Washington Township, Gloucester County, to hear 68 Unit Townhome Application

Public Notice:



> PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Washington Township Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on January 7, 2014, at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building, 523 Egg Harbor Road, Sewell, NJ to consider an application by Parke Place Community, LLC, the developer for the Parke Place Community, who will make an application for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan and Major Subdivision Approval, for construction of a 68 unit townhouse development on Block 51.01, Lot 1, along with subdivision approval, as well as conceptual approval for a fifty-four (54) unit townhouse development, similar in nature to the Phase I development, to be located on Block 51.09, Lot 1. A complete application for site-plan and subdivision approval shall be submitted to the Planning Board for Phase II at a later date. The applicant is also seeking variance and waiver relief for Phase I as follows, as well as any other variances or waivers that the Planning Board or its professionals deem necessary: Variances – 1) GDP, minimum tract size, 7.07 acres where 10 acres required; 2) Section 285-83.F., minimum rear year, 23 feet where 25 feet is required; 3) Section 285-84.H., maximum number of townhouse units per structure, to allow 7 where 4 is permitted; 4) Section 285-196.A, off street parking to exceed 105% of required spaces; Section 285-201.A., buffer width, to allow stormwater facilities within the required buffer; Waivers – 1) lots do not front on public streets; 2) Checklist Item #8, Environmental Impact Statement; 3) Section 220-21.B(6), off street parking in front of principal structure. The application, plans, and supporting documentation are available for examination during normal business hours at the Office of the Planning Board. The property is located at Delsea Drive, Sewell, New Jersey 08080 and is known as: Block 51.01, Lot 1 (Phase I) and Block 51.09, Lot 1 (Phase II). Parke Place Community, LLC, Applicant Cost: $64.56(2669689) 12/28-1t


Public Notice ID: 20916521.HTMW
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