Land Planner

Fair Lawn Council To Consider Redevelopment of Municipally Owned Property

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN NOTICE OF ORDINANCE NO. 2352-2015 AND SUMMARY Ordinance No. 2352-2015, the summary terms of which are included herein, was introduced and passed upon first reading at a meeting of the governing body of the Borough of Fair Lawn, in the County of Bergen, New Jersey, on May 12, 2015. It will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the governing body to be held at the Municipal Building, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, in said Borough on May 26, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. During the week prior to and up to and including the date of such meeting copies of the full ordinance will be available at no cost and during regular business hours at the Municipal Clerk’s office in said Municipal Building for the members of the general public who shall request the same. The summary of the terms of the ordinance follows: Title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, COUNTY OF BERGEN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS BLOCK 5834, LOT 1.02 IN THE BOROUGH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING LAW, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 ET. SEQ. Purpose(s): In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 the Council accepts, approves and adopts the Redevelopment Plan for Block 5834, Lot 1.02 which was prepared by the Planner of Record Matrix New World Engineering and reviewed by the Planning Board. The Zoning Map is amended to incorporate the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan and delineate the boundaries of the redevelopment area. A copy of the Redevelopment Plan is available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office. Joanne M. Kwasniewski, RMC/MMC Municipal Clerk / Deputy Manager May 15, 2015-Fee:$43.47(46) 3865707
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Texaco Site in Bayonne to See Activity After Decades of Work

Public Notice:

CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND OTHERS ENTITLED TO SERVICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned, has made application to the Bayonne Planning Board for property known as Block 332, Lot 3, Block 360, Lot 2, Block 373, Lots 1, 2, 13, 14 and 15, Block 390, Lots 1 and RG67, Block 391, Lots 1 and 2, Block 511, Lot 6 and 5 (hereinafter called the Property) located in the Texaco Redevelopment Area in the City of Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey to permit the following: 1. The applicant seeks preliminary major subdivision for all of the lots set forth above and will create three (3) new lots, proposed Block 9 consisting of 1.71 acres, proposed Block 5 consisting of 1.69 acres and a remaining lot consisting of 61.30 acres as well as creating Avenue A, Daly Street, Park Avenue and Trembly Street pursuant to the provisions of the Texaco Area Redevelopment Plan. 2. The applicant will seek preliminary site plan approval for proposed Block 5 to construct 148 residential units, 3,215 square feet of retail space and 236 parking spaces. The applicant seeks preliminary site plan approval for proposed Block 9 for permission to construct 152 residential units and 276 parking spaces. The applicant also seeks approval for two gravity stormwater conveyance systems across the property and terminating at Newark Bay. 3. The applicant seeks variance relief from the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan to permit a front yard setback of 3.74 feet wherein the Plan requires a maximum front setback of zero feet. 4. The applicant seeks a design waiver for Daly Street, which it proposes to widen for temporary two-way circulation around Block 9 and in the future phases of the development it will be designated as a one-way street in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. In addition, the applicant applies for such variances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c, exceptions, waivers, permits, approvals or licenses that are deemed necessary or appropriate by the applicant or the Board, and which may arise during the course of the hearing process. This application is now on the calendar for the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne. The public hearing has been set for Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the City of Bayonne, Dorothy Harring Council Chambers, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. When this case is called you may either appear in person or by an attorney for the purpose of being heard with respect to this application. All documents and plans for the applicant are on file with the Planning Board Secretary in the City of Bayonne and are available for public inspection Monday through Friday during normal business hours. KAPLAN-PROMENADE AT BAYONNE, LLC By: ___________________________ Glenn C. Kienz, Esq. WEINER LESNIAK LLP Attorneys for Applicant 629 Parsippany Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 05/01/15 $85.00
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Bayonne to Consider Redevelopment at Fifth & Broadway

Public Notice:

CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MAY 12, 2015 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Bayonne Planning Board will hold a Meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. to investigate a delineated area within the City of Bayonne that is generally located on the northwest corner of Broadway and West 5th Street, and more specifically known as and including: Block 330, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne. The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether such delineated area should be designated a non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (Local Redevelopment and Housing Law), which determination, if so made, shall, among other things, authorize the City to use all of the powers provided by the Legislature for use in a redevelopment area, however, it shall not authorize the City to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property. A map of such delineated area has been prepared and can be inspected by the public during normal business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the City of Bayonne, Municipal Building, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 beginning at 6:00 P.M., in the Dorothy E. Harrington Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, located at 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. At this hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, the Planning Board will hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that these properties within the City qualify as a non-condemnation redevelopment area. You may appear either in person or by attorney and present any objections or concerns you may have. All objections to such a determination and evidence in support of those objections, given orally or in writing, shall be received and made part of the public record. Robert M. Sloan, Esq., RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk City of Bayonne 04/30/15 $85.00
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Clifton Designates Area as “Non-Conforming Redevelopment Area”

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE CLIFTON PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on April 23, 2015 the Clifton Planning Board took the following action by Resolution: 1. Recommended to the Mayor and the Council of the City of Clifton that the property known as Block 80.02, Lots 1 and 4, Block 79.04, Lots 10 and 21 be designated as a “Non-Conforming Redevelopment Area” as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. John J. Bruno, Jr. Secretary/Counsel Clifton Planning Board Herald News-3856621 Fee:$8.73 April 29, 2015
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South Brunswick To Hear 7 Lot Subdivision

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP SOUTH BRUNSWICK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at a regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment of the Township of South Brunswick, Municipal Building, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852. The subject of the hearing will be 133 Old Beekman Road, LLC, File No. 13-062, application for Use Variance and Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision to create nine (9) new lots on the property (seven (7) building lots, one (1) detention basin lot and one (1) open space lot). Variances will be required from Township of South Brunswick as follows: Minimum Lot Area – where 43,560 square feet is required and 30,066 square feet is proposed for Lot 26.16, 40,039 square feet is proposed for Lot 26.17. Minimum Lot Width – where 150 square feet is required and 126.75 feet is proposed for Lot 26.16, 50 feet is proposed for Lot 26.17, 81.03 feet is proposed for Lot 26.18, 109.21 feet is proposed for Lot 26.19, 119.72 feet is proposed for Lot 26.20, 98.47 feet is proposed for Lot 26.21. Minimum Lot Depth – where 200 feet is required and 193 feet is proposed for Lot 26.16. Minimum Front Yard Setback – where 50 feet is required and 30 feet is proposed for Lots 26.16, 26.18, 26.19, 26.20, 26.21 and 26.22. Minimum Side Yard Setback – where 20 feet is required and 15 feet is proposed for Lots 26.16, 26.17, 26.18, 26.19, 26.20, 26.21 and 26.22. Minimum Rear Yard Setback – where 50 feet is required and 35 feet is proposed for Lots 26.16 and 30 feet is proposed for Lots 26.17 and 26.22. Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) – where 0.12 is required and 0.18 is proposed for Lot 26.16 and 0.13 is proposed for Lots 26.18, 26.19, 26.20, 26.21 and 26.22. Applicant seeks any other waivers or variances that the Board of Adjustment may find necessary at that time, although none other than the above are contemplated at the present time. This plan is for the site known as Block 93.12, Lot 26.15 located at 133 Old Beekman Road, Monmouth Junction, NJ which is located in the R-1 Zoning District. A copy of the maps and documents for which approval is sought is on file in the office of the above Board for public inspection during regular business hours (8:30 AM 4:30 PM) Monday through Friday, except holidays. c/o Peter U. Lanfrit, Esq. The Law Office of 3000 Hadley Road, Suite 1C South Plainfield, NJ 07080 ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT Kindly provide me with an Affidavit of Publication as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation herein. Very truly yours, Peter U. Lanfrit ($44.44)
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Lakewood Planning Board Approves Airport Road Site

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD Notice of Decision by the Lakewood Township Planning Board On March 17, 2015, the Lakewood Township Planning Board adopted a Resolution memorializing the approval granted to the applicant, Legacy Lakewood, LLC, SP# 2100 for an Application for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval with design waivers for the following relief for property located at Block 1160.01, Lot 221, and known as 999 Airport Road, located within the M-1 (Industrial) Zone, Lakewood Township: The applicant was granted approval for the construction of an eight thousand square foot prefabricated garage on the existing pavement and to convert an existing gravel area of approximately two thousand four hundred square feet (2,400 sf) to pavement for additional parking. The applicant was granted various design waivers for installation of sidewalks and curbs, planting of street and shade trees, and providing paved parking spaces. The Resolution approving the application along with all plans and related documents are on file at the Lakewood Township Planning Board office located at 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Attorney for the Applicant Robert C. Shea, Esquire R.C. Shea & Associates Toms River, New Jersey ($37.50)
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Jersey City to Hold Master Plan Rexamination Hearing

Public Notice:

Public Notice/Legal Ad Jersey City Master Plan Reexamination Report and Amendments Please be advised that the Jersey City Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on the matter of a Master Plan Reexamination Report and Amendment on April 7, 2015, at 5:30 PM in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, NJ. The Master Plan Reexamination Report will address the need for formula business restrictions. The Master Plan Amendment includes updates to the Land Use Element regarding Redevelopment Plans and Additional Land Use Regulations as it pertains to restrictions on formula businesses uses. All interested persons with comments or questions regarding the re-exam and amendments are invited to attend the meeting and will be given an opportunity to address the Planning Board. Formal action may be taken by the Planning Board at this Public Hearing. The Master Plan Reexamination Report and Master Plan Amendment are currently available for public inspection or email. The aforementioned documents can be viewed at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey and the Division of City Planning, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, NJ. If you have any questions regarding the above referenced matter, please contact the Division of City Planning at 201-547-5010. Christopher Langston, Chairman Jersey City Planning Board 03/27/15 $121.46
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Jersey City Hears 500 Palisades Avenue Application for Mixed Use

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF HEARING Please be advised that 500 PALISADE AVE JC, LLC (“Applicant”) submitted an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval including a request for a Use Variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.d.(1); Density and Height Variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.d.(5) and (6); and related bulk variances for rear yard setback and building coverage and a parking variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.c; and any other variance(s) the Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment (“Board”) may deem to be required. The application filed with the Board involves the property located at 500-506 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, a/k/a Tax Block 2401, Lots 1 and 2. The purpose of this Application is to seek approvals to construct a six (6) story primarily residential building with 27 dwelling units, 16 off-street parking spaces, 39 bicycle storage spaces and a ground floor commercial space fronting onto Palisade Avenue at the corner of Holland Street. Any person interested in this Application will have the opportunity to address the Board at the public meeting of April 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. Plans are available for public inspection on any working day between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the City Planning Division, 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. KENNETH L. ROSE, ESQ. 161 Prospect Street Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Tel. 973-779-0100 Attorney for Applicant 04/04/15 $85.00
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Livingston To Rezone Lots Eliminating “Split Lot” Zoning

Public Notice:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 13th day of April, 2015, at or about 8:00 p.m. a public hearing will be held before the Livingston Township Council at the Livingston Municipal Services and Police Building, 357 South Livingston Avenue, on an ordinance re-zoning Lot 6 in Tax Block 1503, Lot 13 in Tax Block 1512, and Lot 7 in Tax Block 3701 (located on East Mount Pleasant Avenue between the Livingston Avenue intersection and Rossmore Terrace) that are currently split zones (R-4 Residence District and B-1 General Business District) and rezoning them to the B-1 General Business District. The ordinance amends the zoning map reference in Section 170-86 of the Code of the Township of Livingston.
At the public hearing, you may appear either in person or represented by an attorney and present any objections or comments you have regarding this matter.
Any interested party may appear at the hearing and may participate according to the rules of the Township Council. A copy of the ordinance is available for your review in the Office of the Township Clerk from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday as well as on the Township website and will be published in the April 2, 2015, issue of the West Essex Tribune.
Sharon L. Weiner,
Township Attorney
Dated: April 3, 2015
The Ordinance published herewith was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Livingston held on Monday, March 23, 2015. It will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of said Township Council to be held at the Livingston Municipal Services and Police Building, 357 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey 07039, on Monday, April 13, 2015, at 8:00 p.m., and during the week prior to and up to and including the date of such meeting, copies of said ordinance will be made available at the office of the Clerk of the Township to the members of the general public who shall request the same.
WHEREAS, the 2007 Master Plan notes that zone district lines sometimes run through a lot with the result that the lot is a split-zoned lot that straddles two or more districts, thus necessitating variances in order that the lot can be developed, and the Master Plan recommends adjusting district boundary lines to reduce or eliminate split-zoned lots; and
WHEREAS, a review of lots fronting on East Mount Pleasant Avenue between the Livingston Avenue intersection and Rossmore Terrace has identified lots in Tax Blocks 1503, 1512, and 3701 to which the Master Plan recommendation applies; and
WHEREAS, the recommendation in the 2007 Master Plan can be accomplished by rezoning specific lots in those Tax Blocks;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Council of the Township of Livingston, in the County of Essex, State of New Jersey, as follows:
Section 1. The Zoning Map referenced in ยง 170-86 of the Code of the Township of Livingston, as heretofore amended, is further amended to achieve the rezoning and designation of specific lots as follows:
A. Rezone and designate Lot 6 in Tax Block 1503, presently a split-zoned lot in both the B-1 General Business District and the R-4 Residence District and containing a commercial use, to the B-1 General Business District; and
B. Rezone and designate Lot 13 in Tax Block 1512, presently a split-zoned lot in both the B-1 General Business District and the R-4 Residence District and containing a business use, to the B-1 General Business District; and
C. Rezone and designate Lot 7 in Tax Block 3701, presently a split-zoned lot in both the B-1 General Business District and the R-4 Residence District and containing a business use, to the B-1 General Business District
Section 2. Except as hereby amended, the Code of the Township of Livingston shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and twenty days from the date of publication in accordance with law. MICHAEL M. SILVERMAN,
Township Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Township Attorney
April 2, 2015 $47.43
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Bayonne to Look at 46th Street & Broadway Site for Redevelopment

Public Notice:


CITY OF BAYONNE PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 14, 2015 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Bayonne Planning Board will hold a Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. to investigate a delineated area within the City of Bayonne that is generally located on the northwest corner of Broadway and West 46th Street, and more specifically known as and including: Block 77, Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne. The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether such delineated area should be designated a non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (Local Redevelopment and Housing Law), which determination, if so made, shall, among other things, authorize the City to use all of the powers provided by the Legislature for use in a redevelopment area, however, it shall not authorize the City to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property. A map of such delineated area has been prepared and can be inspected by the public during normal business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the City of Bayonne, Municipal Building, 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 beginning at 6:00 P.M., in the Dorothy E. Harrington Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, located at 630 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey. At this hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time, the Planning Board will hear all persons who are interested in or would be affected by a determination that these properties within the City qualify as a non-condemnation redevelopment area. You may appear either in person or by attorney and present any objections or concerns you may have. All objections to such a determination and evidence in support of those objections, given orally or in writing, shall be received and made part of the public record. Robert M. Sloan, Esq., RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk City of Bayonne 03/26/15 $85.00
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