Medical Offices Proposed in Readington Requiring Use Variance

Notice Content

TOWNSHIP OF READINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday, July 21, 2016, at 7:30 p.m., the Township of Readington Zoning Board of Adjustment (“Board”), in the main meeting room of the Township of Readington Municipal Building, 509 Route 523, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889, will hold a hearing on the application (“Application”) of AOG East Real Estate, LLC (“Applicant”), which seeks preliminary and final major site plan approval, use variance approval, bulk variance approval, design standard exception approvals, and checklist waiver approvals (collectively, the “Approvals”) for property located at 3494 Route 22, Somerville, NJ 08876, and identified in the Township of Readington Tax Assessment records as Block 15, Lot 19 (“Property”). The Property is approximately 5.891 acres in area and is located in the PO Professional Office Zone and the AR Agricultural Residential Zone. The Applicant requests the Approvals in order to demolish the existing bank building on the Property and replace it with a medical office building. As part of the Application, the Applicant requires two use variances: (1) a variance from Section 148-22.1 of the Township of Readington Land Development Ordinance (“Ordinance”) to permit a medical office use where a medical office use is otherwise not permitted; and (2) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-22.2A to permit a septic system reserve area for medical office use where otherwise not permitted. The Applicant requests the following bulk variances from the Ordinance: (1) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-116.6 to permit signs where the sign faces are not back-to-back, have greater than 18 feet between the signs, and are not oriented 180 degrees from each other, as otherwise required; (2) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-116.10 to permit a freestanding sign height of 9.5 feet where a maximum sign height of 8 feet is otherwise permitted; (3) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-52 to permit a fence with a height of 6 feet in the side yard where a maximum fence height of 4 feet is otherwise permitted; (4) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-70.D to permit one-way access drives approximately 22′ in width where a maximum of 16 feet is otherwise permitted; (5) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-21.1.E(4) to retain the existing front yard setback of 97 feet where a maximum of 60 feet is otherwise permitted; (6) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-15.E(1)(a) to retain the existing lot size in the AR zone to remain as it is below the minimum otherwise required; and (7) a variance from Ordinance Section 148-15.E(1)(g) to retain the existing lot circle setback in the AR zone to remain where it is below the minimum otherwise required. The Applicant requests the following design standard exception from the Ordinance: a design standard exception from Ordinance Section 148-76 to permit concrete curb (existing and proposed) where Belgian block curbing is otherwise required. In addition, the Applicant requests several waivers from the preliminary major site plan, final major site plan, and variance checklist requirements set forth in the Ordinance. While the Applicant believes that the Application is otherwise in conformance with the Ordinance, it hereby requests any waivers, variances, deviations, amendments and/or exceptions from the Ordinance as may be deemed necessary for this Application. Copies of all plans and related documents submitted to date concerning the Application are on file at the Board office, located at the Township of Readington Municipal Building, 509 Route 523, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889, and are available for inspection by the public during normal business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, holidays excepted. At the hearing, any interested person or persons shall have the opportunity to be heard, either in person or by attorney, and present any statement and/or evidence they may have with respect to the Application. Kevin J. Moore, Esq. Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. 600 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540 Attorneys for the Applicant Telephone: 609-227-4600 ($62.35)

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