Jersey City Planning Board Reviews and Approves a Plethera of Projects

Public Notice:

  JERSEY CITY PLANNING BOARD  PUBLIC NOTICE REGULAR MEETING    Please take notice the Planning Board took the following action at the Regular Meeting of July 22, 2014.   1. Call to Order  2. Sunshine Announcement  3. Roll Call  4. Swear in Staff  5. Contractual Services for New Board Attorney  6. Correspondence:  7. Old Business:   a. Case: P12-041.1  Administrative Amendment  Applicant: 70-90 Columbus Holding Co., LLC  Attorney: Charles H. Harrington, Esq.  Review Planner: Maryann Bucci-Carter, PP AICP  Address: 70-90 Columbus Drive  Block: 20103 Lot: 53  Zone: Exchange Place North Redev. Plan; Riverview District  Description: Sidewalk, Plaza and canopy design adjustments  Decision: Approved.   b. Case: P13-021 Extension – Minor Subdivision  Applicant: AHM Housing Associates IV, LLC  Attorney: Jennifer Carillo-Perez  Review Planner: Kristin Russell  Address: 320 Duncan Avenue  Block: 14601 Lot: 22, 23, 26, 36  Zone: R-3 Multi-family  Description: Four existing lots to be reconfigured into four new lots.  Approved May 21, 2013. Applicant is requesting an extension to  the time needed to file caused by other agencies.  Decision: Approved.   8. New Business:   9. Case: P14-032  Minor Site Plan Parking Signage  Applicant: PKG Associates, LLC  Attorney: Charles H. Harrington, Esq.  Review Planner: Maryann Bucci-Carter, PP AICP  Address: 50 & 66 Columbus Drive  Block: 13003 Lot: 1, C001 & C002  Zone: Exchange Place North Redevelopment Plan; Riverview District  Description: Parking signage, International “P”  Decision: Approved.   10. Case: P14-028  Preliminary and Final Site Plan (Triangle Park)  Applicant: Liberty Harbor holding, LLC  Attorney: Marjorie M. Mocco, Esq.  Review Planner: Maryann Bucci-Carter, PP AICP  Address: Regent Street (between Jersey Avenue & Liberty View Drive)  Block: 20103 Lot: 53  Zone: Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment Plan  Description: Design of Road and Block 3 triangular Park and the remaining portion of Liberty View Drive up to Light Rail Crossing.  Decision: Approved with conditions.   11. Case: P13-004  Interim Use  Applicant: Sayed Aly  Attorney: Nicholas Cherami  Review Planner: Jeff Wenger  Address: 717 Grand Street  Block: 17202 Lot: 5.01  Zone: Morris Canal Redevelopment Plan  Description: Interim use for open air car storage lot.  Decision: Denied.   12. Case: P14-013  Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan  Applicant: McGinley Square Development Urban Renewal Company LLC  Attorney: Eugene Paolino  Review Planner: Jeff Wenger  Address: 688-700 Montgomery Street  Block: 13504 Lot: 3  Zone: McGinley Square East Redevelopment Plan  Description: Construction of new 21 story mixed use building with 579 residential units,  717 parking spaces, and 100,146 square feet of retail and cinema.  Carried to August12, 2014 Regular meeting   13. Case: P14-024.1  Amended Preliminary & Final  Major Site Plan/Deviation  Applicant: Rohit and Jita Shah  Attorney: Ronald Shaljian  Review Planner: Jeff Wenger  Address: 804 Newark Ave.  Block: 7805 Lot: 19  Zone: Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment Plan  Deviation: Maximum building height.  Decision: Approved.   14.Case:P14-025  Minor Subdivision/Deviations  Applicant: Jeremaia LLC  Attorney: Charles Harrington  Review Planner: Kristin Russell  Address: 175 Second St aka 380-382 Marin Blvd.  Block: 11502 Lot: 1  Zone: Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan  Description: Subdivision of one lot into two lots  Deviations: parking, side yard, lot coverage, lot area  Decision: Approved.   15. Case: P14-004.1  Amendment to Final Site Plan (phase 2)  Applicant: 160 First Street Urban Renewal, LLC  Attorney: Charles Harrington  Review Planner: Jeff Wenger  Address: 160-168 First St.,169-173 Second St., 376-378 Marin Blvd & 175 Second Street  Block: 11502 Lots:1, 2, 3 ,9,10, 11 13 & 14  Zone: Powerhouse Arts District Redevelopment Plan  spaces, and 1,062 sf of additional retail space.  Decision: Approved.   20. Memorialized the following resolutions available for review at the Office of City Planning at 30 Montgomery Street, Suite 1400, 14the flr. Jersey City, NJ.   1. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City Approving and Authorizing the Appointment of Legal Counsel for the Planning Board to Florio & Kenny, LLP (Edward J. Florio) for the period beginning July 22, 2014 through December 31, 2014.  2. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City Approving Preliminary & Final Site Plan with Deviations # P13-91 submitted by 12th Street Jersey City, LLC ( 221 Twelfth Street).  3. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City Approving Preliminary and Final Site Plan with a Deviation # P10-047 submitted by Pacific 312, LLC (312-314 Pacific Avenue).  4. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City Approving Administrative Amendments to Final Site Plan # P13-053.1 submitted by 360 Ninth St, LLC ( 364 Ninth Street).  5. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey city Approving Preliminary & final Site Plan # P14-023 submitted by Stolar Capital 3 (137 Monticello Avenue).  6. Resolution of the Planning Board of the city of Jersey City Approving Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan # P06-141.1 submitted by Nams Developers, Inc. ( 220 Pine Street).  7. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City approving Preliminary & final Site Plan # P12-077 submitted by MCA 328 Property Holding Co., LLC ( 795-803 Jersey Avenue)  8. Resolution of the Planning Board of the City of Jersey City Approving Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan with Deviations # P06-124.1 submitted by Newport Associates Development Co. (270 Tenth Street- “The Embankment House”).   21. Executive Session, as needed, to discuss litigation, personnel or other matters   22. Adjournment   CHRISTOPHER LANGSTON, CHAIRMAN, PLANNING BOARD  07/31/14 $146.08  
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