Burlington Township to hold public hearing on 1.69 million square feet of warehouse & office space

Public Notice: 


Township of Burlington
Planning Board PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 9, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. , in the Burlington Township Municipal Complex, 851 Old York Road, Burlington, New Jersey, 08016, the Burlington Township Planning Board (‘Planning Board’) will hold a public hearing to consider the application by Lion-FGC Burlington, LLC (the ‘Applicant’), for amended Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision approval and amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval in connection with property designated on the Township of Burlington tax map as Block 150, Lot 3; Block 151, Lot 1; Block 153.01, Lot 1; and Block 153.02, Lots 2 & 3, which property is a 133.54 acre site located on Neck Road and River Road in Burlington Township (the ‘Property’). The prior Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision approval and the prior Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval (and amendments thereto) provided for, in part, the creation of four (4) Lots, the construction of 1,690,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, and the construction of associated infrastructure and site improvements. The Applicant’s present application for the amended approvals stated above is to permit certain Lot line adjustments to the four (4) Lots, to construct approximately 1,580,665 square feet of warehouse and office space (with associated infrastructure and site improvements), and to make certain adjustments to the site design and layout previously approved by the Planning Board. The Applicant also seeks any exceptions, variances, and/or waivers that may be required by the Planning Board in connection with its review of the subject application. Any interested party may appear at the January 9, 2014 hearing in person or by agent or attorney and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Planning Board and present any objection to, support for, or other comments concerning the subject application. Information pertaining to this application for amended Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision approval and amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval, including all maps, plans, and documentation, is available for public inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday) in the office of the Land Use Administrator of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, which is located in the Burlington Township Municipal Complex, 851 Old York Road, Burlington, New Jersey, 08016. Lion-FGC Burlington, LLC
c/o Norris, McLaughlin &
Marcus, P.A.
721 Route 202/206
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Attorneys for Applicant Adv. Fee: $55.20
BCT: December 27, 2013
Aff. Chg.: $20.00


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