Ford Avenue Redevelopment Agency

Milltown Looks for Special Council for Redevelopment Area

Public Notice:

BOROUGH OF MILLTOWN PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Notice is hereby given that the Borough of Milltown (the “Borough”) will be seeking qualifications for the provisions of certain professional and extraordinary un-specifiable services. The qualifications are being sought as part of a fair and open process being undertaken by the Borough pursuant to N. J. S. A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq. Responses to provide the services will be received by the Borough at their office, Milltown Municipal Building, 39 Washington Avenue, Milltown, New Jersey until 10:00 a.m. prevailing time on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at which time the responses will be publicly opened and the name of the responder shall be read aloud. Qualifications will be accepted for the following: SPECIAL COUNSEL – MILLTOWN FORD AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Milltown Ford Avenue Redevelopment Agency is seeking Special Counsel for legal services for its redevelopment activities. The minimum threshold criteria that will be utilized for the evaluation of the responses shall be as follows: a) Licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey for a mini- mum of five (5) years; b) Evidence of professional liability insurance; c) Representation of governmental entities in the field of redevelopment, with particular emphasis on municipal improve- ment authorities, for a minimum of three (3) years; and d) Knowledge of the Borough and its operations. In addition to the criteria set forth above, all responses must include the following; a) Full name and business address b) List of licensed professionals employed. c) Confirmation of authority to do business in the State of New Jersey and d) List of public entities served by business entity including dates of service. Responses shall be reviewed by the Milltown Borough Clerk according to the above criteria. The Borough Clerk shall recommend to the Ford Avenue Redevelopment Agency, selection of the professional or business entity for the position so advertised and the Agency shall confirm or approve such recommendation by resolution. Individuals and/or firms are to submit two (2) copies of their responses to: Michael Januszka, Milltown Municipal Clerk, 39 Washington Avenue, Milltown, New Jersey 08850. Questions concerning this notice may be directed to Michael S. Januszka, at 732-828-2100 x181. ($51.04)
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