Bergen County Improvement Authority

Bergen County Improvment Authority Authorizes $276 Million Revenue Bond

Public Notice:

BERGEN COUNTY IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY  Notice of Adoption of Bond Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds  (Meadowlands Economic Redevelopment Project -ERGG), Series 2014   Notice is hereby given that the Bergen County Improvement Authority (“Authority”), at a meeting of the commissioners thereof held on February 6, 2014, adopted a bond resolution (“Resolution”) authorizing the issuance of Revenue Bonds (Meadowlands Economic Redevelopment Project – ERGG), Series 2014, in the aggregate principal amount of up to $276,000,000, for the purposes of financing a portion of the costs of the development, design, construction, furnishing and equipping of a project consisting of the construction and development of an indoor amusement park and indoor water park and the construction of approximately 2.7 million square feet of entertainment, recreation and retail facilities.  Copies of the Resolution have been filed in, and are available for public inspection at, the offices of the Authority, One Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, New Jersey, and of the Clerk of the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders, One Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, New Jersey. Any action or proceeding of any kind or nature in any court questioning the validity or proper authorization of the bonds provided for by the Resolution, or the validity of any covenants, agreements or contracts provided for by the Resolution, shall be commenced or instituted within twenty (20) days after March 28, 2014, the date of the first publication of this notice. If no such action or proceeding shall be commenced within such period, then all residents or taxpayers or owners of property in the County and all other persons whatsoever shall be forever barred and foreclosed from instituting or commencing any action or proceeding in any court, or from pleading any defense to any action or proceedings, questioning the validity or proper authorization of such bonds, or the validity of such covenants, agreements or contracts, and said bonds, covenants, agreements and contracts shall be conclusively deemed to be valid and binding obligations in accordance with their terms and tenor. BERGEN COUNTY IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY BY: Bernadette Losito, Assistant Secretary  March 28, 2014-fee:$56.70 (60)
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