second public meeting of the Board following the auction. No bid shall be considered finally accepted until formal action of the Board is taken. The highest bidder’s offer shall be irrevocable for sixty (60) days following the public sale. The sale of the property and improvements is subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions and limitations set forth in a Contract of Sale which the successful bidder shall be required to execute at the conclusion of the auction and payment of the required deposit, and which will be on file with the Board Clerk and will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The property and improvements are being sold in an “as is” and “where as” condition; 2. The property and improvements are to be sold subject to existing zoning (the parcel to be sold is subject to the West Belmar Gateway Area Redevelopment Plan adopted by the Township governing body pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. A copy of the Plan can be viewed in the District Office); 3. The closing of title to the property and improvements is “Time of the Essence” and must take place within thirty (30) days of formal approval by the Board; 4. No representations are made by the Board or any of its employees, agents, members or officials as to the utility, usability or environmental conditions of the property and improvements. Inspections and testing of the property and improvements shall be conducted at the bidder’s own cost and expense; and 5. The successful bidder, at closing, shall be required to pay three hundred dollars ($300.00) to the Board for legal fees for preparation of the deed and other necessary documents to transfer title and a sum not to exceed seven hundred dollars ($700.00) for the cost of advertising of the sale.

The Board reserves the right to accept the highest responsive bid if equal to or greater than the minimum bid price, or to reject all bids at the public sale and not to award to the highest bidder. The Board reserves the right to waive any and all defects and informalities in any proposal, and to accept or reject the highest responsible and responsive bid deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Any material prepared and distributed in connection with this auction sale is for convenience purposes only and is intended to give prospective bidders a general understanding of the condition, location and size of the property. The Board is not responsible for errors that may appear in such materials. Each prospective bidder is urged to thoroughly research and examine the property prior to placing a bid. The property will be available for inspection by appointment only. Prospective bidders desiring to inspect the property should contact William G. Newberry, Director of Fire Services, at (732) 681-6458 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to make an appointment, or by email to the Director’s attention at It is suggested and recommended that potential bidders perform title searches and/or last owner and lien searches on the property that they are interested in bidding upon prior to the date of bid submission in order that the potential bidder may be adequately apprised of any encumbrances or restrictions of record affecting the use and enjoyment of the property. It is further suggested and recommended that potential bidders exercise due diligence with respect to every state of facts including open permits, local fines, penalties, taxes, assessments, etc., which may not be of record but which may nonetheless affect the use and enjoyment of the property. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall not be responsible for the costs associated with such searches in the event that the Board is unable to convey title and/or if a bid is rejected. The Board has compiled this Notice to benefit prospective bidders. To the best of the Board’s knowledge, the information contained in the Notice is accurate. The Board and any of its officials, officers, employees, assigns, designees, agents or contractors shall not assume any liability for inaccuracies and respectfully instructs all interested parties to independently verify this information. The Board shall only receive and/or accept bids on the proposal form prepared by the Board which may be obtained by emailing the Director at Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “District Property Sale” on the outside addressed to the Board of Fire Commissioners, Fire District No. 1, Township of Wall. The bid must be delivered to the District Office, 1511 18th Avenue, Wall, New Jersey 07719, at 1:00 p.m. on July 2, 2014. If mailed, all bids must be mailed by Certified Mail, to the Board of Fire Commissioners, Fire District No. 1, Township of Wall, P.O. Box 53, Belmar, New Jersey 07719, and received on or before the above set forth time and date. No bid will be considered unless in writing on the form furnished. Bids may not be faxed, transmitted over the telephone or emailed. The Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1, Township of Wall, assumes no responsibility for delays in any form of carrier, mail or delivery service causing the bid to be received untimely. All questions concerning this Notice of Public Sale shall be addressed to William G. Newberry, Director of Fire Services, 1511 18th Avenue, Wall, New Jersey 07719, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., telephone number (732) 681-6458 or via email at By authorization of the Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1, Township of Wall, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey. NORMAN R. STELLING, CLERK Board of Fire Commissioners Fire District No. 1 Township of Wall ($360.00) 091126  

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Toll Brothers to request approval to construct 40 single family homes in Holmdel

Public Notice:

Planning Board Monmouth County, New Jersey Notice of Public Hearing   Please take notice, that the Planning Board (the “Board”) of the Township of Holmdel (the “Township”) will, on June 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township’s Municipal Building, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733, or at such other time and place as the Board may adjourn thereafter, hold a public hearing to consider the application (the “Application”) of Toll NJ IX, L.P., a subsidiary of Toll Bros, Inc. (the “Applicant”) for preliminary and final major subdivision approval for the development of 40 single-family building lots and associated site improvements (the “Project”) on an approximately 103 acre portion (the “Property”) of the approximately 472.69-acre tract that is the former home of the AT&T/Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent corporate campus and that is presently designated as Block 11, Lots 38, 38.02, 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, and 73.04 on the Township’s official tax map (the “Redevelopment Parcel”). The Property is located in the northwest section of the Redevelopment Parcel at the corner of Roberts Road and Crawfords Corner Road and along Roberts Road to the west. The Redevelopment Parcel has been designated an area in need of redevelopment and is subject to the Alcatel-Lucent Redevelopment Plan, adopted by the Township’s Committee on May 17, 2012 by Ordinance 2012-12 (the “Redevelopment Plan”), in accordance with the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et. seq. (“LRHL”). The Applicant proposes to develop the Project in three phases. As proposed, Phase I will consist of 11 single-family building lots and a stormwater basin lot, Phase II will consist of 17 single-family building lots and an open space lot, and Phase III will consist of 12 single-family building lots and an infiltration basin lot. The proposed 40 single-family building lots are a permitted use under the Redevelopment Plan. Although the 40 single family lots can be developed in conformance with the requirements of the Redevelopment Plan without variance, to achieve a more desirable design, the Applicant requests that the Board grant variance relief from the Redevelopment Plan and the Township’s Development Regulations (the “Ordinance”), in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et. seq. (“MLUL”), to permit: (1) proposed Lot 2 (?139.78 ft.), Lot 3 (?155.97 ft.), Lot 15 (?140.76 ft.), Lot 16 (?141.11 ft.), Lot 20 (?170.08 ft.), and Lot 22 (?143.76 ft.) of proposed Block 11.06 and proposed Lot 5 (?140.84 ft.), Lot 6 (?141.76 ft.), Lot 9 (?149.13 ft.), and Lot 10 (?157.35 ft.) of proposed Block 11.07, respectively, to have lot widths less than the 180 ft. minimum lot width required by the Redevelopment Plan; (2) proposed Lot 3 (?89.44 ft.), Lot 15 (?73.27 ft.), Lot 16 (?73.26 ft.), and Lot 22 (?80.21 ft.) of proposed Block 11.06 and proposed Lot 5 (?78.14 ft.) and Lot 6 (?78.79 ft.) of proposed Block 11.07, respectively, to have lot frontages less than the 100 ft. minimum required by the Redevelopment Plan; (3) certain proposed lot lines to not be straight and certain proposed side lot lines to not be at right angles or radial to street lines as required by Ordinance ? 30-71a; (4) two freestanding project identification signs both approximately 91 sq. ft. in area and 8 ft. in height located approximately 5 ft. and 3.5 ft. from Roberts Road and 1 ft. and 3. ft. from proposed “Road A,” respectively, whereas 1 freestanding identification sign not exceeding a maximum size of 12 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 3 ft., no closer than 30 ft. to the intersection of any two street lines and no closer than 10 ft. to any right-of-way is permitted by Ordinance ? 30-96.2.a; (5) for all proposed single-family lots, driveway widths of 12 ft. whereas 18 ft. is required by Ordinance ? 30-80; and (6) approximately 13,068 sq. ft. disturbance of slopes with grades between 15-24.99% and approximately 4,356 sq. ft. disturbance of slopes with grades greater than 25%, whereas a maximum disturbance of 5,000 sq. ft. is permitted for slopes with grades between 15-25% and no disturbance of slopes with grades greater than 25% is permitted under Ordinance ? 20-116.6. To the extent the Board deems it necessary, the Applicant will seek variance relief to permit lighting levels lower than permitted along the proposed internal roadways and higher than permitted directly underneath the proposed street lights in accordance with Ordinance ? 30-69. The Applicant will also seek a “planning variance” from the requirements of Ordinance ? 30-71b in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36, to permit the proposed stormwater management on proposed Lot 22 of proposed Block 11.06 to not front on a public street. The Applicant will seek such other variances, waivers, exceptions, or other relief, determined to be necessary by the Board without further notice, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan, the LRHL, and the MLUL. A copy of the Application and the documents submitted in support thereof is on file with the Board Secretary, whose office is located on the second floor of the Township’s Municipal Building at the address set forth above. The Application and supporting documents are available for public inspection during regular business days and hours. This Notice is given pursuant to the MLUL. Any interested person may appear in person, through his attorney, or through his designated agent at the aforementioned public hearing, at the time and place herein stated, and be heard on this Application. By: Michael A. Bruno, Esq. Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 125 Half Mile Road, Suite 300 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Attorney for the Applicant Dated: May 29, 2014 ($131.40) 089297  

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Asbury Park heard application for preliminary & final on Asbury Partners Site

Public Notice: 


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Asbury Partners, LLC (the “Applicant”) has filed an application with the Planning Board of the City of Asbury Park for preliminary and final site plan approval and subdivision approval with respect to property at Block 3205, Lots 1-12 on the official tax map of the City of Asbury Park, located in the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment Area.
The Applicant seeks approval for development of the property with 28 residential units within four (4) separate buildings, including associated driveways, landscaping and other features. The present project represents the first phase of a project on this site; a second phase will be the subject of a later application. The application includes a request for preliminary and final major subdivision approval to subdivide the property into four (4) distinct tax lots.- The Applicant also requests variances for lot frontage for one (1) of the four (4) new lots. The Applicant also reserves the right to amend its application during proceedings before the Planning Board and to request any other design waivers, variances, interpretations, exceptions, approvals and/or relief which may become necessary or apparent during the course of the application process and/or the public hearing.
Any interested party may have the opportunity to be heard at the public meeting to be held by the Planning Board on May 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Asbury Park Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, Asbury Park, New Jersey. All documents and plans related to this application are on file at the office of the Planning Board at the above referenced address and are available for inspection during business hours Monday through Friday.
($45.90) 081855



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Port Monmouth Offers Two Parcels for Sale

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF TWO SEPARATE REQUESTS FOR OFFERS TO PURCHASE LAND The Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (“FMERA” or the “Authority”), pursuant to P.L. 2010, c.10 (N.J.S.A. 52:27I-18 et seq.), is responsible for the efficient redevelopment and reuse of Fort Monmouth. In furtherance of its mission, FMERA is hereby seeking offers from individuals or entities to purchase, in response to two separate Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTP), for two separate parcels of land, currently located on the Main Post of Fort Monmouth as follows: 1. The Fitness Center- Building 114 (approx. size – 32,250 square feet) located on Saltzman Avenue in the Oceanport area of Fort Monmouth and including 7.75 acres 2. The Main Post Chapel – Building 500 (approx. size – 16,370 square feet) located on Malterer Avenue in the Oceanport area of Fort Monmouth and including 5 acres
This RFOTP is being issued pursuant to N.J.A.C. 19:31C-2, the Authority’s Rules for the Sale of Real & Personal Property that have been published in the New Jersey Register (the “Sales Rules”).Potential Purchasers who are interested in making offer(s) to purchaser may submit a response for either parcel or both parcels. Each proposal must relate to only one parcel and one proposal cannot be conditioned upon a second proposal also being accepted by FMERA. The Authority is requesting proposals that comply with the land use regulations and design and development guidelines adopted by the Authority pursuant to N.J.A.C. 19:31C-3, (the “Land Use Rules”) and are consistent with the Fort Monmouth Reuse and Redevelopment Plan dated October 15, 2008 (“Reuse Plan”). FMERA has set a minimum bid amount for each parcel. Please see the RFOTP for details. The Property will be sold as-is, where-is. The Authority will convey title to selected Potential Purchaser(s) by way of Quit Claim Deeds. FMERA reserves the right to negotiate business terms that better suit the interests of the Authority and the redevelopment plans for Fort Monmouth, price and other factors considered, by negotiating with potential purchasers(s) that submit offer(s). FMERA reserves the right to exclude from negotiations any and/or all offers received. Negotiations with a potential purchaser will not preclude the Authority from negotiating with other potential purchasers that submitted an offer for the same parcel unless the Authority has entered into an exclusive negotiating period with a potential purchaser for that particular parcel in accordance with proposed rule N.J.A.C. 19:31C-2.16. The purchase agreements between FMERA and the successful Potential purchaser(s)shall be subject to the terms and provisions of the Sales Rules and will be conditioned upon the U.S. Army and FMERA entering into a Phase 2 Economic Development Conveyance Agreement (“EDC Agreement”) covering this portion of the Main Post. The successful Potential Purchaser(s) shall be subject to the terms and provisions of the Land Use Rules, the Reuse Plan and the EDC Agreement. Deadline for requesting a walk-through of the properties is April 25, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Offers are due May 9, 2014 at 12:00 P.M. The RFOTPs can be obtained from the FMERA website: www.fortmonmouthredev or; by requesting an e-mail, disc, or hard copy from: Rick Harrison Director Facilities Planning 732.720.6343 P.O. Box 267 Oceanport, NJ 07757 ($259.20) 026368


Public Notice ID: 21149838.HTM
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Marlboro Township Zoning Board of Adjustment to Hear 3 Lot Subdivision

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 7:30 p.m., the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Marlboro will hold a public hearing on the application of Sarai Management, LLC. The public hearing will be held at the Municipal Complex, 1979 Township Drive, Marlboro, New Jersey. The premises which are the subject of the application are located at 29 Wicker Place and Wicker Place, Marlboro, New Jersey. Said premises are known as Lots 1 and 2, Block 107. The application is for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision and Use Variance approval to create three single family lots. Two new homes will be constructed and one lot will contain an existing single family home. Relief will be sought from the requirement of minimum lot area, lot frontage, lot frontage corner, lot width, width corner, lot depth, front yard, side yard setbacks and maximum density. Use (“D”) variance approval is required because the proposed development exceeds maximum permitted density. The applicant also intends to request at the hearing such density, use and bulk variances and/or waivers of design standards and/or submission requirements as are required to develop the premises in the manner indicated in the application materials, and any other variances or waivers that the Board may require. The application for development and all supporting maps, site plans and documents are on file in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning and are available for public inspection during normal business hours. Any interested party may appear at the aforesaid hearing, either in person, or by their attorney, and be given an opportunity to be heard with respect to the aforesaid application. /s/ Salvatore Alfieri BY: SALVATORE ALFIERI, ESQ. CLEARY GIACOBBE ALFIERI JACOBS, LLC. 5 RAVINE DRIVE/P.O. BOX 533 MATAWAN, NEW JERSEY 07747 (732) 583-7474 Dated: March 26, 2014 ($48.60) 043595  
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