Belleville Board of Ajustment will hear Application For Mixed Use

Public Notice:

PUBLIC NOTICE BELLEVILLE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Please take notice that 258-260 Washington Avenue, LLC, has made application to the Belleville Board of Adjustment requesting the granting of preliminary and final major site plan approval for the construction of a mixed (residential and retail) use building, with two (2) retail spaces and seventeen (17) residential units, and related improvements on the property identified as Block 8701, Lot 10 on the official tax map of the Township of Belleville, located at 258-260 Washington Avenue, in the Township of Belleville. The application requests the granting of use, density, height and bulk variance relief from the Belleville Zoning Board of Adjustment. The variance relief includes, without limitation, the development of a mixed (residential and retail) use building in the B-C Zoning District, permitting the density of seventeen residential units, exceeding the maximum height limitations, and from the Township parking requirements for residential uses contrary to the Township Ordinances, along with any and all other variance and waiver relief required by the Board,  The Zoning Board of Adjustment will conduct a public hearing to obtain testimony on the application at which time you may appear and give testimony. The hearing will take place during a public meeting of the Board, which will be called to order at 7:00 P.M. on the 7th day of August, 2014, at 152 Washington Avenue, Belleville, New Jersey, second floor (Court Room), at which time you may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney, and present any objections which you may have to the granting of this application. Plans, maps and documents pertaining to this application are available to the public for inspection during regular business hours at the office of Planning and Development, 152 Washington Avenue, Belleville, New Jersey 7/23/2014 $91.64  
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