Sayreville Waterfront Redevelopment Area To See Some Action

Public Notice:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Sayreville Seaport Associates, L.P., (the “Applicant”) has applied to the Borough of Sayreville Planning Board (the “Board”) for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision and Site Plan Approval, for Block 62.02, Lots 20 &, 22, Block 257, Lots, 3.04 & 3.052, Block 257.01, Lots 1, 1.01, 1.10, 4, 5, 6 & 30.12, Block 257.02, Lot 1 and Block 275.02, Lot 1. The subject Property is located in the Sayreville Waterfront Redevelopment Area and contains a total tract area of approximately 311 acres. The subject Property is also known as Parcel “C”, NL Industries, Inc., main plant parcel, and shown on sheets 90 & 91 of the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Sayreville. Parcel “C” is bounded on the north by the Garden State Parkway, on the west by Raritan River, on the east by Main Street Extension and on the south by the Middlesex County Utilities Authority Sewage Treatment Plant. The Applicant proposes to subdivide Block 257.02, Lot 1 to create an approximate 20 acre Lot to construct and develop a Bass Pro Retail Shop along with associated site improvements. The Retail Center will consist of a 205,243 square foot building with 1,125 parking spaces. The Bass Pro Shop Retail Center will offer for sale hunting, fishing, and camping and related outdoor recreation merchandise. Among the design waivers requested by the Applicant are those waivers for 1) the use of AWWA C900 and C905 PVC plastic pressure pipe for all water system mains, 2) waiver from the requirement that all drainage conveyance systems shall be sized for the 25-year storm and permit the temporary outflow pipes from the retention pond to be sized for a 10-year storm, 3) a waiver from the requirement that the maximum height of all freestanding lights should not exceed the height of the principle building or twenty-five (25′) feet, whichever is less and permit the proposed parking lot lighting to be twenty-seven (27′) feet,4) a waiver from the requirements the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan that all sidewalks shall be set back a minimum office (5′) from all buildings where the proposed plan depicts that a majority of the sidewalk areas around the proposed building do not comply with this requirement, 5) a waiver from the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan of the on-site circulation requirements where the applicant proposes that tractor-trailer delivery vehicles and garbage recycling vehicles utilize the main entrance driveway and the main driveway along the front of the building to access the proposed loading area and dumpster locations at the southeast corner of the proposed building, 6) a waiver from the requirements of Ordinance of the Borough of Sayreville section 26-98.1 b.1. requiring hairpin striping for all parking stalls where the applicant proposes straight parking lines with no hairpins, 7) a waiver from the requirements that chain link fencing without screening and/or landscaping is not permitted where the applicant proposes to construct a temporary security fence to be removed upon development of the adjacent properties and 8) a waiver from the requirements that a minimum of one-half (0.5) foot-candle lighting intensity shall be maintained throughout the cartway area, with a maximum to minimum illumination ratio not to exceed 4:1 where the applicant proposes lighting along both Chevalier Avenue and Loop Road East which does not meet this requirement.
In addition, the Applicant is seeking such other and further approvals, relief, permits, variances and/or waivers as may be necessary or deemed appropriate by the Board.
The Sayreville Planning Board will hold a hearing on this application on Wednesday, February 5, 2014, at 7:30 p.m., in the Sayreville Municipal Building, 167 Main Street, in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor, Sayreville, New Jersey, at which time you may appear, either in person or by agent or attorney, and present any comments you may have regarding this application.
The application, documents and maps for which approvals are sought are on file in the office of the Planning Board located at 167 Main Street, 2nd floor, Sayreville, New Jersey, and may be inspected by interested persons during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
David B. Himelman Attorney at Law, LLC, Attorney for Sayreville Seaport Associates, L.P (Applicant) Dated: January 22, 2014 ($63.18) 974427  
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