
Lakewood Planning Board Approves Airport Road Site

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD Notice of Decision by the Lakewood Township Planning Board On March 17, 2015, the Lakewood Township Planning Board adopted a Resolution memorializing the approval granted to the applicant, Legacy Lakewood, LLC, SP# 2100 for an Application for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval with design waivers for the following relief for property located at Block 1160.01, Lot 221, and known as 999 Airport Road, located within the M-1 (Industrial) Zone, Lakewood Township: The applicant was granted approval for the construction of an eight thousand square foot prefabricated garage on the existing pavement and to convert an existing gravel area of approximately two thousand four hundred square feet (2,400 sf) to pavement for additional parking. The applicant was granted various design waivers for installation of sidewalks and curbs, planting of street and shade trees, and providing paved parking spaces. The Resolution approving the application along with all plans and related documents are on file at the Lakewood Township Planning Board office located at 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Attorney for the Applicant Robert C. Shea, Esquire R.C. Shea & Associates Toms River, New Jersey ($37.50)
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Kearny Council Has Second Reading for Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan

Public Notice:


TOWN OF KEARNY PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: THE BELOW ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED AND PASSED ON FIRST READING AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF KEARNY, NEW JERSEY HELD DECEMBER 2, 2014. IT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR SECOND READING AND FINAL PASSAGE AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 16, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWN HALL. 2014-(O)-54 ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE KEARNY POINT INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (Full Copy of Redevelopment Plan, for Area Consisting of Approximately 126 Acres With Frontage on Central Avenue in South Kearny, is Available for Inspection in the Town Clerk’s Office) WHEREAS, on September 9, 2014, the Mayor and Council adopted Resolution 2014-567 declaring Block 294, Lots 12 and 20, as an area in need of redevelopment (the “Kearny Point Redevelopment Area”) and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council authorized Heyer Gruel & Associates (“HGA”) to prepare a redevelopment plan for the Kearny Point Redevelopment Area and WHEREAS, HGA has prepared the attached plan dated November 2014 entitled “Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan”; and WHEREAS, upon introduction of this Ordinance, at its meeting of December 2, 2014, the Mayor and Council referred the attached plan to the Kearny Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has completed its review of the Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan and has transmitted to the Mayor and Council its recommendation that it be adopted; and WHEREAS the plan conforms with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, now, therefore, be it ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey that pursuant to N. J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, the attached Kearny Point Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan is approved and adopted. I certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced by the Mayor and Council on first reading on December 2, 2014 duly published according to law, and passed on second reading and final passage on December ___, 2014. __________________________________ PATRICIA CARPENTER TOWN CLERK I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this ____ day of December 2014. __________________________________ ALBERTO G. SANTOS, MAYOR 12/09/14 $85.90
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Town of Kearny Planning Board to hear Industrial Redevelopment

Public Notice:


  NOTICE OF HEARING   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:  Donald M. Pepe, Esq., on behalf of Ridge Crossing, LLC (the “Applicant”) has filed an application with the Planning Board of the Town of Kearny (the “Board”) with respect to Block 134, Lot 6 (including Lots 7 & 8) on the Tax Map of the Town of Kearny, more commonly known as 590 Belleville Turnpike (the “Property”), which Property is located within the boundaries of the Planned Industrial Development District of the Industrial Park Redevelopment Plan and which property is located within 200′ of the property owned by you. The Applicant is seeking Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval to maintain an existing 300′ x 100′ warehouse with a two-story, 30′ x 100′ office section attached to the southerly side of the building known as Building #30 on a newly created lot to be known as Lot 6.5 (138,031 sq. ft.) and to maintain an existing 28,640 sq. ft. building known as Building #29 on a newly created lot to be known as Lot 6.6 (114,773 sq. ft.), together with Preliminary Major Subdivision approval and Final Major Subdivision approval to subdivide the Property to create four additional new lots 6.1 (123,199 sq. ft.), 6.2 (175,892 sq. ft.), 6.3 (145,364 sq. ft.) and 6.4 (286,676 sq. ft.) for a total of six proposed new lots inclusive of Lots 6.5 and 6.6 as indicated above. This notice is sent to you by the Applicant, by order of the Town of Kearny Planning Board.   In addition, the Applicant seeks deviations from the required frontage for Lots 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 where the Redevelopment Plan calls for a minimum 200′ of frontage and 0′ is existing and 0′ is proposed; lot coverage on proposed Lot 6.1 where 85% is permitted and 100% is proposed, Lot 6.2 where 85% is permitted and 100% is proposed, Lot 6.3 where 85% is permitted and 100% is proposed, Lot 6.4 where 85% is permitted, 93.5% is existing and proposed, 6.5 where 85% is permitted and 99.5% is proposed and proposed Lot 6.6 where 85% is permitted and 99.6% is proposed; landscape requirements where 15% landscape area is required and 0.5% is proposed with respect to proposed Lot 6.5, 0.4% with respect to proposed Lot 6.6 and none is proposed with respect to proposed Lots 6.1 through 6.4; the minimum side yard setback requirements relating to proposed Lot 6.4 where 20′ is required, 9.2′ is existing and 9.2′ is proposed and Lot 6.6 (Building #30) where 20′ is required, 6.1′ is existing and 6.1′ is proposed; Section 38-5.8(a) requiring all outside uses be fenced and screened where proposed Lots 6.1 through 6.6 are not screened; and with respect to signage where one sign per tenant of a size not to exceed 20 sq. ft. is permitted and two signs per tenant with a per sign sq. footage of 40′ is proposed; along with waivers from Section 36-10.4 requiring each Lot front on an approved street, Section 36-12.7(c)(4) requiring sidewalks be located not less than three feet from any building, Section 36-12.1(e) relating to general landscape requirements, Section 36-12.8 which requires provisions for the storage of refuse and appropriate enclosure and screening, Section 36 -12.7(c)(3)(c) requiring 12′ wide handicapped parking spaces whereas 8′ wide spaces are proposed, Section 36-12.5(b) requiring buffers to minimize impacts on adjacent parcels and along property lines where no buffer is proposed along the east property line, together with such other deviations, waivers, exceptions or variances as the Planning Board requires.   The Kearny Planning Board has scheduled a hearing on this application to be held on the 2nd day of July, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall located at 402 Kearny Ave., Kearny, New Jersey 07032. Any person interested in this application may attend the hearing in person or by agent or attorney and may present any and all objections which you may have to the granting of the relief sought. Copies of the application and related supporting documents are on file and available for inspection on any working day between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm at the office of the Secretary of the Board, Town Hall Annex, 410 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032.   Donald M. Pepe, Esq. Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC (732)568-8370  06/20/14 $236.24  
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City of Millville to see sale of industrial site by NJDEP

Public Notice:

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICEDepartment of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Conveyance of Property in the City of Millville, Cumberland County


Take Notice that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 13:1D-51 through -58, the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection (“NJDEP”) will hold two public hearings to seek comments on the proposed conveyance of property in the City of Millville, Cumberland County.

The property proposed for conveyance is designated for tax purposes as Block 578, Lot 19 (comprising approximately 81 acres, hereafter “the Property.”) The NJDEP proposes to convey the Property through a direct sale to either the City of Millville (“City”), the Millville Urban Redevelopment Corporation (“MURC”), the Cumberland County Improvement Authority or any other nonprofit or public entity designated by the City. The Property was purchased by the NJDEP from the prior owner, Durand Glass Manufacturing Company, Inc. (“Durand”), in July 2013 for $335,000. The proposed sale price for the conveyance by the NJDEP to the City or its designee is $395,000. If the property is conveyed by the NJDEP to the City or its designee, it will be used for commercial/industrial purposes consistent with current zoning.

The Property is located off Gorton Road; the street address of the Property is 1 Gorton Road. It is irregularly shaped, with a maximum depth of about 2700 linear feet and a frontage of about 735 feet. The property is currently administered by the NJDEP’s Division of Fish and Wildlife as part of the 474-acre Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area.

A copy of a report analyzing the proposed conveyance is available online at A general location map for the Property is included as Figure 1 of the report. An aerial map of the Property is included as Figure 2 of the report.

The proposed sale price is based on three components: the $367,000 full fair market value of the Property as of January 2013 (as established by appraisals commissioned by the NJDEP as part of the purchase); approximately $13,000 in technical costs incurred by the NJDEP as part of the purchase of the Property and $15,000 for administrative costs associated with the proposed conveyance.

If the proposed conveyance of the Property is approved and the Property is sold to the City or its designee, the NJDEP intends to apply $367,000 of the sale proceeds to the purchase of a minimum of 900 acres of land within Block 582, Lot 1 in the City of Millville for addition to the Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area. The proposed replacement property is known locally as the Holly Farm property and is located at 3001 Main Street E in the City of Millville. The remainder of the proceeds of the sale ($28,000) will be returned to the Garden State Preservation Trust Fund (or other appropriate Green Acres bond fund) for use in future open space acquisitions. However, if the Holly Farm purchase cannot be concluded within three years of the actual conveyance of the Property, the NJDEP will identify and purchase other suitable replacement land of at least equal acreage, in fee, within Cumberland County using the $367,000 sale proceeds.

State House Commission approval is required for this proposal. If approved, the Department anticipates that the earliest the proposed conveyance could occur is mid-August 2014.

The first public hearing on the proposed conveyance of the Property will be held on:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 6:30 PM at the City of Millville City Hall Commission Chambers-4th floor 12 S. High Street Millville, New Jersey 08332 856-825-7000

The hearing record for the first public hearing will close on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Interested persons may obtain information from Judeth Yeany in the Green Acres Program or John Knoop at the City of Millville at the addresses below and may submit written comments to Ms. Yeany until the close of business on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.

The second public hearing will be held on:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 2:30 PM at the Department of Environmental Protection Public Hearing Room 401 E. State Street-1st floor Trenton, New Jersey 08625

The hearing record for the second public hearing will close on Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Interested persons may obtain information from Judeth Yeany in the Green Acres Program or John Knoop at the City of Millville at the addresses below and may submit written comments to Ms. Yeany until the close of business on Friday, June 4, 2014.

Persons wishing to make oral presentations at either of the public hearings are asked to bring a written copy of their comments to the hearing for use by the Department. For further information on the proposed conveyance, please contact:

Department of Environmental Protection Judeth Piccinini Yeany, Chief Bureau of Legal Services and Stewardship New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program Mail Code 501-01 P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420 (609) 984-0500

City of Millville

John H. Knoop III, City Engineer City of Millville City Hall 12 S. High St. P.O. Box 609 Millville, New Jersey 08332 856-825-7000, ext. 7301

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Jackson Planning Board to decide Additional 5 lots on 33 lot subdivision in Industrial Park

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that CDR WHITESVILLE, LLC has applied to the Jackson Township Planning Board for amended preliminary major subdivision approval on Lots 153 through 201 in Block 21601; Lots 1 through 18 in Block 21602; Lots 1 through 14 in Block 21902; Lots 1 through 18 in Block 21903; Lots 1, 2, 4 through 7 in Block 21904; Lots 1 through 11 in Block 21905; Lot 1 in Block 21906; Lots 1 through 19 in Block 21907; Lots 1 through 14 in Block 21908; Lots 1 through 13 in Block 21909; Lots 1 through 3 in Block 21910; Lots 1` through 18 in Block 21911; Lots 2 through 13 in Block 21912; Lots 1, 3, 4 through 6 & 8 through 18 in Block 21913; Lot 1 in Block 22001; Lots 1 through 15 in Block 22002; Lots 1 through 7 in Block 22003; Lots 1 through 3 in Block 22004; Lots 1 through 10 in Block 22005; Lots 1 through 8 in Block 22006; Lots 1 through 5 in Block 22008; Lots 1 through 20 in Block 22101; Lots 1 & 2 in Block 22102; Lots 1 through 9 in Block 22202; Lots 1 through 10, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 30 through 33 in Block 22203; Lot 1 in Block 22204; Lots 5 through 10 in Block 22205 located in the Industrial Zone on Whitesville Road and known as the Whitesville Business Park. Applicant received prior major subdivision approval in 2005 under Planning Board Resolution 2005-54 for 33 industrial lots, two storm water lots and one pump station lot. The purpose of this amendment is to add Block 22115 Lot 14 and Lot 124 in Block 21601 creating Road “B” and 5 additional industrial lots increasing the number of lots to 38. As part of the application a revised layout of the storm water management pond has been designed, the side lines adjusted for lots 1 & 4 through 8 and front yard setback variances have been requested for only the interior roadways as 100 feet is required and 50 feet is proposed. Design waivers for on-site bulk storage of material exceeding 10 feet in height has been requested for a maximum height of 35 feet for piling of materials greater than 1600 feet from Whitesville Road. Design waiver for on-site bulk storage of materials exceeding 10 feet in height has been requested for a maximum height of 25 feet for piling of materials 1200 to 1600 feet from Whitesville Road and no pile of any material exceeding 10 feet will be permitted within 1200 feet of Whitesville Road. Applicant is introducing a phasing plan for the proposed development and requesting formal approval of customary temporary uses including contractor storage, mulch storage and dredge soil storage and the extension of the preliminary approval rights for a 10 year period as permitted by Jackson Ordinance Section 109-27F(2) Said application shall include a request for any and all other variances and waivers as may be required by submission and discussion of the plans. The aforesaid has been scheduled for a hearing before the Jackson Township Planning Board at the Municipal Building, Route 528, Jackson, New Jersey on Monday , February 24, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The application, maps and supporting documents are on file in the Jackson Township Planning Board in the municipal building and are available for public inspection during normal business hours for a period of 10 days prior to the date of hearing. RAYMOND F. SHEA, JR, ESQ. LEVIN, SHEA & PFEFFER, P.A. Attorney for Applicant 2105 W. County Line Road Jackson, New Jersey 08527 (732) 364-7333 ($82.80) 995657  
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Clayton Combined Planning & Zoning Board to hear 60,000 sf Industrial Application

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING  Combined Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment  Borough of Clayton, County of Gloucester    APPLICANT:   JOHN and BONNIE NIKITUK (H/W)      PROPERTY:  Block 1904, Lots 24.04 & 24.05, A/K/A 303 & 305 Cenco Blvd.         PURPOSE OF APPLICATION:  The Applicant has applied to the Combined Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Clayton (the “Board”) for a Use Variance, and Preliminary/Final Major Site   Plan approval, to construct a 60,000 sq. ft (+/-) building/facility, with related parking and loading areas, driveways, detention / retention basin, scale house, truck scale and related appurtenances, in order to operate a single stream recycling facility on the above referenced property. The property is located in the Borough’s Industrial (I) Zone District. The Applicant meets all area and bulk requirements in the (I) Zone District.  If deemed either necessary or appropriate, the applicant also requests any and all other variances, waivers or other forms of relief as may be required by the development code of the Borough of Clayton, the Municipal Land Use Law, or by direction of the Board.                        PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held in the above referenced matter before the Combined Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Clayton at the Borough’s Municipal Building, 125 North Delsea Drive, Clayton, N.J. 08312 on Wednesday evening, February 26, 2014 at 7:30 P.M., time prevailing.  Copies of the application with attached exhibits, and all supporting documentation, are on file and available for inspection by the public in the Office of the Planning Board Secretary at the address set forth immediately above (856-881-2882 Ext. 123) during regular business hours or by appointment, holidays and weekends excluded.  Any interested person may appear at the hearing, give testimony, and otherwise participate in the review of this application, in accordance with the rules of the Combined Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Clayton, and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law. You are not required to attend this hearing unless you object to the relief being requested.  You may attend the hearing and give testimony either in person or through your agent or attorney.      By Order of the Combined Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment  of the Borough of Clayton    Dale T. Taylor, Esquire  Attorney for the Applicant  95 North Main Street  Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062  (856) 478-4500    Cost: $80.40(2670276) 1/10-1t

Public Notice ID: 20952089.HTM

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