Brick to Determine if Foodtown site Meets Redevelopment Qualifications

Public Notice:

TOWNSHIP OF BRICK ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRICK AMENDING THE METEDECONK VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, by Resolution dated May 1, 2007, the Township Council of the Township of Brick (the “Council”) directed the Brick Township Planning Board (the “Planning Board”) to undertake a preliminary investigation of an area designated as Block 702, Lots 30 & 31 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Brick (the “Study Area “), which was formerly known as the Foodtown site, to determine if said area qualified as an “area in need of redevelopment” based on the criteria set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (the “Redevelopment Law”); and WHEREAS, in accordance with procedures established in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6, the Planning Board held a public hearing on July 18, 2007 to discuss the findings of a preliminary investigation report concerning the Study Area and received public comment thereon, and by Resolution dated July 24, 2007, the Planning Board determined that the Study Area satisfied the statutory criteria and recommended that the Council designate the area as one in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Council accepted the Planning Board’s recommendation and, by Resolution dated August 7, 2007, designated the Study Area as one in need of redevelopment (hereinafter, the “Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area”); and WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 the Council directed the Planning Board to prepare a redevelopment plan governing redevelopment of the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area, and on May 14, 2008, the Planning Board transmitted to the Council its proposed redevelopment plan for the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area, and WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 on June 10, 2008, pursuant to Ordinance 27-08, the Council adopted the redevelopment plan for the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area being the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Plan (the “Redevelopment Plan”), and WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7 on May 3 2011, pursuant to Ordinance 14-11, the Council adopted an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area to revise certain Land Use Regulations and Building Requirements, and WHEREAS, the Council has determined to amend the Redevelopment Plan in order to encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area by removing residential uses as a permitted use and attendant regulations from the Redevelopment Plan as set forth in the proposed amendment to the Redevelopment Plan as attached hereto as EXHIBIT A (the “Proposed Amendment”); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Brick as follows:

1. The Amendment to the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Plan, which shall be available for public examination in the Office of the Township Clerk during normal business hours, shall govern the redevelopment of the area designated as Block 702, Lots 30 and 31 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Brick, also referred to as the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area, and is hereby adopted.

2. The zoning district map of the Township’s Land Development Ordinance is hereby amended to reflect the applicability of the Amendment to the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Plan, to the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area.

3. The Amendment to the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Plan shall supercede the Township’s Land Development Ordinance as it affects the Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Area and shall supercede and replace the existing Metedeconk Village Redevelopment Plan as adopted by Ordinance 27-08 and as amended by Ordinance 14-11.

4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency.

5. This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days following final passage and shall be published as required by law.

NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and passed by the Township Council on first reading at a meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Brick held on the 20th day of January, 2015, and will be considered for second reading and final passage at a regular meeting of the Township Council to be held on the 3rd day of February, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at the Municipal Building, located at 401 Chambers Bridge Road, Brick, New Jersey, at which time and place any persons desiring to be heard upon the same will be given the opportunity to be so heard. LYNNETTE A. IANNARONE TOWNSHIP CLERK JOHN G. DUCEY MAYOR ($134.25)

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