Garfield looks at First Ward for Redevelopment

Public Notice:

Planning Board CITY OF GARFIELD Resolution   Date: December 19, 2013  Submitted by:  Resolution: PB-  Seconded by:   WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et. seq., provides in pertinent part, that a local governing body may cause a preliminary investigation to be made as to whether an area is in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Garfield adopted a Resolution on ______________, authorizing and directing the Planning Board to perform a preliminary investigation with respect to whether certain areas located within the First Ward of the City of Garfield, specifically Blocks 34.01, Lot 10; Block 27; Block 26; Block 25; Block 24.01; Block 24.02; Block 23; Block 22; Block 34.02; Block 31; Block 31.01; Block 9, Lots 1, 2 & 23; Block 10, 1 & 3; Block 11, Lots 1, 3, 5, 7 & 8; Block 12, Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 13; Block 14.01, Lot 47; Block 14.02, Lots 1, 4.01 7 4.02; Block 15, Lots 1, 3, 4, 51, 54; Block 16, Lots 1, 4 & 5 may be in need of rehabilitation or redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board by Resolution dated July 11, 2013 hired Burgis Associates, Inc., pursuant to RFP solicited by the Garfield Redevelopment Agency to study the aforementioned area; WHEREAS, on December 19, 2013, the Planning Board of the City of Garfield held a public hearing wherein the “Area in Need of Rehabilitation Investigation, First Ward Study Area, dated November 14, 2013, last revised December 16, 2013” prepared by Burgis Associates, Inc. was presented to the Board; WHEREAS, the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D – 26, authorizes the Planning Board to issue a report and recommendation to the governing body recommending that an area be designated as in need of redevelopment or rehabilitation. WHEREAS, after a public hearing held on December 19, 2013, the following initial findings of facts were made, to wit: 1. Donna Holmqvist, AICP, PP, of Burgis Associates, Inc. testified and presented the study entitled, “Area in Need of Rehabilitation Investigation, First Ward Study Area, dated November 14, 2013, last revised December 16, 2013”, which Study is made a part of the record herein. WHEREAS, as a result of this process, Ms. Holmqvist testified the Study shows that the area identified therein is in need of rehabilitation. WHEREAS, the Study was explained to the public and the public had an opportunity to comment, ask questions and be heard with regard to these issues and provide their input. WHEREAS, from the submissions made to the Planning Board, the testimony and evidence presented including the testimony and evidence of all interested parties and based upon the entire record, the following further findings of facts and conclusions of law were made: 1. All of the initial findings of facts as set forth in paragraph 1 through 3 and the “WHEREAS” paragraphs are hereby incorporated by reference herein as further findings of facts. 2. The Planning Board has determined that the area identified in the Study is in need of rehabilitation, 3. The Planning Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the City to recommend that the area depicted in the Study be declared an area in need of rehabilitation.  4. The Planning Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to adopt this Resolution and clearly state that this Resolution shall be, and hereby is, the report of the Planning Board as required by law, to the City Council and the Garfield Redevelopment Agency containing the Planning Board’s recommendation regarding the adoption of the Study and recommending that the area be declared an area in need of rehabilitation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Board of the City of Garfield that, based upon the foregoing findings of facts and conclusions of law, including all testimony and evidence presented at the hearing and based upon the reports submitted to the Planning Board, that it is hereby recommended to the City Council and Garfield Redevelopment Agency that it adopt the Study prepared by Burgis Associates, Inc., entitled, “Area in Need of Rehabilitation Investigation, First Ward Study Area, dated November 14, 2013, last revised December 16, 2013” as set forth herein and that this resolution shall be considered the report of the Planning Board to the City Council and Garfield Redevelopment Agency as required by law and that the Planning Board recommends that the area delineated in the Study be declared an area in need of rehabilitation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution will be published in the official newspapers of publication of the Planning Board of the City of Garfield.  SANTO T. ALAMPI Attorney/Secretary for the Planning Board City of Garfield Jan. 13, 2-014-Fee:$120.02(127) 3623657


Public Notice ID: 20958016.HTM
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