Monthly Archives: December 2014

Happy New Year from the Sprung Planning Company

As we enter 2015, with what appears to be the economic winds at our back, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and successful year.  Lets make it a great one.

Matt Sprung, PP, AICP

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Carteret Adopts Redevelopment Plan For Roosevelt Avenue

Public Notice:

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North Bergen Establishes Redevelopment Plan for 76th Street Site

Public Notice:


Township of North Bergen Hudson County, New Jersey 07047 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESIGNATING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN TO ACT AS THE REDEVELOPMENT ENTITY FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BLOCK 305.02, LOT 15, 116 76RD STREET AND AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN TO ESTABLISH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN THIS AREA Commissioner Cabrera___yes______ Commissioner Ferraro___absent____ Commissioner Gargiulo__absent____ Commissioner Pascual___yes_______ Mayor Sacco____yes_____________ The ordinance entitled as above was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of North Bergen, in the County of Hudson, held on December 23, 2014. Erin Barillas Township Clerk 12/29/14 $58.36
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Bridgewater Approves Redevelopment Plan at December 9th Meeting

Public Notice:

Planning Board – Bridgewater Township NOTICE OF DECISION The Planning Board rendered the following decisions on 12/9/14: RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRIDGEWATER APPROVING A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT, PERIODIC REEXAMINATION REPORT, AND RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, ALL AS RELATING TO PROPERTIES LOCATED AT BLOCK 329, LOTS 3.01, 13.01 AND 14 DECIDED: December 2, 2014 ADOPTED: December 2, 2014 ———————————————————– The resolutions of the Planning Board and application files with respect to the above referenced decisions are available for public inspection in the Planning Department at the Municipal Building, 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, New Jersey during regular business hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Marie L. Broughman, Land Use Administrator ($22.00)

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Borough of Belmar & Chefs International File an Appeal to Belmar’s Planning Board Relating to the Seaport Redevelopment Zone

Public Notice:


BOROUGH OF BELMAR PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that Chef’s International, Inc. and the Borough of Belmar have made application/appeal to the Planning Board of the Borough of Belmar so as to permit amendments to a previously approved preliminary and final major site plan for the construction of a restaurant, bar and retail building along with parking, landscaping, utilities and other associated site improvements. Prior approval was heard by the planning board on February 10, 2014 with a memorializing resolution of conditional approval being adopted on March 24, 2014. The applicant is applying for amended preliminary and final major site plan approval. Amendments to the plan include a reduction in the number of stories proposed for the structure from two stories to one story; reduction of the proposed footprint of the structure which will still remain within the limits of the previously approved footprint; a revision to traffic circulation throughout the site along with other associated site improvements. This review/approval is also being sought on behalf of the Borough of Belmar as a review of a capital project pursuant to 40:55D-31. The applicant also seeks waivers from the provision of a metes and bounds description of the lot and acreage of the subject site; and from the provision of an Environmental Impact Statement. There appears to be no variance relief required at present. The applicant may seek additional variances and/or waivers as required by law or the Borough of Belmar Planning Board including, but not limited to, any possible variance or waiver relief associated with number of parking spaces, signage and reapproval and/or reaffirmation of any and all other relief that may have been granted in any prior applications. The applicant also reserves the right to request approval for any and all other variances or design waivers, which are necessary or may become necessary as a result of the public hearing process. The application involves the premises located at Marina at Tenth Avenue, Belmar, New Jersey (Block 98, Lot 1), located in the Borough’s Seaport Redevelopment Zone. This appeal is now on the Clerk’s Calendar and a public hearing has been ordered for Monday, January 12, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Commission Chamber, Municipal Building, 601 Main Street, Belmar, NJ, at which time you may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney and present any objection you may have to the granting of this appeal/application. The application and supporting documents are on file in the Municipal Clerk’s Office of the Borough of Belmar in the Municipal Building (601 Main Street) and are available for inspection on business days between 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. JOHN J. JACKSON, III Attorney for Applicant Chef’s International, Inc. ($78.00)

Public Notice ID: 22016312.HTM
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South Amboy Adopts the “Beach Club District” Giddy Up!

Public Notice:

CITY OF SOUTH AMBOY NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at a Meeting of the City Council of the City of South Amboy held on December 3, 2014, the following Ordinance was introduced and read by title only and passed on First Reading: ORDINANCE #13-2014 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BEACH CLUB DISTRICT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Notice is further given that said Ordinance will be further considered for Final Passage by said City Council at a meeting of that body to be held in City Hall, 140 North Broadway, South Amboy, NJ, 08879, on the 17th day of December, 2014, at 7:00 P.M., at which time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning same. Laura Kemble-Kalantsis Acting Municipal Clerk ($14.96)

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Kearny Council Has Second Reading for Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


TOWN OF KEARNY PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: THE BELOW ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED AND PASSED ON FIRST READING AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF KEARNY, NEW JERSEY HELD DECEMBER 2, 2014. IT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR SECOND READING AND FINAL PASSAGE AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 16, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWN HALL. 2014-(O)-54 ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE KEARNY POINT INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (Full Copy of Redevelopment Plan, for Area Consisting of Approximately 126 Acres With Frontage on Central Avenue in South Kearny, is Available for Inspection in the Town Clerk’s Office) WHEREAS, on September 9, 2014, the Mayor and Council adopted Resolution 2014-567 declaring Block 294, Lots 12 and 20, as an area in need of redevelopment (the “Kearny Point Redevelopment Area”) and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council authorized Heyer Gruel & Associates (“HGA”) to prepare a redevelopment plan for the Kearny Point Redevelopment Area and WHEREAS, HGA has prepared the attached plan dated November 2014 entitled “Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan”; and WHEREAS, upon introduction of this Ordinance, at its meeting of December 2, 2014, the Mayor and Council referred the attached plan to the Kearny Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has completed its review of the Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan and has transmitted to the Mayor and Council its recommendation that it be adopted; and WHEREAS the plan conforms with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, now, therefore, be it ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey that pursuant to N. J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, the attached Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan is approved and adopted. I certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced by the Mayor and Council on first reading on December 2, 2014 duly published according to law, and passed on second reading and final passage on December ___, 2014. __________________________________ PATRICIA CARPENTER TOWN CLERK I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this ____ day of December 2014. __________________________________ ALBERTO G. SANTOS, MAYOR 12/09/14 $85.90
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Verona Approves Redevelopment Area on Bloomfield Avenue

Public Notice:

PLANNING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF VERONA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TAKE NOTICE, the following applied to the Planning Board of the Township of Verona. Determination of the Planning Board on November 20, 2014 was made that 449 Bloomfield Avenue, Block 19.01, Lot 103 and 435 Bloomfield Avenue, Block 19.02, Lot 115 is an area in need of Redevelopment. TAKE NOTICE, that all records pertaining to this matter are available for public inspection at the Planning Board Office, 10 Commerce Court, Verona, New Jersey 07044. William Brown, Chairman Verona Planning Board Verona Cedar Grove Times-3792962 Fee:$8.54 December 11, 2014
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Roxbury encourages developer to convert approved building lots to “open space”

Public Notice:

ROXBURY TOWNSHIP LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Roxbury Township Planning Board, at its December 3, 2014 meeting, adopted a resolution granting the undersigned the relief described below in connection with a major subdivision known as the “Villages at Roxbury” on premises located along Shippenport Road in Roxbury Township, and shown on the Tax Maps of the Township of Roxbury as Block 11201, Lots 1, 2 and 3, and Block 10101, Lot 34 (formerly known as Block 17, Lot 7; Block 150, Lot 1; and Block 138, Lot 2). The subdivision received amended preliminary major subdivision approval, granted by Planning Board Resolution adopted August 2, 2006, for 179 building lots for single family residential development, and related site infrastructure and improvements and further amended subdivision approval, by Planning Board resolution adopted March 21, 2007, for 161 building lots, in order to allow for the conveyance of a portion of the premises containing 18 of the previously approved building lots and an adjacent open space area, totaling approximately 34 acres, to the Township of Roxbury, for preservation as open space. The relief granted is as follows: 1. Amended preliminary and final major subdivision approval to create a phasing plan for the entire subdivision, so that development can proceed in seven separate phases. 2. Final major subdivision approval for Phase I. Copies of the resolution, application, plans and other supporting documents are on file in the Planning Board Office, at the Roxbury Township Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, New Jersey, and are available there for inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. WELLFLEET DEVELOPERS, INC. One Woodbridge Center Suite 610 Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1100 ($35.20)
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Township of Riverside to hear proposal for sixty-four (64) apartment units in the Watch Case Building

Public Notice:


Simshabs VIII, Inc.

To: All Property Owners
within 200 feet, Utilities and
Governmental Agencies Entitled to Notice Pursuant to the
Municipal Land Use Law

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Simshabs VIII, Inc. (the “Applicant”), with offices at 1208 Avenue M in Brooklyn, New York, a division of Simshabs Capital Partners Inc., has filed an application with the Planning Board of the Township of Riverside, in the County of Burlington, for major site plan approval and for bulk variance relief under Ordinance 2008-2 and Sections 255-45 and 255-83 of the Riverside Township Land Use Ordinances for the property located at 1 North Pavilion Avenue, Riverside, New Jersey, aka “the Watch Case Building” (see link)
and further known and designated as Block 602, Lot 2 on the official tax map, as well as such other and further relief as set forth below.

The application seeks major site plan approval in connection with the proposed construction of sixty-four (64) apartment units in the Watchcase Building, along with lobby and
elevator additions, and such other details and improvements as may be necessary in accordance with same and as further depicted on the Major Site Plan and any other plans accompanying the application. In connection with this major site plan approval, the Applicant also seeks bulk variance relief from Section 255-45 and, specifically, the parking requirements set forth under Section 255-83 of the Land Use Ordinances, to permit ninety-four (94) off-street parking spaces where a total of one hundred and twenty-eight (128) off-street parking spaces are required. Applicant will also be seeking Submission Waivers as more fully designated on the Checklist accompanying the submitted application. Applicant will also seek any and all such other variances and submission, design and/or other waivers as are or may be necessary in connection with this application.

A public hearing has been scheduled in this matter for December 22nd, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Riverside Township Municipal Building, which is located at 1 W. Scott Street, Riverside, New Jersey, at which time you may appear personally or by agent or attorney and present any objections or comments which you may have concerning the proposed application. The public may inspect all documents relating to this application which are on file in the Riverside Township Municipal Building from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This notice is given by the Applicant by order of the Riverside Township Planning Board.

Applicant is sending this notice to you because the subject property is within 200 feet of the property owned by you, or you are otherwise entitled to notice by law.

Steve Goldman, Vice President
for Simshabs VIII, Inc.

Dated: 12/5/14

Adv. Fee: $63.94
BCT: December 8, 2014
Aff. Chg.: $20.00

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