River Vale Township Planning Board to Hear 5 Lot Subdivision Application

Public Notice:


PUBLIC NOTICE “PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned attorneys for Bear Brook Builders, LLC (hereinafter the “Applicant”) with the consent of the record owner, Henry Bonnabel, of the property known as 870 Westwood Avenue and more formally known as Block 1901, Lot 6 on the current tax assessment map of the Township of River Vale, New Jersey (hereinafter the “Property”) has filed applications. The Property is located in the “A” Residence Zone District of the Township of River Vale. The Applicant proposes to subdivide the Property into 5 lots each of which are intended to be improved with a single family home and related improvements. The Applicant also proposes to extend Blauvelt Street, which currently dead ends at the Property, into the Property and terminating into a new cul-de-sac. The proposed lots will have frontage along Blauvelt Street and/or its extension or Westwood Avenue. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Applicant has applied for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision Approval. The proposed lots comply with the bulk table for the “A” Residence District with the exception that the Applicant has requested a variance(s) from ?142-309 entitled “Steep Slopes” to permit the following: the disturbance of 100% of the slope area in the category of 15% to 19.9% slopes where only a 30% disturbance is permitted; disturbance of 100% of the slope area in the category of 20% to 24.99% slopes where only 15% disturbance is permitted and, the disturbance of 100% of slope areas in the 25% or greater area where no disturbance is permitted. The proposed steep slope disturbance exist on the lots areas comprising proposed Lot 6.04 and Lot 6.05. Also, while the Applicant does not believe that additional variances are required, since the Township Engineer has indicated the potential need for additional variances in his review letter, the Applicant may request these variances, if the Board deems them necessary. They include a variance from ?142-225(E) which prohibits accessory structures from being located within a front yard. The Applicant proposes to allow a garage/barn on proposed Lot 6.05 to exist and be improved. In addition, the Township Engineer has cited the potential need for a variance from ?142-216 in that the proposed extension from Blauvelt Street may impact existing Block 1901, Lot 39 by causing said property to now become a “Corner Lot”. The Township Engineer has also indicated that the extension of Blauvelt Street may convert the existing Block 1901, Lot 5 into a “Through Lot” suggested to be in violation of ?142-216. To the extent the Board deems these variances necessary, the Applicant may then seek these additional variances from the Board. In addition to the above, the Applicant has also filed for a Soil Moving Permit. The Applicant estimates 1,900 c.y. of cut, 1,480 c.y. of fill with a net export of 420 c.y. The Applicant has also requested a Tree Removal Permit from ?142-167-176 to permit the removal of 260 trees to be replaced with 144 trees on site. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Applicant will also request any and all other variances, exceptions, waivers, de minimis exceptions, interpretations and/or incidental relief from the requirements of the Township of River Vale Ordinance that may be required by the Board after a review of the application. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a Public Hearing has been scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2013 at 8:00 p.m. and continuing at such further time as may be further scheduled by the Planning Board in the Township of River Vale, Municipal Building, 406 Rivervale Road, River Vale, New Jersey at which time you may appear if you so desire, before the Planning Board at the time and place designated above for the purposes of being heard with respect to this application. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all documents and plans for this Application have been filed with the Planning Board at the Municipal Building, 406 Rivervale Road, River Vale, New Jersey and are available for inspection, Monday through Friday during normal business hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BEATTIE PADOVANO, LLC Attorneys for Bear Brook Builders, LLC BY: Antimo A. Del Vecchio, Esq.” Dec. 5, 2013-Fee:$106.79(113) 3606041
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