Galloway Approves 944 Units on Former Golf Course

Public Notice:

NOTICE OF DECISIONPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at the conclusion of a hearing held before it on September 19, 2013, the Planning Board for the Township of Galloway granted amended preliminary and final major subdivision and amended preliminary and final major site plan approval to the undersigned applicant to allow it to construct, establish and maintain a non-age restricted residential community containing a total of 944 housing units.
These units are apportioned as 531 single family detached units, 224 townhouse units and 189 affordable apartment units.
The development is to take place on property shown as Block 453, Lot 2; Block 455, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 11; Block 456, Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and Block 458, Lot 1 on the Galloway Township tax map, which property is located at the site of the former “Blue Heron Pines East” golf course, which is located generally at Tilton Road, Odessa Avenue, Aloe Street and Genoa Avenue.
The site currently consists of an approximately 398 acre tract containing the former golf course improvements, which golf course is no longer in operation.
The approvals referenced herein were approved pursuant to the terms of the “Conversion Act” for the purpose of converting a previously approved age restricted housing development to a non-age restricted housing development by removing the age restriction requirement contained in the prior approvals for this development.The decision of the Board was memorialized in a written Resolution adopted by the said Galloway Township Planning Board on December 5, 2013, and is available at the office of the Secretary to the Galloway Township Planning Board at Township Hall, 300 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway, New Jersey.

Attorney for Applicant
Ole Hansen & Sons, Inc.

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